

"We will put you and Lindon inside the car with your arms tied up!" Arriene continued to speak.

"Come to think of it, How would Lindon control the steering wheel if his arms are tied behind his back?! And if he can't control the steering wheel, what would happen to his car?! Arriene looked so excited of what would happen next!

"Obviously his car would lost control!" Arriene answered her own question.

"Hahaha!!" She laughed evilly as if she had already foresee Kresha and Lindon's tragic death!

"That's how the two of you would die! The car would lost it's control and once it hit something, the explossive device that we implanted in his car would explode!"

"Bbaanngg!" Arriene bulged her eyes as she looked at Kresha.

And then she tilted her head and looked at Jiron.

"And as for you brother?" She started to walk closer to her brother.

"I am the only family that is left to you." She said while playing the gun with her hands.

"So no one would notice if you will suddenly disappear! I can just kill you and bury you anywhere!" Arriene said to Jiron.

She stopped in front of him and aimed the gun to Jiron again.

"Arriene stop this!" Jiron's gaze sharpened.

"You shut up!" Arriene presses her gun on Jiron's chest.

"You're crazy!" Jiron said in between his gritted teeth.

"Yes I am!" Arriene replied. "And because I'm crazy, I'm gonna kill the three of you tonight!"

"You can't do that!" Jiron replied coldly.

" Of course I can!" Arriene confidently said.

"No!" Jiron refused and then he look at the two big men who are holding Kresha. "Men! Release her now!" He commanded.

"Uh, uh! Don't ever dare to move!" Arriene averted her gun from Jiron to Kresha. " ONE. WRONG. MOVE! And she will die!" She threatened them.

"Hahahaha!!" Suddenly, Lindon started to laugh from behind her.

Arriene knitted her brows, she turned, and glared at Lindon." What's so funny?!" She asked with her raised brows.

Lindon looked at Arriene and tried to get up from the floor. But Jack and Rion prevent him from getting up.

Lindon slapped Jack and Rions arms. "Do you really think that you would succeed to your evil plans Arriene?" Lindon asked with sacasm.

Arriene raised her chin and replied, "Of course I can!"

"I'm afraid not!" Jiron replied and smirked.

And then the ten big men suddenlly aimed their guns to Jack, Rion and Arriene!

The three of them froze...

Kresha was confused too! What is going on? The two big men who are holding her earlier freed her arms! Kresha knitted her brows. She just stand their and she don't know what to do!

Arriene was not able to move!

She was surprised by her men's sudden action towards her. "What are you guys doing?!" She yelled at them. " Take away your guns from me!" She commanded.

"Put your gun down and freeze!"

Suddenly a middle aged man popped out of nowhere!

He aimed his gun towards Arriene.

Arriene was even more surprised! She glared at the man and asked," Who are you?!"

"Police officer Carl Liu!" Officer Liu raised his I.D to show it to Arriene. "Now, put your gun down!" He commanded.

"No!" Arriene still refused to surrender, she looked at the ten big men and yelled." What are you guy's doing? Shoot him now!"

But the ten big men did not move as if they did nit hear anything!

No! What is going on?! They are supposed to follow my command! Arriene thought.

Why did they aimed their guns towards me? And this officer Liu? Where did he came from? How did he get in here? How did he know this place?

It's only her, Jack, Rion, those ten big man and Jiron knew this place---

Arriene froze, Jiron! And then a sudden realization popped out in her mind!

No! Could it be that....

That he tricked me?!

" Arriene please, put your gun down! " Jiron tried to convince Arriene.

"No!" She yelled. "You! You tricked me, right?!" Arriene's eyes bulged due to her anger towards her brother.

"Are you really my brother?!" Arriene questioned him. "How could you choose to side on my enemy instead of choosing to side on your own sister!" Arriene is so mad! Her breathing increased and she feel like she would explode due to her anger!

"Put your gun down! They might shoot you!" Jiron did not mind what Arriene said.

He knew that his sister would gone mad at him if she discovered his betrayal and he understand her.

But this is the only way to stop her from doing this unlawful thing!

"They can shoot me if they want! I don't care! I would better die than to go to jail!" Arriene angrily replied.

" But I will bring her along to hell! She is the reason why you choose to betray me! You choose this woman over your own sister! So if I'll die, she will die too!" Arriene aimed the gun to Kresha and then she slowly press the trigger!

Kresha's eyes went wide open!

Her heart beats fast!

And no matter how she hide her fright, she can't still hide her paled face!

Lindon and Jiron's eyes went wide open!

Their mouth are slightly opened!

"Bbaanngg!" And then a sudden gunshot could be heared inside the warehouse.

Everybody was shocked!

Specially Lindon and Jiron! They thought that Kresha was shot!

Their world seemed to stop!


To their surprise! It was Arriene who cried!

Arriene felt a sharp pain in her arms! She release her gun and let it drop on the floor!

She look at her arm and saw a blood started to trickle down!

Arriene slumped on the ground.

I was shot! Arriene panicked!

Fortunately the bullet grazed the side of her arm, so she was not seriously injured!

Arriene tried to crawl to pick her gun but suddenly....

"Kick!" Someone kick it into a distance.

Arrriene look up and saw Officer Liu!

"Freeze!" Officer Liu said.

It's almost the end... But I am thinking a new concept for my next novel.. hope my readers will still support me... :)

Littlebutterflycreators' thoughts