"Its finally time" a white haired guy with an eye patch on his left eye said.
"Are you sure about this decision master?" ask by one of the five old man sitting infront the said guy earlier.
"It's a thing i have already decided long ago. and beside haven't i made it clear long before, never ask, just do what your ordered to do.
"Im absolutely 'Zayn-sama' " Replied by same old guy with a respectful tone.
"Good" the white haired guy replied as the corner of his mouth curved.
Yeah they are Zayn and the Four emperor, having a meeting.
"Anyways as i was saying, while im gone i want you guys to maintain the world peace like you guys always does but no violence this time." Zayn said in a serious face and a formal tone.
"Well only for those that has do nothing and were innocent. you guys will still punish to those lawless scum." He added while still maintaining his serious face and formal tone.
"we'll complete it exactly the same as how the Supreme king ordered." an old man with a royal hair style and a cane reply this time.
"Oh and one last thing, never and ever mention my name to the marines. even that Kong guy" zayn said as he don't want his information getting spread.
"Instead even if your talking in private, just use a codename."
"What sort of codename zayn-sama?" Ask by the one with a really long hair and beard.
"hmmm..... Aha! just use the codename Zero." zayn snap his finger and answer.
"Yes Zero-sama" All of them said with formal tone.
"good good, now your dismiss" zayn said while waving his hands in a 'go away' sign.
'Hehehe it's finally time for the whole world to know and fear my name!' Zayn thought then release an evil smirk that turned into an laugh
"MWUAHAHAHAHA" he laugh like a madman scientist that's finally discovered why earth is flat. (Sikes!)
(1 hour later)
Currently on a dock on Mary Geiose, there are a big black ship and a five people could be seen.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, i present to you the ship that will carry us to the whole world. the 'Black Pearl' " Zayn excitedly said while pointing at the big ship infront of them.
(Click for Image)
The Black Pearl was an infamous pirate ship, originally named the Wicked Wench. ... With sails as dark as a moonless night, and a hull painted to match, this legendary ship of the seven seas was every inch a pirate vessel. Built for action, this ghost ship could outsail any other sailing vessels.
Zayn bought this in the system as it was said to be the fastest ship ever built. and it was cool too.
"It's cool" toru reply with neutral voice.
"Mhmm" Yu express his agreement.
"It's sick!!" Lorelei say with enthusiasm as her eyes Sparkles.
"It's beatiful." Ava comment as she was the first to ride the ship.
"Hey! that's cheating!" Lorelei yelled at ava as she also ride the ship.
"well maybe you should be fast next time." Ava retorted as they started to brawl.
"hey girls, stop fighting now shall we, atleast not today as it's a special day." toru calmed them both down.
meanwhile the two girls was having their small fight, Zayn stood at the crow nest as he keep admiring the sea infront of them.
"Toru! lift the anchor, Ava at the helm." he ordered as he interrupted the small scene.
"yes captain"(2x) Toru and Ava replied then they started to do their selective task.
"Lorelei come up here at the crow nest, you'll scout if there are nearby ships." zayn said then jump down to the top of the bowsprit where the figurehead was.
"Yes Captain!" she replied as she started climbing up to the crow nest.
After a while everyone was already in position except for a single one.
"What about me?" Yu ask which everyone to turned their heads toward his direction.
*cough* " well you could.....umm sleep? " zayn answer.
"I'll cook if you wa-" Yu was about to finish speaking when he was interrupted.
"HELL NO!!!!" the five of them yelled as they remember eating yu's cook food and it can make shit taste good. hell, even toru a devil fruit user said that the devil fruit taste better than it.
"Ehem... well you could train?" Zayn broke the silence.
"Hmm.... yeah I'll just sleep" Yu replied then walk directly to cabin as he slam the cabin's door.
"See what you did!" Lorelei blame Ava.
"What do you mean me?! it was clearly your fault that Yu walk out like that!." Ava retorted.
"it was you that the one at fault here!"
"No it's your fault!"
"no it's you!"
"Stop!!" zayn interjected their girl's war.
"were all at fault here okay. stop blaming each other." he reprimanded the two girls.
"Am i clear?!" Zayn said as the two girls just stay in silent and didn't day anything.
"Yes Captain!!"(2x) They both reply with a loud tone.
"good now back to your positions or else we might get lose. I'll talk to yu about it" he said and walk toward the cabin where yu was.
After a while of comforting. zayn walk out the cabin and walk toward the kitchen as he started cooking food. (I ain't gonna write that cheesy shit)
"Food is really!" Zayn yelled as he put the food in the table.
After just a little while, all four of them was arrive at the table, sat down and eat.
"not bad" Ava commented
"Hmm indeed" Lorelei reply
"it's good for an amateur cook" toru commented which causes vein to appeared in zayn's forhead.
"Then don't eat and cook for youself!" zayn said angrily then took away toru's food.
"Hey thats my food!" Toru also said angrily and pounce on zayn as they started to brawl.
*Baamm* zayn and toru heard a noise and turned their head to it's direction and saw ava slam her fist to the table.
"Sit and eat, qiuetly ok?" she said with gentle and angelic voice but for the two, it was of a demon's voice.
"Y-yes maam!"(2x) they both replied then quickly and sat down nervously then started devouring their food like it's life depends on it.
well it kinda did. but anyway after eating they all return to their task while yu started training.
meanwhile, Zayn was just leaning on the rail and staring at his reflection on the sea.
'so this is how it felt living in a sea huh?' he thought while realising a genuine smile.
'It's refreshing, no one tell you what to do. all you'll gotta do is go to where ever the waves get you' he continued speaking in his mind then climb at the figurehead and stare at the endless sea infront of him.
'My life is just starting!'
'i have decided-'
"This era shall belong to no one but me!" zayn yelled at the sea with eyes full of yearning for fame.
"The era of Zayn the celestial dragon is coming!!!"
author's note: tsk tsk tsk, zayn has gone mad. well anyways what do you think? i add a lot more interaction with the crew in this one as in the few past chapter. it was entirely focus on conquering Mary Geiose and Timeskip.
Drop Powerstone and some review arigathanks!!