
chapter 2 (Edited)

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

i was startled by the noise as i hear someone knock on the door.

"Come in" i said then the door open revealing girl with a maid dress and a big asset.

"Young master is there something wrong?" The maid ask yeet i think she heard me scream, damn that's embarrassing

" 'ehem' nothing is wrong elesa, is there something you need to me?" i said while faking my cough while using a cold tone so that they wouldn't doubt.

"Yes young master, it's time for your breakfast" she said as i just nodded and then we both make our way to the to where every my food was, on our way there's only one word what can describe my thought right now 'Grandiose'

after a while we finally reach our destination.

(i just dont know what you called that place)

i see a man and a woman eating in an etiquette manners which is prettty abnormal as on how a normal tenryuubito should act but i just shrugged it off as an idea hit me(like a wreaking ball👷)

'System buy me a skill which makes people extreme loyal to me without them knowing' i said with an evil smirk in my face about my plan for this island before i go to the sea.

[•Ding•...Purchase skill: (Slave Mark)= enslave the chosen target and make them extreme loyal to the host, can be use with a thought and can be seen as a mark or host can make invisible. The Marked Person could also enslave others as long as host gave permission.]

after seeing the skill i brought i could stop as an evil smirk appeared on my face while i look at my 'parents' and use it on them which after using it i could see a mix of devotion and admiration in their eyes HAHAHAHAHA.

after using it on my parents we didn't do anything else and just continue eating so others wouldn't notice. after a while we were finally done eating and the foods were world class, now i know why many celestial dragon is fat but not me cause i found that i has a very high metabolism.

after eating i go to my room not before ordering my 'parents' to also enslave other celestial dragon to which comply i mean they're enslave duh. when i got to my room which is pretty big ain't gonna lie i sit and start thinking about my plans for the. 'Project: Badassness'.

'Well first i need a strong body, that is a must as my physical strength,agility,endurance is on the level of an ordinary person only.' were the first thing problem that came into my mind but i already have a solution to that.

'System buy me a Skill that could strenghten my body'

[ <Limitless Potential Physique>: A physique that doesn't have limit of potential and could grow as long as host keeps on training. It could be a from fighting like three types of haki, Swordmanship, Rokushiki or just from normal things like cooking, navigating, etc.

<Beast Physique>: Can strengthen the host body to that of a beast and also gives host an extreme-speed regeneration and animal-like sense. (Warning: this physique has some side effect as it also limits your mind to that of a beast and there might be things that would grow into your body like horns, tails, etc.

<Bronze Skin>(skill)(growth): Give Host a strong and thick skin. can be upgrade up to BigMom level.

<Holy Body>: buy having this, you will be immune to disease, poison and curse( Devil fruit curse included.)] ( i ain't gonna list the price as it isn't needed.)

'Damn! Those are op as f*ck'

'System buy me Limitless Potential Physique, Holy Body, Bronze Skin' i said, i didn't brought the beast physique as i don't want my brain to be at a lvl of an animal.

[•Ding• Purchase successfully <Limitless Potential Physique,Holy Body, Bronze Skin]

After the system said that, i felt my a strange like energy going inside of my body. after that strange feeling i felt that my skin has become much stronger and a lot more healthier.



<Name>: Saint Heart Zayn

<Identity>:Celestial Dragon

<Title/Nickname>: None

<Physique>: Limitless Potential Physique

<Power Scale>: Paradise Pirate lv1


<100x Training Effect>

<Slave Mark>

<Conqueror Haki>=( One of three type of haki, also called a haki only one in a million have.) ]

after seeing my status, i was drumpstruck as from normal person i go to a paradise pirate.

well it wasn't strong but still.

new tab name physique where i could see my the limitless potential physique i just bought.

But the most shocking of all is WHY I HAVE CONQUEROR HAKI IN STATUS!!!

[•Ding• the host unlock it without knowing when you scream a little while ago as it feel your conviction and dedication.]

"I didn't know that there are my screaming earlier could unlock my Conqueror Haki but whatever, atleast its unlock now." i mumbled

"Yosh, Let's try it" i said while standing up. After i use it suddenly a force of wave knock everything off in my room, from furnitures to vases.

"i needed a little bit more practice with this" i mumbled.

"elesa! come here" i yelled as elesa walk through the door.

"Is there something you need from me Zayn-sama? " she ask while bowing infront of me.

"Clean the Room, I'll sleep in the guest room" i said while heading to where the guest room is from this body's memory.

after a while i arrive at the guest room, i walk straight to the bed and lay as i was wanna sleep.