
One Piece: The Uncrowned Emperor

Killed by truck-kun before his time was up, a young and painfully average okatu named Michael ends up reborn into the world of One Piece. In the Afterlife, he was granted his wish to control time and space, but the problem was that the angel granting his wish had forgotten to mention a thing or two... "Wait a minute... Why am I silvery blue and can't wear clothes?! I am not Dr. Manhattan!" Watch as Michael D. Saint unintentionally influences the Events of One Piece, travels this familiar jet unfamiliar world, grows his own Mercenary Company, builds a space station/ satelite cannon and conquers the hearts of three incredible women. ... For he will be Uncrowned Emperor... _______________________________________________ P.S. +Length: Average Chapter 1200~1500 Words; +Harem: Yes, but only three heroines introduced in the first three Volumes and no NTR. +Explicit Sexual Content: M/F; M/F/F; M/F/F/F; F/F; Bdsm; Shotacon; Large Dick; Big Breasts; Blow jobs; Creampie and the other good stuff for men and women of culture. +Regarding grammatical errors and spelling mistakes: Please keep in mind, that I am not as good as I would like to be with the english language but am working on it. Also I don't employ an editor since I am writing for free and fun. Disclaimers: -I do not own one piece. Please support the official release and understand, that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. - I am not taking money for my work so please don't expect regular updates.

Zibarn · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 10: Saving the country and the beauty in under a minute

""Okay, I guess it is just the four of us now ladies..." I commented, seeing Mr.4 already out for good embarrassingly so.

"What the fuck?!" Was all Miss Doublefinger could say, before I shortened the distance between the two of us, grap her wrist and use 'Rewind' on her.

Once more a Devil Fruit appeared at my feet, as I held a toddler. Using 'Fastforward' on her, I attempted something new, aimed her age minus 12h and wouldn't you believe it, I now held a true sleeping beauty in my arms.

Kick-teleporting her Devil Fruit away, I carefully placed a sleeping Miss Doublefinger on the ground before turning to Nico. "I am all for Foursomes, but you women would have to wear less clothes for that..."

That said, I teleported behind Robin and handcuffed her hands behind her back. Surprised she started struggling against them, until I whispered into her left ear. "... Stop I. Those are sea-stone handcuffs."

Pressing against my front, her bubbly ass cheeks stimulating my already half hard cock further, she silently murmured back. "... Good to now, I didn't expect you to have those kinds of preferences... I like it..."

"What the hell are you two doing?!" Suddenly interrupted Miss Merry Christmas the two of us, unaware that Robin was already unable to fight.


Meanwhile as I was taking care of the Baroque Agents, Luffy and Crocodile ended up fighting inside the inner Palace Gardens.

Seeing Luffy's water barrel shattered, Crocodile asked sarcastically. "How about this...?"

"If it is like this, I am different from last time because now I am..." Replied Luffy a  triumphant smile on his face.

Seeing Luffy's stretched belly, Crocodile shuddered. "You can't be serious..."

"... Water Luffy!" Stated Luffy, his belly proudly bouncing, before his belly started leaking.


Meanwhile up on the wall, I suddenly noticed the absence of both the unconscious Mr.4 and Miss Merry Christmas, Miss Doublefinger still asleep, just as Kuma arrived with Chopper.

"Perfect timing..." I told Kuma, before vanishing for a second and reappearing in the next with Nami and Cobra. Handing Nami over to Chopper I told the little elk, while pointing at the crosses "... I leave her and them in your care doc."

"Leave it to me." Chopper replied already fired up.

"Protect them..." I told Kuma, before addressing the King. "... Now, it is time for you to take us..." I grabbed Robin's handcuffs. "... to the place where 'THE TRUE HISTORY' is written."

Taken aback, Cobra asked. "Why do you want to see that thing?" "

Meanwhile Robin asked me. "What are you planning?"

"Doesn't matter." I calmly replied to both.

Meanwhile still unaware of Robin's incapacitated state, Crocodile told her. "Hurry up, Nico Robin! If you don't want to turn dry that is... I am freaking pissed!"

Surprised by Robin's name, Cobra asked suspicions. "Nico Robin?!"

"Just forget it and start moving." I told the King and he started leading us, just in time for the three of us to avoid both Crocodile's 'Mass Erosion' and the arriving Marines lead by Tashigi. With Kuma around I have no worries regarding the wounded Strawhats being arrested.

-It's good to have a Warlord of the Sea on your side. Maybe I can get that title when this is over...-


Royal Tomb; Alurbana; Alabasta Kingdom

Soon, we entered a lavish temple to the west of the palace and as Cobra pushed some hidden switch, a hidden set of stairs appeared descending into the ground.

"Hidden stairs?!" Asked Robin, visually impressed.

"The 'True History' is hidden down their..." Told Cobra her, before he told me, having realized some kind of connection between me and her. "... Normal people wouldn't know about this secret?!"

Having heard his comment, Robin told me. "The world is full of secrets even a big country's King like you wouldn't know a thing about."

"Ahm... Can you understand the 'True History'?" Asked the king visibly annoyed by her, as we climbed down the hidden staircase.

"Of course, that's why Crocodile made a deal with me and can't kill me..." Replied Nico just as Cobra shot me a suspicions stair. Some how noticing his look, Robin added. "... But that's not why this hunk here..." She gently rubbed by six pack abbs, narrowly missing my dick. "... is here. He just wants to fuck me, that's all..."

Shocked the king looked me up and down even more suspiciously.

"Hey, don't look at me lie that! I like woman with... personality." I replied pushing Nico forward.

"... There might also be some information about the 'Pluton' in this 'True History' that might interest him just like Crocodile..." Added Robin, before asking Cobra. "... Don't you think so?"

Ignoring her taunt, the king explained. "Ahm... The Alabasta Kingdom always protected it's true history and that's all we did."

"Hahaha... 'Protected'! Please, stop joking..." Commented Robin, just as we arrived at end of the stairs and entered the actual tomb, lavishly decorated with elaborate and colourful, carvings. "... Oh, wow such a huge place."

Pointing at the large and massive door at the other end of the hall, Cobra told us. "That thing is behind that door..."

"Thank you." I said to the king, as I pushed open said door and Robin and me entered the room behind.

But just as the two of us entered and I got to see my first Poneglyph, an beeping sound could be heard coming from Robin's wrist.

"30 seconds until the bomb goes of..." Explained Robin, just as I remembered the ticking bomb still residing inside the clockttower.

-Shit I forgot. Pell was killed in Rainbase.- Thought as I teleported back to the clockttower the next second.


Clockttower; City Centre; Alurbana; Alabasta Kingdom

Arriving inside the clockttower, I found the massive bomb made to destroy the city. Seeing the timer show '00:00:25', I slammed my two hands against it and tried to teleport. It being larger and far heavier than anything I had ever attempted to teleport with, I felt my mental power leave my mind at a rapid pace and the teleportation process took some more time and effort than I had expected.

Reading '00:00:15' I decided against telephoning to the open sea and instead aim for 15.000 meters above my current position.

-That should work, 5.000 above Skypea should still be just below the stratosphere.- I thought somehow remembering Skypea's elevation to be around 10.000 meters above ground.

Just as I red '00:00:05' I was able to teleport. With the clockttower's interior being replaced with a mostly empty dark void above and white clouds below me, I simply let go of the bomb as both of us took up speed as we dropped.

'00:00:00' was all I saw the moment I was hit by a wall of warmth, just as I returned to Robin and the Poneglyph.


Royal Tomb; Alurbana; Alabasta Kingdom

As such, the moment I returned, things were still happening, to me atleast, in slow motion.

So the moment the bomb exploded just below the atmosphere, I saw Crocodile in the process of burying a dagger in Robin's back saying in blurred slow motion. "... I... for... gi... ve... y... o... u..."

Instantly shifting myself in between Robin and the dagger, the dagger slammed into my chest, as soon as time returned to normal.

"OH, NOOOO!" I heared Robin shout the next moment, as I turned to her, my body having already lost all it's strength.

"Oh, aren't you two sweet..." Commented Crocodile sarcastically, just as sand started falling down from the ceiling. "... What?! The bomb shouldn't be going off already?!"

The next moment, just as I found myself on Robin's lab, the three of us heared Coba's voice. "... Hahaha, nothing big. I just removed a main pillar. Without it everything down there looses it's balance. Now all of you can die down their... In the name of Nefertari the 12th, I will never hand over my country!"

"Idiot... This can't stop me..." Commented Crocodile, just as he turned into sand and the tomb began to collapse.

Unfazed by everything happening around her, Robin pressed her head against mine and shedding rivers of tears for me. "Stupid... Why would you stop that blade for me?"

Scoffing out some blood, I forced out the words, in time for my body to lose all it's streng. "Because I love yo-..."

Mid sentence, I lost my last bit of strength and my body simply died in Robin's arms.

"I love you, too!"