

In the week since the pirate Alliance of the Terra Firma pirates, the Roaring Lion pirates, the Charging Rhinos, and the black Mamba pirates, left the frost Kingdom. They quickly took over two other kingdoms that had been embroiled in war against the Germa kingdom.

The Germa Kingdom was a kingdom of scientists, ruled by Judge Vinsmoke, that had sought dominion over all Kingdoms in the North.

On the Island of Slush, things appeared to be normal. The citizens enjoyed their everyday lives just like they should. The only difference is, now the king is working with the new rulers of the island.

" Is this really necessary?" King Pine asked.

" Don't ask questions." Jinshi told the man. In his service, he was placed as the guardian of this island. To ensure that things did not end up the same as the Frost Kingdom.

Along with him, was Goenma, who was the one who swayed King Pine to fall under them in the first place. Promising to protect the King from the same violence that the Frost Kingdom suffered. He stayed behind to ensure that Jinshi didn't screw things up as he did in the Frost Kingdom.

" Forgive my friend, king Pine. He doesn't know anything other than violence." Goenma said to the king.

" Father, these men..."

" Are of no concern to you my sweet. Think of them as business partners." Pine said to his young daughter.

Princess Benihime, was a woman of unbelievable beauty. Her beautiful black hair flowed freely down her back, with little care. Her skin was a smooth as a doll, her body was thick in all the right places. The way her beautiful red dress hugged each and every part of her curves would, drive even a woman insane with lust. And all of that was punctuated by a pair of beautiful, piercing, red eyes. Red eyes, as red as the most precious of rubies.

" Exactly, princess Benihime. We're just business partners of your father. And might I say you look rather lovely today." Goenma said to the young woman.

" Th-Thank you."

Goenma, being ever the gentlemen, placed a small kiss on the back of Benihime's hand.

" Ugh! This is so pathetic." Jinshi groaned. " Why did I have to get stuck here babysitting."

Goenma chuckled. " I believe I was the one who was sent to babysit you." Goenma told the man. " Young lady, how about you go out for a walk? Get some space from the castle. We still have some business to discuss. And if at all possible, I would like the chance to have some tea with you."

Princess Benihime, blushed lightly. The obvious attraction to the slightly older man was apparent.

" I'll... I'll think about it." Benihime told the man. " Are you going to be okay, father?"

" Of course, I'll be fine. Just leave us be for a bit. I'll come fetch you after we're done." King Pine said to the woman.

" Alright, father. Be safe." Princess Benihime bowed to her father before leaving the throne room.

" Thank whatever god, she's gone. That woman is annoying." Jinshi complained.

" Now, now Jinshi. That's not how a proper guest should speak about a lady. All things considered; she's been a pleasure." Goenma said to the man. " Now, King pine. About our arrangements. We're planning to go to war against the Germa. Those ships we asked for, and the men. Don't you think your people would benefit from helping us, just as much as we would? And it would mean keeping your people safe. I'm sure you know remember what happened in the Frost Kingdom?"

" I do. But you are asking me to send my people to a battle that they do not benefit from. How could I do such a thing?"

" Who's to say you will not benefit? The Germa are actively trying to take over the north completely. Eventually they will come for your homes as well. And then what will you do? It will be too late by that point, and we will not fight to defend you." Goenma told the man. " If you want your kingdom to remain at peace, as it is, then the best thing for you to do is to help us deal with Germa. Think about it." Goenma said to the man.

King Pine thought about it, long and hard. He hated being strong armed like this into a war he wanted nothing to do with. But as much as he might hate to admit it... The pirates were right.

Germa was becoming a problem more and more every day. There was no telling if or when they would show up at their shores.

" Alright. I understand." King Pine said to the man.

" Very good. Remember this will go a long way in protecting the peace of this island." Goenma told the man.

" Of course." King Pine replied.

" Finely. I've been getting tired just sitting in this office." Jinshi exclaimed. " I'm going out for a bit."

" We still need things tended to here." Goenma told the man.

" Then you take care of it. It seems like you know what you're doing, anyway." Jinshi stated. He put one foot on the windowsill of the throne room and jumped out of it without care.

Goenma sighed in frustration while watching the man leave.

" King Pine, forgive my colleague. He's not very big on tact." Goenma spoke.

" Why do you choose to work with a man like that? And better yet, why are you being so nice? Aren't you a pirate?" King Pine asked the man. " Ever since you first showed up in my throne room and defeated my knights, you have willingly chosen to spare my life, you've even gone out of your way to work with me."

" King Pine, just because I'm a pirate, doesn't mean I do not have my own morals. In this instance I believe it will be more beneficial for us to be partners, rather than for me to imply take your throne. One involves a profitable business venture. The other involves senseless violence. I am not a man that goes looking for trouble, nor do I take pleasure or relish in harming innocent people. As I have already told you, as long as we work together properly, then no one will suffer. And when no one is suffering, we all win." Goenma explained to the man.

King pine was glad to be dealing with Goenma compared to Jinshi.

Jinshi was an aggressively violent man and frightened him whenever he was in the room. But Goenma was different. He was always peaceful and calm.

" Well, as long as you hold to your promise. I will keep mine." King Pine stated.

" But of course. Now, let's continue. There is still much to discuss." Goenma told the man.


A little while later.

It had been a few hours since she had left the comfort of the tower. She had left to take a stroll through the forest near her city. It wasn't rare that she visited. In fact, she took frequent trips into the woods quite often. Especially when she needed to think. And now she needed to think more than ever. Ever since those new men showed up, her father had been on edge. She was beginning to feel worried.

" Maybe, I'm just overthinking things. I mean, father has changed advisors before. Yeah, that must be it. Right?" Benihime asked herself. She questioned whether or not everything would be alright, and she should. It isn't every day that two men show up out of the blue and start discussing things with the king. " I just hope father isn't getting into anything crazy."

Benihime continued her stroll through the forest, unaware of the shadows stalking her.

Eventually, Benihime came to a stop by a nearby river. The flowing water and the sound of the birds created a gentle and serene environment for Benihime to enjoy and relax.

Benihime sat down near the river, sitting on a fallen tree that had conveniently placed right beside the river.

" This place is always so nice around this time of the year. it sucks that there's only a few months where the island isn't covered in snow. And yet it's still cold. Oh well. Though it would be nice to visit somewhere with more sun." Benihime slipped her shoes off and stuck her feet into the water. " A girl can dream right?"

* Snap!

Benihime heard the sound of a snapping branch and quickly turned her head. " What was that?"

" Heh! Heh! Heh! Hey, young lady. If you want, I can take ya somewhere sunny." A man emerged from the woods.

" Yeah, I know a good place. That's nice and hot. Just come with us, and we'll show you one hell of a time."

A few more men started coming out of the woodworks.

" What do you people want." Benihime asked.

" Well... We just want your attention for just a minute... Ya know. See, you have something, and we want it. So, how about you just come along? Save us the trouble." The man spoke. He approached Benihime steadily and stuck his arm out to grab her.

Benihime started to panic as the men started to surround her. She had nowhere to go. She was surrounded.

* Shing!

" Huh?" It took a few seconds, but when the blood started spurting out, and the pain hit him, the man realized that his hand was missing.

" Now what's this? A group of armed men, surrounding a defenseless young lady?"

" Agh! Who the fuck are you?!" The man asked.

Goenma moved like a flicker and appeared next to Benihime. " Hello again, young lady. Your father asked me to come fetch you. Are you alright?" Goenma asked the woman.

" Y-Yes."

" I see. I'm glad to hear it. Now then. feel free to close your eyes. I'd hate for you to have to see this." Goenma told the lady.

" Hey who the fuck are you?!"

" Just a humble swordsman." Goenma spoke. He grabbed the hilt of his yellow and blue blade and started to pull it out.

" Get him, men! Kill that fucker! gah, my hand..."

Goenma took a deep breath and exhaled. " Lightning blade." With a single swipe of his blade, a large wave of blue lightning burst forward and sliced through the various bandits. Killing them all instantly. Goenma then quickly sheathed his bright blue blade and the moment the hilt hit the scabbard, the men all suddenly dropped to the ground.

Benihime, heard the sound of thunder in her ear, but was too scared to look and see what the noise was. However, when she felt herself being lifted off of the ground by another, she opened her eyes. Only to then see that she was being carried by goenma, as he leaped over the trees.

" Sorry about that. That must have been quite scary. But don't worry. It's all over now. So, what do you say we get you back home, huh?"

" O-Okay."

Goenma saved Benihime from the bandits that were trailing her.

While from afar, Jinshi watched.

" That surge of lightning just now... Goenma's showing off." Jinshi grinned at the prospect. " Well, it looks like even he's human after all. Maybe.... I wonder." Deep within his thoughts, Jinshi was already cooking another scheme.

What was going through that maniachal mind of his now....

To Be Continued!



Well there's another one down, guys. Let me know what you thought about it in the comments below.