
Sora vs Magra

Dadan and the others surrounded a clearing in the forest in the middle of the night, the moon basking the two figures in the center in a gentle glow.

Sora was standing straight, his arms resting alongside his body, his eyes serious as he looked at Magra. The latter was more relaxed smiling goofily at the other bandits who were asking him to go easy on Sora.

'Fools' Dadan gritted her teeth knowing damn well how strong her brother was.

"Can Sora fight?"

"Never saw him do anything else besides diving, exploring the forest, cooking and reading"

"He probably sucks"

The boys were by her side, their eyes wide with curiosity and concern. Luffy, Sabe and Ace had never seen Sora fight so they were wondering how would Sora face off against an adult.

"Magra!" Dadan's voice cut through the night, "don't hold back."

"Of course Boss", Magra gave a confident nod, but his eyes flickered with doubt considering he was fighting against a 12 years old kid.

Suddenly, Sora's voice rang out, [Soru] His form blurred as he vanished, only to reappear before Magra with outstretched fingers.


Magra barely swerved to his right, a line of blood trickling down his left cheek. His eyes widened in disbelief. 'How does he know Rokushiki?' he thought in surprise.


The boys gasped; to them, Sora seemed to have teleported in front of Magra.

Sora, not letting go of this opportunity tried to follow up with a Shigan from his other hand, but Magra dodged it by side stepping.

The onlookers watched as Sora unleashed a barrage of attacks. His movements were a symphony of power and precision, but Magra nimbly evaded each strike. Then Sora noticed - Magra's eyes were closed! His heart raced as he processed Magra's mysterious ability to anticipate his movements.

The boy's mouth hung open, luffy's was even on the floor. "Since when were they so strong!" Luffy Exclaimed in disbelief, and here he thought that their little group of three was the strongest.


"Ouch it hurts!" Luffy exclaimed while holding his head and looked at Dadan who glared at him. "Do you think your grandpa would let just anybody handle his grandsons?" she retorted.

Ace and Sabo's eyes open wide, realization dawning upon them, and looked at Dadan in disbelief, since Magra was already this strong, then Dadan as the boss, she ...

Dadan smirked seeing them so surprised by the strength of their little bandit groupe, they didn't hide it on purpose, they just never saw the need to. Besides the kids wanted to become pirates, so allowing them to handle the more "dangerous" tasks like hunting would allow them to grow stronger faster. Of course she would have liked to teach them directly, but Garp prohibited them from sharing any information on haki and the Rolushiki to outsiders.

As for Sora, well he's been trained by Garp every time he came over in secret. Although sora didn't want to become a Marine, Garp took a liking to his outgoing personality and decided to give him the means to protect himself in the future.

"Ahhh stop dodging if you're a man" Dadan looked as Sora shouted in frustration. He's been trying for 5 min to hit Magra but the latter's observation haki made it easy for him to dance around Sora's volley of attacks especially with anger starting to cloud Sora.

Sora halted. The clearing was silent except for the rustling leaves. His eyes bored into Magra. "Will you just stop?"

As Magra was about to reply, a blinding, ethereal azure light engulfed Sora, forcing everyone to shield their eyes.

"So cool!" Luffy exclaimed as the light dissipated.

"Yoroi no mi - Weapon Equip: Baal!" Sora's voice boomed through the forest. He brandished a sword wreathed in electric currents that danced around him like celestial ribbons.

In an instant, Sora vanished and reappeared in front of Magra, who tried to dodge. However, Sora was too swift.

[Thunder Wave] he intoned as electricity coursed from his foot to Magra, paralyzing him.

"Got ya!" Sora roared triumphantly, swinging his electrified blade down onto Magra. But instead of the expected impact, a metallic clang echoed. The young boy looked in horror as the older man just stood there, the blow seemingly doing no damage. Only Dadan and a few others could see the faint black energy around the spot where the sword and Magra made contact.

Sora stood frozen in shock, his sword still pressed against Magra's body. How did he...?



Magra appeared behind Sora, pointing his dagger at Sora's neck. "Sorry, Sora-chan," he murmured, "it's dangerous out there. Maybe in a few years."

Luffy, Ace, and Sabo were frozen in shock, their mouths hanging open. Then, Luffy broke the silence. "So cool!! Sora can use electricity!" he exclaimed.

"Why is he so strong?" Ace demanded, a hint of competitiveness creeping into his voice. He was always the strongest of their group, or so he thought.

Sabo looked at Sora curiously also wondering how their seemingly good for nothing (besides cooking) older brother was this strong.

"I..." Sora looked at his surroundings, his eyes unwilling. He looked at Dadan before he grumbled and shot off, disappearing from the clearing.

Dadan looks at the fleeing figure of Sora and sighs before silently vanishing as well making the three boys fall on their behind from shock.