
New life

As the light dies down around me i see the world is frozen in place. Must be the goddesses work so i can adjust before resuming time for me how thoughtful of her. as i look around me i notice right next to me is a red haired man with 3 scars going over his left eye with a straw hat and black cape on . This must be shank i must say he is cool looking i want to wear a cape like that maybe black with red trim. Oh the world seems to be resuming lets see whats how this goes man I'm so excited!


The door of the bar is kicked open and in walks a large group of bandits, Here we go "We are a group of mountain bandits i have a bounty of 8 million beli but don't worry we just want some boos and be on our way!" says a tall scraggly man with black hair , Do people just not shower in this world i can small him from here. Makino at the bar looks up"sorry we are all out of alcohol".

"Really? cause it looks to me these lousy pirates have plenty in there glasses to me?" sneers the leader of the group."Sorry pal seems me and my boys here drank the place dry here have this bottle its the last one we have" Shanks offers up with a smile a bottle of alcohol.*Smash*" you think one bottle will satisfy me and my men?" smashing the battle over shanks head and getting alcohol everywhere shanks stands up.

"Sorry about that Makino ill clean this up for you" saying that he bends down and starts to clean up the broken glass while Makino hurries up to help*SMASH* smashing the bar the bandit sneers at shanks while pushing Shanks to the ground"Look at you such a lousy pirate, Lets go boys we can find boos elsewhere" saying that the bandit turns around and leaves the bar with the rest of his gang. after he is gone there was a long moment of silence.

"HAHAHAHA he got you good captain HAHAHAHA" his entire crew begins to laugh boisterously while shanks is also laughing loudly as well. I just stare at shanks trying to fathom how a man has the will to take something like that and not care and laugh it off after words. Most would call it cowardly but i can only see a man who saw the confrontation as not even worth his time. curious i cant help but ask just to see if he words would be the same.

"Why didn't you fight back?" I ask calmly shocking shanks and his crew probably expecting some loud shout from me like the usual luffy ill just play it off as an act to let peoples guards down. Shanks then chuckels" For what? a bottle of sake? not even worth my time to get upset over." nodding my head truly a man worth respecting if i have ever seen one. I get up and walk over to Shanks hat and place it onto his head while laughing out loud.

"HAHA truly a man worth my respect and to look up to Shanks. Ill be sure to follow your example on my way to becoming king of the pirates. I hope to see you when i get there as friends and apart of my family!" Shanks looks dazed for a second "Who are you and where is luffy?" He looks at me suspicously. He is quiet the sharp man thats for sure.

"HAHA i guess that's to be expected you are the first to see the real me after all i play the idiot so people underestimate me. You have earned my respect with that little play that went on might as well show my true self, though not to far off from my little mask 'i'm no idiot though...i do love meat." laughing at the shocked faces of everyone though Makino looks a little hurt. probably thinking i don't trust her."Don't look like that Makino its nothing against you just easier to keep playing around then flipping back and fourth all the time its about time i give up that idiot mask anyway after all if everyone underestimates me how will i ever get stronger enemies HAHAHA"

Nodding slowly Makino returns to cleaning up the mess at the bar while shanks is still looking at me suspiciously before shrugging and returning to cleaning up the mess as well. Sweating a little at shanks suspicion i sigh in relief before sitting back down at the bar and start to go over the system in my head.[Initializing...1%....25%...70%...100%] ['Welcome to the system of infinite i am your personal assistant AI i will help you with and needs you may have i look forward to working with you'] A feminine voice replies to me. Thank god its a female voice do not want a guys voice in my head all day other then my own.

["hello System im going to call you Eve its way easier to say then system or whatever"]

['Confirmed designation is now Eve thank you for the name']

["Alright Eve show my my Status please"]



Name: Monkey D. Luffy

Race: Human


Strength: 12

Vit: 35

Speed: 10

Dex: 8

Def: 15

Int: 13

Devil fruits: None

Abilities: None

Techniques: None

System currency: Infinite

["Hmmm ok can you show me the rankings between status in this world"]

['Confirmed, Showing data now']

average statues per level

Average Adult-10

Rookie pirate\bandit/new marine- 30

rookie pirate captain\bandit leader/vet marine 4 seas-75

captian in marines 4 seas-100

30 million bounty-250

100 million bounty- 600

['That is the current Average data i can collect based on the current sea we are in. may very depending on race and Devil fruit abilities']

["Thanks i guess that will do for now dont want to get in over my head trying to over tax myself trying to gain strength"]

['If i may Host, i would advise you start to train your body in more then strength due to the will of D your body is more inclined to gain strength i would work on technique to apply your strength appropriately in actual combat from what I've seen other then sword arts this world does not really have martial arts other then fishmen and few specialty cases it would be advised you go through the system store and purchase a martial art style to get a leading edge over others in the same strength category as you ']

["Good idea Eve thank you ill take a look at that later right now i need to still rap my head around what you are capable of at the moment"]

['Currently host i can show your status and have a system shop in the future you will be able to unlock more features as you need and discover them']

["OK guess that's all i need for now for now let me get some place i can begin training and maybe go over abilities that can help me become stronger."]

Coming out of my long talk with Eve i look around and see the mess is already cleaned up and shanks is back to eating though he is glancing at me curiously."Anything you need Shanks?" I ask with a small chuckle. Shaking hos head" No no you were just spacing out there for awhile now wondering whats going onj in that head of yours" I laugh while scratching my noes

"Oh, i was just thinking of how to train in the future i want to be strong enough for the grand line and also i need to learn some skills when it comes to the sea I'm clueless at the moment" Shanks nods while going into a thinking pose before replying " Well swordsmanship is always the best way to gain strength as most everyone uses one. Navigation as well maybe cover the basics in navigation cooking carpentry and swordsmanship is the best start but do remember have a good crew behind you is key you cant do it alone"

I nod " Thanks Shanks ill keep that in mind for now though I'm going to head out and start training in the forest,I'm sure you will be around for awhile so ill see you next time" "Sure luffy be careful out there alright and don't over work yourself you are still young" I wave them bye as i leave the bar heading strait for the forest i know Garp should be here in the next 2 or 3 months so i have a lot of work to do tell then if i want to be stronger then Ace.