
Devil Fruit?

Using all the strength my small body has i push myself up into a sitting position panting lightly. Damn i should of been more prepared for that i can at least carry my own weight but it requires me to be prepared for it I'm such an idiot sometimes. Well on to the next thing on the list Devil Fruit.Grinning like mad i as Eve.

['Eve what should i do about Devil fruit and is it possible to have more then one?"]

['Yes you are able to eat more then one host but i advice you to hold off on consuming any fruit for the first year bring your base strength up to at least 250 in all categories.']

["Why should i do that?"]

['Devil fruits increase strength of its possessor true but if you have a weak body and consume a powerful fruit you will rely on it to much to do the fighting for you it will only slow your progress in gaining strength that's why i recommend you hold off until you are in the habit of pushing your body to grow every day host does not want to be lazy and rely on borrowed power does he?']

Grumbling a little at not being able to get a devil fruit right away he reluctantly agrees with that point of view its true most Devil fruit user rely on There power to much["Fine but i still want to discuss what fruit to consume first and possible abilities"]

['Host best bet would be the Rumble Rumble fruit as with you learning to build technology on the level of Stark's inventions its power would be useful in more ways then one']

["That's a good point Eve my ship wont have sail i plan to make a propulsion drive and electric motors are the way to go fast quiet and efficient if i have a large battery bank i can charge up when needed or maybe some kind of arc reactor to power it. I also plan to eventually get into advanced weapons such as rail guns as soon as i understand the science behind it and approve it to fit on my ship as a main weapon. The fruit will help a lot in research on magnetic forces also the fact it would turn me into a walking rail gun as well."]

['Host is correct though the time needed to get that advanced you would probably be half way through the grand line at that point host should also have a base of operations somewhere to mine resources as in the system it is limited to basic metal such as iron copper and aluminum tin and gold any alloys and advanced metals such as vibranium will have to be earned through missions or mined and this world doesn't have that metal for obvious reasons']

["Damn,What about a fruit that creates island like the island island fruit?"]

['host would have to have extensive knowledge about the atomic makeup of said elements to create them and an understanding of its properties though the system does have that information your strength would have to be near a warlords level to create an island with any elements on them such as vibranium.']

["So its possible good that will be on the list for future fruits it will also solve base of operation problems for me and my crew though it can wait for awhile"]

['Host should also look into the more more fruit...it will amplify not only your own fruit powers but anything you want it is by far the most power paramecia in the world though the hardest fruit to awaken to unlock it more powerful abilities even in its original form it is far more powerful then most fruits in the world if used correctly']

I completely forgot about that fruit world was from the time skip and not only was he able to put Garp and sengoku in a hard spot he could rival the other emperors and also Gol D Roger him self. That fruit could be very useful...but also very hard to control i will have to be careful once i consume it as it could cause me to lose control of my powers. I also don't want to go power hungry and lose myself.

['Dont worry host if you start to become power hungry ill be sure to let you know and stop it from happening after all thats no fun and the goddess will not be entertained by you just killing everyone'] she sounded a little to cheery saying that.

["Gee thanks"] I grumbled out,Though i'm glad that i have some support i do want to have fun but i'm not evil. I do believe i can kill a man if i have to and they are bad people. With a plan for some possible devil fruits in the future i start to get deeper into the forest before entering a large clearing this is where the old luffy spent most his day fooling around i'm now going to use it for training. the clearing is about 100 meters long and 80 meters wide perfect for training.

['Alert new mission available']

~pushing the body to break~

10 km run (0\10)

100 push ups(0\100)

100 sit ups (0\100)

100 Squats (0\100)

Reward +1 stat point to all stats

repeatable mission

Hmm that's not much of a reward i'm guessing ill get even more stat point doing the mission itself over and over again. With that i take off at a light jog around the clearing pushing myself with the gravity weights on i can tell this will be a grueling workout. I cant complain though i'm so excited to be able to get stronger and be in fights that shake islands and churn oceans!

Thanks for reading guys let me know what you think and any ideas you may have

Clorixcreators' thoughts