
Chapter 23

(Starting to write now and I have 1 hour, should have written yesterday, but this whole deathbringers arc if you can even call it that, fucked me, I fucking suck at making fights which makes me not enjoy writing them too much, so I just don't feel like writing, so I just keep pushing it back but I end up always having a bit of time left to upload, I need to finish this arc fast, anyway, it will probably be rushed and bad but I hope you enjoy.)

While Jing had her fight with Xian, the other members of the team found their opponents and started fighting.

Meanwhile, in the shadow near the place Jing and Xian fought.

'I have a long way.'

Thought James while looking at Xian's dead body and the unconscious Jing.

When he heard about the Deathbringers subjugation group going outside the city James decided to follow them with his shadow.

He knew there was the risk of being found out, but his curiosity got the better of him, he wanted to know how much stronger higher level cultivators are compared to himself.

And he was surprised, he knew they will be strong, it is a cultivation world, but it was still surprising seeing it himself, they are much stronger than him at the moment.

After a few seconds of looking at them James was brought out of his thought when he heard a moan of pain coming from Jing.

'Fuck I forgot!! Shadow, go help her!'

His shadow listened to James and moved towards Jing, what he meant by help was to bring her as fast as it can to the city while blocking the bleeding, but what it did shocked James.

James's shadow reached Jing and instead of just holding her bleeding wound and rushing to the city, it did something else.

It split a bit of its arm and made the split piece split again into smaller pieces.

After that it made the pieces go inside Jing's wounds, and this is where the surprise came, the split pieces changed shape to fit all the wounded places and filled the places, after that they sucked all the blood that filled Jing from her wounds and started imitating a human body and organs, one of the places that were injured were her lungs so the shadow filled the wounds to block them, sucked the blood out and started helping with breathing, making her lungs work like normal.

(I'm no doctor, so it might not work, but this is fiction so I hope you can give me a pass on that.)

Seeing all of this happen shocked James to his core, he didn't even know the shadow can be used like that, she wasn't healed, not in the slightest, but with the help of the shadow it is like Jing is completely healed.

'Shadow, split a few parts from your body and bring her back to the city without being found out, also, keep doing what you're doing until she reaches someone that can help her'

The shadow obeyed and split a part of its body, making it turn into a thin sheet of shadow, after that, it laid Jing on it and started moving fast towards the city.

James opened his eyes and looked at the wall.

He started contemplating.

'There is still so much I don't know about my fruits.'

If his shadow didn't do what it did, James would probably never even think about it being able to do something like that, and that made him start thinking, just how much does he know about his current fruits, he always thought he did pretty good with the swamp fruit, especially compared to its one piece user, but now he felt like he was overestimating himself, did he really do good with the swamp fruit? 

[Host, don't be too harsh on yourself, you didn't have those fruits for long, you did good with the amount of time you had them for]

James smiled a bit.


After thinking about it, it was true he didn't have them for long, it is just that seeing Jing and Xian fight made him feel a weak, and seeing his shadow do something he didn't think was even possible, made him wonder just how much is he wasting his fruit's potential.

'I didn't have them for long, this is true, but I still need to be better.'

James made up his mind, after this whole deathbringer situation finishes he will leave Nest city and start exploring, something he learned from one piece is that you need challenges to become stronger faster, he won't do something stupid and put himself in a situation where he will die, but he will try having challenging battles to try stimulating his growth, he is no Luffy, he doesn't have the creativity to make up new techniques every 2 days, so all he can do is try making what he has as good as he can.

He also wanted to test something, from what he has seen in a lot of fiction, being in a tough situation seems to help make up new stuff too, the world isn't fiction and he knows that, he can die, but he does have abilities from the world of one piece and is currently in a cultivation world, so it was worth a try.

Making up his mind, James closed his eyes and started looking through his shadow again.

(I honestly planned to make another fight, but I said fuck it, James hasn't appeared and complained about stuff for a while, honestly, I think I make him have doubts a lot, but I try basing some of his thoughts based on me, and I know if I was in this situation I would probably also complain a lot and have a lot of doubts, so it is mostly my fault that he is like that.

Anyway, I also found out it is much easier to write James than fights, just showing again how much I suck at making fights again.

Well, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you tomorrow hopefully, have a great day.)