
Chapter 11- Battle on the Death Island!

After we found out who the actual doctor was we all jumped back and readied for battle. "Who are you and why did you come on my island?!?!", screamed the doctor, "You are trespassing on private property and poaching is forbidden! The punishment is death!! Shave"! All of a sudden she disappears! We look around and theres no sight of her, "FINGER PISTOL!", she reappears in front of me trying to hit me but I dodged my torso out of the way but my arm got it. "WHAT THE HELL!!! IT'S LIKE SOMEONE SHOT ME"! " The one if the six powers im traing for to protect this island. I know three already, you saw shave and pistol finger, but my other one is iron body.", explained the doctor. "I heard about this power, the government uses it, its very dangerous, well when you know all six." Say Joe. "But I bet i can slice through it! TWO-SWORD STLYE, TORNADO SLASH!!!". Joe spins around such as a tornado and flys towards the doctor, "IRON BODY". TING!!!! Both of Joe's swords break as soon as they touch her, "Now iron pistol finger!". She hits Joe right in the chest and throws him back into a tree. "JOE!!!! That's enough!!! HEAVY LIGHTING!!!" A cloud about her starts to strick lightning as if it were rain, "shave". Shes gone again... no....shes right behind me..."Cool deil fruit ability, loos like someone else is going to have it, any last words?" I think to myself, is this as far as I go? This is the end? It can't be..."say goodbye!", i close my eyes and flinch back,"Finger pis-...." I feel nothing, except a rubbing on my leg, its an animal, a mini rhino is rubbing on me like a cat. I look up in disbeliefand the doctor is in shock and just stands there. " He hates people....he only does that to me...." then she looks at me and asks why we are here. "We heard that there was an amazing doctor and fighter here on this island, and so we came here to have you join our crew". Anoher look of shock and disbelief bewilders her face. "Oh,.... I thought you were here for these tiny rhinos, see they are rare and-", I interrupt and say,"Lets talk about this after you patch up my friend and me before he dies...". "AH SHIT!! I forgot about him! Of course! My cabin is right over there! Let me get you there! I form a fossil cloud and tell her to put us on there and push the cloud, making it easier to move us there.