
Strategy and Encounter in Loguetown

Chapter 14: Strategy and Encounter in Loguetown**

After glancing at his wanted bounty poster, Sergio D. Arthur turned to Alex, the serious expression returning to his face. "With our new bounties, the Marines and big pirates will be after us. We're not strong enough to face the power of the New World yet. What should we do?"

Alex considered for a moment before responding. "We need to recruit more crew members, powerful ones. We must also prepare and strengthen ourselves further. Think of this like a chess game. The World Government and the Navy are the players, and they control powerful pieces: kings, queens, knights. If we want to survive, we need to become players ourselves, not just pieces."

Arthur nodded thoughtfully. "I agree. We need to gather our own powerful pieces and ensure we're always one step ahead. We can't let ourselves be mere pawns in someone else's game."

"We need to recruit more crew members with unique abilities, ones who can cover our weaknesses and enhance our strengths," Alex continued. "We should also train and upgrade our skills continuously. We need to be ready for anything."

Arthur smiled, appreciating Alex's strategic thinking. "Right. We'll build our crew, train hard, and when the time is right, we'll challenge even the strongest forces. We must become players, not just chess pieces

Arthur smiled warmly. "Thank you, Surv."

Surv hesitated, then spoke softly. "I was wondering if we could do some shopping in the next town. I heard about a place called Loguetown."

Alex looked at Arthur, who nodded. "Sure, we can make a stop in Loguetown. It's where the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, was executed. It's a significant place."

Two days later, the Silverhair Pirates' ship docked near the shore of Loguetown. The crew disembarked and headed to the bustling market for supplies and exploration. As they walked through the busy streets, Arthur spotted a coin on the ground. He bent down to pick it up when a sharp whistle passed by his ear. Instantly, he dodged, realizing it was a bullet.

Activating his Observation Haki, Arthur scanned the area for the shooter. He extended his Haki's range to 50 meters, then 100, 200, 400, 500, and finally 1,000 meters, where he found a sniper aiming at him from a distant rooftop. Bullets whizzed past, but Arthur dodged them with a cool, calculated precision.

Determined to confront the sniper, Arthur used his speed to close the distance. The chase was arduous, with Arthur navigating through narrow alleys and scaling buildings. The sniper, realizing he was being pursued, fired continuously, trying to slow Arthur down. But Arthur's advanced Haki and agility allowed him to cut through the bullets using his sword skills.

"Dragon Spike!" Arthur shouted, slicing a bullet cleanly in half. He pushed forward, determined to catch the sniper.

Finally, Arthur reached the sniper's location. The man, a young sniper with an eyepatch, aimed his rifle at Arthur one last time. Arthur disarmed him with a swift strike, sending the rifle flying. The sniper, seeing Arthur's skill, gave up.

"I'm Rathor K. Rio," the sniper said, panting. "You're skilled. I can't beat you."

Arthur lowered his sword. "Why did you target me?"

Rio sighed. "I'm a bounty hunter. I wanted to redeem your bounty."

Arthur nodded, understanding. "You're very skilled with a sniper rifle. Where did you learn to shoot like that?"

Rio's expression darkened. "My father was a retired Navy officer. He taught me everything. He lost his left leg and an eye in a battle with a strong pirate. After retiring, he came back to us, but he found my mother killed by pirates. The nearby Navy base didn't come to rescue us in time. I lost my eye in that attack. My father went to the Navy base to ask for his pension, but the officers refused. They were corrupt. He died soon after, overwhelmed by depression."

Arthur felt a surge of sympathy. "That's a tragic story, Rio. You have every right to be angry at the Navy. But you don't have to live as a bounty hunter. Join us. Help us bring down these corrupt bastards and make a real difference."

Rio looked at Arthur, seeing the conviction in his eyes. "You're serious?"

Arthur nodded. "Absolutely. With your skills and our combined strength, we can change this world."

Rio took a deep breath, then extended his hand. "Alright, I'll join you. Let's bring down these corrupt fools together."

Arthur shook Rio's hand. "Welcome to the Silverhair Pirates, Rio."

As they returned to the ship, Arthur briefed the crew on Rio's story and introduced him as their new sniper. The crew welcomed him warmly, appreciating his skills and background. Surv, having finished her shopping, shyly approached Arthur and Alex with a smile.

"I got some supplies for the kitchen," she said, looking pleased.

Arthur smiled back. "Great job, Surv. Let's get ready to set sail again."