
One piece sign In system impeal down

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime et bandes dessinées
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323 Chs


"Dingdong, the new ultimate sign-in task has been generated, please complete the task as soon as possible."

As soon as he successfully recruited Zephyr, Lee Eun heard the system sound in his ears.

I couldn't help but froze for a moment.

It turned out to be the ultimate sign-in task.

It was the first time he heard of the ultimate sign-in task, and the highest before it was the top sign-in task.

Every top sign-in task is difficult, but the rewards are very rich.

But what is the ultimate sign-in task?

"System, what's the task"

Lee Eun couldn't wait to ask.

He was afraid that the task was difficult and it was a headache.

"Ding Dong, Host has clearly understood its purpose, please set up a revolutionary army as soon as possible, with the goal of overthrowing the World government.

This task is the ultimate sign-in task, that is, the most important task in the world. Once you complete this task, you can clear the world."

Lee Eun's mouth twitched.

What a grand goal to overthrow the World government.

Once determined to overthrow the World government, the World government will definitely take action against him.

Then it will be... a bloody battle.

But the ultimate mission sounds very challenging and valuable.

"Ding Dong, in view of the difficulty of this mission, it will be divided into two parts.The first part, please announce to the world within one month that the revolutionary army is formed.

After completing the first part of the task, you will get a super gift pack, and you will get the second gift after completing the second task."

The voice of the system came again.

Lee Eun is even more speechless.

In fact, within a month, the revolutionary army will be established, and it must be announced to the world that this is not attracting the firepower of the world government.

But since it is the ultimate task, it certainly can't be that simple.This is probably part of the task.

Although it is dangerous, since it is a task, do your best to complete the task.

There was a firm look in Lee Eun's eyes.

He has already decided and accepts this task.

Zephyr also noticed Lee Eun's expression, a little confused.

"What's wrong, what's the matter?"

Lee Eun recovered and looked at Zephyr seriously.

"Zephyr, do you have confidence, join me to overthrow the world government and build a new world without oppression, slaves, and Celestial Dragons."

Zephyr was stunned for a while.

Is Lee Eun so stupid that he wants to overthrow the World government and also overthrow the rule of Celestial Dragons?(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

This ideal is too great.

It was so great that he himself didn't believe it.

"Lee Eun, are you kidding me to overthrow the World government, it's not that simple."

Although your pirate group is stronger, it is better than Marine, and it is far worse than the World government."

Zephyr quickly persuaded.

He doesn't want Lee Eun's brain to break.

"No, I'm serious, I'm confident enough to fight against the World government, do you have the confidence to be with me"

Lee Eun said seriously.

Zephyr looked at Lee Eun's serious look, and his expression became slightly solemn.

This expression doesn't look like a lie.

After a long silence, Zephyr suddenly laughed.

"When I was a kid, I wanted to achieve justice, and later joined Marine, step by step to achieve what I think of justice.

But it was not until I became Marine Admiral that I realized that justice is not that simple, and we still need to play for Celestial Dragons.

At that time, it was difficult for me to accept it, but I knew that no matter how bad Marine was, it could protect ordinary civilians.

Not long ago, Weibull became Seven Warlords of the Sea, which made me unacceptable. I also know that Marine is no longer the previous Marine."

Zephyr just talked about it for a long time, saying a lot of things.

Lee Eun listened right by without saying a word or interrupting Zephyr.

He also knew Zephyr's inner helplessness.

Obviously, if you want to achieve justice, you have to compromise in the end.

After a long time, Zephyr raised his head and looked at Lee Eun firmly.

"I have missed justice once. This time, I feel that justice must be realized firmly."

Lee Eun looked at Zephyr's eyes and understood Zephyr's thoughts in his heart.

"Well, let us achieve justice."

If Golden Lion and others heard Lee Eun, they would be quite speechless.

Lee Eun is definitely not the kind of person who dares to fight the world government for justice.

In fact, it is true.

If it weren't for the mission, how could Lee Eun provoke the world government twice and twice.

Is he really afraid of death? "By the way, you go talk to your students, and then go to New World to meet up, I will wait for you at my base camp."

Lee Eun directly turned into a black dragon and flew into the distance.

The final task has come.

He should also go back and prepare, and according to time, Pluto should have almost prepared.

I have to admire Begapunk.

This person is quite smart, Pluto is in his hands, and the construction progress is very fast.

Not long ago, he heard from Begapunk that Pluto had entered the final stage.

Lee Eun only needs to procrastinate for a while.On the last day, openly set up a revolutionary army and challenge the world government.

Zephyr looked at the back of Lee Eun's departure, returned to his warship, and explained what had just happened.

These students of his were surprised that Zephyr and Lee Eun collaborated.

But most of them believe in Zephyr.

In addition, they were disappointed with the world government, so they did not refuse, and even planned to overthrow the world government in their hearts.

After consulting everyone, Zephyr took his students and left the Grand Line to the East China Sea.

After Lee Eun returned to New World, the first thing was...the vast majority of cadres assembled.

For example, Lederfield and Golden Lion.

Establishing a revolutionary army and overthrowing the world government is a big deal.Although he is the captain, he still needs to discuss with his men.

After Lederfield and others arrived, looking at Lee Eun, who had a heavy face, his face also condensed slightly.

Although I don't know Lee Eun's purpose, but seeing Lee Eun's solemn expression, I know that this time things are not easy.

Maybe there is important information about World government.

"Lee Eun, you call us, there should be something important"

Everyone set their sights on Lee Eun.

Lee Eun coughed lightly, and finally looked at everyone solemnly.

"Everyone, I have a very important thing to announce. This matter is related to the future of our Pirates."

Hearing that it was so important, everyone enlarged their eyes, pricked their ears, and listened carefully.