
Luffy's Awakening: Chapter 2 - Nami & Nojiko

When Luffy wakes up the next day, it's like the whole world has changed. Everything is so… different. Most of all is the fact that he's not currently sleeping alone. Beside him, an exhausted passed out Nico Robin doesn't so much as stir from where she lays face down and naked on his bed. Luffy remembers everything they did the night before in vivid detail. And he remembers how even he was exhausted by the end of it, by the time they both finally went to sleep.


If he'd tired himself out, Luffy could only imagine what Robin must feel like. Stretching a bit, Luffy yawns as he smacks his lips together. He's not even particularly sore or anything like that. But then, that's the joys of having a Gum-Gum Body. Still, even as he smiled down at Robin's sleeping form, he found himself worrying just a tad.


So far, the dark-haired cartographer, his beloved crewmate, had had to teach him everything he knew about sex. In this new world full of potential and possibility, Luffy suddenly had a small epiphany. While Robin had taught him everything HE now knew, she probably hadn't taught him everything SHE knew. And Luffy… well, Luffy had always been the competitive type.


He didn't want to always be second best with Robin. He didn't want to have to learn everything from her. As much as he loved her for joining his crew, Luffy wasn't the kind of man who liked to be overly dependent on anyone for anything. Or at least, not for this. Something like this, he felt like he had to find a way to learn more about it himself.


Luckily for Luffy, he thought he might have a way to do just that. Staying in bed, he begins to stretch. It doesn't take much effort, but he's still not entirely used to being so stealthy. Regardless, Luffy's neck and a single arm elongate as he sends his head and a hand down the hall on a clandestine adventure. Luckily, it's early enough in the morning that there's no one around quite yet. Luckily, he's able to reach Sanji's room without any hassle.


Of course, hearing noises coming from within surprises the Pirate Captain quite a bit. But when he realizes he now recognizes those noises… he thinks it might be just as well. He's able to very carefully open the door to Sanji's room to peek inside, and what he finds doesn't surprise him as much as it would have just a day earlier.


The blonde cook is in bed, but he's not sleeping. Neither are the three naked Spa Attendants that he's somehow seduced into bed with him. Oh no, not a single one of them is sleeping, as Sanji thrusts into the middle one from behind while fingering the other two. The three women are on their hands and knees, clinging to the backboard of the bed as they moan wantonly at the wall Sanji has them faced towards.


Sanji himself is also facing that direction, which makes it all too easy for Luffy to slip fully into the room with his stretched-out head and hand. It takes him a second, but he sees his prize soon enough. The special book that Sanji always seems to carry around with him… its sitting on the table across the room. Luffy had never paid the book any real mind before, but now he was confident that it would help him in his time of trouble.


Grabbing it, Luffy moves just as slowly back out of the room, blushing only a little as Sanji handily takes care of the three gorgeous girls that he's managed to ensnare. It definitely didn't look like Sanji needed this book anymore. Luffy was sure he wouldn't mind if his Captain borrowed it… just for a bit. Moving all the way back to his own quarters, Luffy closes the door behind him and lets his neck and arm come back to their original lengths as he settles back onto his bed beside a still sleeping Robin.


A glance at her tells him she's nowhere nearer to waking up then she was before. Humming, he finally turns his attention to the book in his hands. He wasn't very good at reading… but this much he could manage. The title of the book was exactly what he'd hoped for. 'How to Treat a Gorgeous Woman, In and Out of Bed.' Licking his lips, Luffy opens up and starts reading.


The first few chapters are all about how to seduce a girl out of bed so that she'll eventually want to have sex with her IN bed. Glancing in Robin's direction, Luffy didn't think he had any difficulties there, since he already has a gorgeous woman in his bed, properly and truly fucked. But still… it was good info, he supposed. And as he read, he could see how he'd been kind of a bumbling buffoon over the time he'd been with his crew. Especially to his female crewmates. He'd not treated them like women… not like Sanji did.


Still, the more important stuff was at the back of the book, where Luffy began to learn what a man was supposed to do once he had the woman in his bed and ready for action. Here the book took on a very different tone. Here, the book wanted him to be more aggressive than when he was doing the seduction part of things. Luffy found himself blushing much more deeply at some of the things the book outlined, but all in all, he HAD acted that way with Robin the night before. It'd just been instinct more than anything else.


Still, one of the book's passages did stand out to him, absorbing into his thoughts a bit more than the rest. 'Making love to a woman is like fighting on a battlefield. One must look for the precise moments to strike.' That resonated with Luffy. He'd always been a brawler, to be fair, and because of that it wasn't often that he waited for ANYTHING. But looking back over his adventurers with his crew, Luffy could acknowledge that there had been times where he'd had to bide his time and attack at the precise moment where it would be most beneficial to a fight.


So bedding a woman was like that? Well, he still had a lot more to read, but Luffy was already internalizing the book's teachings. If the book could get Sanji into bed with three gorgeous babes, surely it could help him show Robin that he wasn't some sort of bumbling buffoon when it came to things like sex. Even if that was exactly what he was right now…


He would change that. And Robin wouldn't know what hit her!




Robin first begins to wake up when she's flipped over onto her back. She's always liked sleeping prone. Or at least, she learned to like it because it let her keep one hand under her pillow, next to her pistol on particularly dangerous nights. Of course, this time there's no pistol there when her hand tries to clutch at its handle, even as she's spun about. She's a moment away from blindly attacking whoever's assaulting her when something suddenly penetrates her cunt. A very long something, a very wet something… a very flexible something.


Her eyes shooting open, Robin looks down to see Luffy's familiar black messy hair between her legs. His eyes glance up to meet hers and then flash as he continues to writhe his elongated tongue in and out of her cunt. Robin hisses at that, her back arching instinctively. Brow furrowing in surprise at Luffy taking the initiative in this way, she reaches out and grabs a fistful of his hair.


"Luffy… wha-hnngh!!!"


Before she can truly protest, before she can push him away, Luffy's tongue inadvertently hits her G-spot. Robin's words die on her lips as her mouth forms into a small o and the next thing she knows, she's cumming on the spot. Luffy pauses at this, staring up at her for a moment… and then he begins to rub at that spot with his tongue far more harshly than anyone ever has before.


Ah, but then the only thing that's been inside of her before are rigid, pulsing cocks. No tongue should have been able to reach Robin's G-spot, but then Luffy doesn't have the usual tongue. And no cock was flexible enough to do what Luffy was doing to her now. Nearly frothing at the mouth, Robin finds herself climaxing again and again, eyes rolling back in her head as Luffy eats her out as only he can.


Eventually though, he does pull back. Once she's a sweaty, flustered mess who can barely string two words together. That said, he does stop for a little while, merely touching and molesting her body for a bit instead of continuing on. Because of this, Robin is able to eventually recover enough to ask the obvious.


"L-Luffy… how? W-Where did you learn to do something like that?"


Luffy blinks at that, even as his elongated fingers play with her breasts in a truly fascinating way that Robin wouldn't have expected from him in a million years. She's quickly losing control of this situation, as he nods his head over to a book on the nightstand by the side of the bed. Robin's eyes can just make out the book's title from here, and she blushes at what she can imagine of the book's contents.


"Luffy, I-eep!"


Just as she's about to explain to him that no book could really help him satisfy a woman like a woman's own instruction could, Luffy suddenly rises from the bed. In a moment, Robin finds herself in the piledriver position, her weight on her shoulders and neck as Luffy grips her thighs and spreads them wide.




"Gum Gum Pistol."


His cock is already massive. There's no doubt about that. But now… now he's driving into her with deep hard thrusts that he couldn't possibly have managed the day before on his own. Now he's using his devil fruit power on her, and Robin finds herself at a loss for words as the ability to speak is robbed from her. She wants him to stop, though not because she hates it. She wants him to stop because she's rapidly losing control of this situation, and she's never not been in control before.


Last night was different. Last night, neither of them was in control. Luffy was a beast, sure, but he was feral, untamable… and altogether amazing. Now though, as amazing as he still is, Luffy is very much aware of his actions as he stares down at her with wide eyes and flaring nostrils, watching as his rapid-fire technique of dicking her to orgasm after orgasm makes an utter mess of Robin.


Every pistoning motion of his big fat prick robs Robin of the ability to speak. Every thrust into her stops her from telling him to stop, mostly because it just feels too damn good for her to want it to end now. And as the wave of constant climaxes crashes over her, Robin's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lulls out of her mouth as she moans wantonly and lewdly, her hands clutching at the bedding on either side of her head.


Eventually though, Luffy cums. He cums and he pumps his seed into Robin, bringing her down a bit from her euphoric high and back to reality as he finally pulls out of her. His ejaculate paints the insides of her womb, his sticky semen fills her to the brim, but at least he's no longer fucking her into oblivion. Recovering slowly, Robin pants heavily. Last night had been exhausting enough. She'd already started out sore when he woke her up with that deep, penetrating tonguing.


She was exhausted, and she wanted… she wanted to sleep a bit longer. She could only hope Luffy was done with her for now so that she could get her feet back under her, so to speak. Ah, but he wasn't. Not by a long shot. Robin could only yelp when Luffy flipped her over onto her stomach again. His hands gripped at her arms, even as she felt a familiar, thick, bulbous cockhead press into her ass crack.


"A-Ah… w-wait, Luffy. What… what are you doing? I need to rest… p-please…"


Luffy pauses, but he doesn't pull away. The next thing she knows, he's clearly parroting something back to her. Something he read, more than likely.


"Sex is a battle, Robin. Can't stop until I win."


He sounds so determined, so confident of himself… a shiver of both fear and anticipation run down Robin's spine. And then he's inside of her before she can even reply, his lubed-up prick ramming deep into her ass. A groan immediately leaves Robin's lips, and her eyes threaten to roll up in her head yet again as her eyelashes in turn flutter from the sensation rushing through her body.


Luffy immediately begins to pick up the speed, just as soon as he's fully penetrated her with that first slow thrust. He fucks her ass and Robin can't get a word in edgewise to stop him. Of course, it's not long before Luffy… escalates things once again.


"Gum Gum Gatling Gun!"


"Wait, wha-aaaaagh!!!"


As Luffy uses one of his Gum Gum techniques on her yet again, this time in her back door, Robin absolutely loses control. He's pistoning in and out of her poor ass so damn hard and fast that it feels like she's being fucked by ten guys all at once with just how speedy he's moving. It takes her some time, but eventually Robin manages to look back at Luffy. What she finds is the same smiling, sincere Pirate Captain she's always known and loved.


There's not an ounce of malice or vindictiveness in Luffy's gaze or his face. He's not trying to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do, and as far as he's concerned, she's making all the proper noises that express how much she's enjoying all of this. It might be how she wanted it to go down specifically, but there's no denying that the pleasure is overwhelming.


The constant orgasms return, arriving back to back to back as Robin's eyes fully roll back in her head once again, her tongue writhing this time as it slips out from between her lips. By the time Luffy finally fills her ass with his seed, Robin feels like she's cum countless times around his cock. With both her cunt and her butt creampied, Robin just lays there for a moment on her front, even as Luffy pulls out of her finally.


There's no recovering this time. While she slowly does come back to reality, Robin is a bit… frazzled, to say the least. She's dazed, confused, and more than a little glazed over, even as Luffy flips her over onto her back again and then pulls her close. Robin hears him say something about how cuddling after sex was good for women, and while she's happy to curl in close and enjoy his body heat, she's also not sure she's going to be able to survive handling Luffy alone going forward.


Not if he's going to take advice from that d-damn book. Robin didn't think that thing would work for a normal man in a million years, but a man who had stamina would be able to put its ideas to use like Luffy had. And a man who had devil fruit power like Luffy did would be able to BUILD on those ideas, until he'd broken every woman he laid with into blissed out husks of their former selves.


She had to do something. Had to… had to call in b-back up. Of course, deciding to do so and actually doing so are two different things entirely. It takes a good half hour for Robin to feel strong enough to use her power to make an arm over on the far table. She gets a paper and pen, and she writes a note to Nami. From there, it's just a matter of getting it delivered while remaining in Luffy's warm, comforting embrace.


Nami… Nami will help. She'll understand this sacrifice. She'll understand this needs to happen…




"Did you have to be so damn loud, Nojiko?"


Nami can't help but whine, as she and her older sister finally leave behind the massage parlor and step back into the main part of the resort together. Nojiko just smiles wickedly, having been happy to take advantage of Nami's offer for her to come on this trip with the Straw Hat Pirates. The Straw Hats weren't the only ones who could do with a vacation, and Nami knew that.




"Sorry Nami, I didn't mean to, mm, bother you. But my masseuse was just so… cute. I couldn't help myself, I had to have some fun with her."

Rolling her eyes, the ginger navigator just shakes her head and turns away, letting out a small laugh. She's not at all bothered by Nojiko's lust for women. After all, her sister also lusts for men in equal amounts. Still, she didn't have to hear it. And boy had she heard it, the damn walls at this place were paper thin, annoyingly enough. And her own masseuse had been blushing up a storm as a result of what they were hearing coming from Nojiko's room.


"Just… try to keep it down, in the future. Alright? Now come on, Robin invited us to a private hot spring and I'm excited to go. The public hot springs at this place aren't terrible, but they can get a little crowded for my tastes. I'm looking forward to just relaxing with you and Robin for a bit. Some fun girl time, yeah?"


Nojiko just shrugs, that smug look still on her face that told Nami her older sister just got lucky. Not that Nami needed to be told that, she'd listened to it happen damn it! Letting out a sigh, Nami shakes her head and guides Nojiko to the entrance of the private hot spring that Robin said she'd reserved. Of course, even before they open the doors, they hear certain noises, and stifled moans. Frowning, the two sisters let their curiosity get the better of them, and they throw the doors to the hot spring open together.


What they find inside freezes them both in place and shocks Nami to her core. Robin isn't alone in the hot spring, but then she'd already sort of known that from the noises. However, she'd half been expecting to confront the other woman while Robin was fucking an attendant or something like that. She'd never in a million years thought that Luffy, her Captain Luffy, would be fucking Robin into the ground beside the hot spring, taking the voluptuous dark-haired woman in the missionary position as Nami and Nojiko watched them.


It didn't stop either, not when the sisters entered. As they stood there in the doorway frozen, Nami realized that Luffy either hadn't heard them open the doors to the hot spring, or he simply didn't care. She wasn't sure what she wanted it to be, but she knew one thing for certain. Watching Luffy fuck Robin with those deep, powerful strokes of his was hypnotic. There was no other word for it, and it wasn't until Luffy suddenly came inside of the moaning, mewling cartographer that Nami snapped out of her stupor.


Only as he pulled out and Nami and Nojiko both got a glimpse of his massive shaft did Nami find the strength to exit her frozen state of being. Of course, Nojiko clearly felt the same way… given how she turned and closed the doors behind them, locking them from the inside with a very final sounding click. Nami blushes up a storm as her older sister begins to strip naked right then and there, but she can't quite deny that she doesn't feel the same way as Nojiko.


While she hadn't expected to have her first time with her sister present… there was something about Luffy's massive schlong that was calling to her. Nami couldn't deny it any further, so without a word, without complaint, the ginger navigator also begins to strip naked beside her sister, blushing up a storm as she does so.


Of course, the movement finally draws Luffy's attention, and he blinks staring at both women as the two sisters strip naked right before his eyes. His brow furrows, and he glances down at a blissful Robin as she gives him a lewd smile and a nod.


"I… I invited them, Luffy. Don't they look gorgeous? They want you… don't you want them?"


There was no doubt that he did, what with the way his already massive cock grew and grew before their eyes, until it was once more at full mass. Then, Luffy steps away from Robin and moves towards Nami and Nojiko, and all three women know what's coming next as Robin lets out a satisfied and slightly relieved sigh, before ultimately sliding her way into the hot spring to soak her sore body.


Luffy was their problem now, at least for the time being. She might not have intended to ensnare Nojiko in matters as well, but the more the merrier as far as Robin was concerned. She knew without a doubt by this point that she couldn't handle Luffy all on her lonesome, not any longer. Meanwhile, Luffy had no idea why Robin had invited Nami and Nojiko, but he certainly wasn't going to deny the two beautiful naked ladies before him.


Robin was right, they did want him. Their eyes moved between his face and his cock and back again, and it was obvious that they had made their decision the moment they stripped naked. With his cock swinging back and forth between his legs as he walks, Luffy steps up, wraps his elongating arms around both women, and pulls them in roughly, pressing their soft, voluptuous bodies to his sides as he grins at the two of them.


His hands reach around easily to grope at his breasts, and at the same time Luffy turns first to Nami, giving her a deep, tongue-filled kiss that really does go partway down her throat before pulling back. He leaves her flustered and dazed and then repeats the act with Nojiko before moving on to both. The sisters melt like butter in his hands, and thanks to Luffy's body… he's able to play with them both, his rubber form stretching out to all but encompass them as his legs wrap up their long slender legs and his toes push into their pussies.


They moan, and their knees buckle as Luffy plays with them, using every bit of his Gum Gum power to great advantage. And in the end, when they both cum within moments of each other, Luffy knows that the two sisters are ready for more. Of course, there's the matter of who's going to go first before he can begin. But then, that's never really in doubt is it? Who Luffy should fuck first is… just obvious.


Even Nojiko realizes this, as she reluctantly steps aside when Luffy pulls away from her and focuses his attentions on Nami. They end up on the ground in the same exact position that Luffy had Robin in when the sisters first arrived. Meanwhile, Nojiko sinks down to the ground as well, sitting there as she spreads her legs wide and fingers herself to the sight of her little sister finally getting a big, fat dick.


Nami is all blushes and stammers and stutters as Luffy moves into position between her legs. His cockhead presses into her wet pussy lips, and the ginger moans as he begins to slowly but surely spread her wide open around his length. He's massive, and she's a virgin, but at the end of the day Nami is still more than ready for this. She realizes as he pierces her virginity and then slams home into her womb a moment later that she's been waiting for Luffy to do this since the day she met him.


Of course, that doesn't stop a scream from leaving Nami's throat when Luffy starts out with such a deep, penetrating thrust after only a few seconds of taking it slow. He frowns at her reaction, but she's quick to reach up and cup his face with one of her hands as she smiles even with teary eyes.


"D-Don't worry Luffy… I just… I've never had something so big inside of me b-before. I need to get used to you for a little bit…"


Luffy just nods at that and gets to work pleasuring her in other ways. His massive member remains inside of her cunt and womb, but he doesn't move it as he instead focuses on playing with her titties. Using his fingers and mouth to knead and suckle at her breasts, Luffy uses everything he learned from Sanji's book to great effect on Nami. The navigator isn't used to such… such attention. Luffy is absolutely amazing, and it's not long before her cunt walls are tightening and gripping around his length, her pussy having recovered a bit from the initial force of Luffy's first thrust.


Feeling this, Luffy begins to move inside of her. When Name responds with moans instead of tears, he picks up the pace. It's not long before her first orgasm hits her, and once it does… it doesn't stop. The formerly virgin pirate navigator learns the pleasure of a man with a big cock right then and there, Nami's eyes rolling back in her head as she shakes and spasms across Luffy's length. It's embarrassing and humiliating especially since she knows both Robin and Nojiko are watching her, judging her. But she can't stop. She can't stop cumming, it's just too damn good.


His seed inevitably fills her of course, and by the time it does, Nami's womb is more than ready to take the load. However, Nami ISN'T ready for what comes next. Luffy isn't done with her, even though she's panting heavily, clearly exhausted from their first round. His hard cock pulses as it slips out of her cunt, but then the tip of his member is at her back door, and Nami is suddenly being lifted off the ground, and there's no further warning before he stands up and splits her on his shaft, slamming up into her ass with such force that Nami squeals like a stuck pig.


It feels better than it has any right to. Maybe… maybe she's got a weakness to anal. Nami had never even considered it before, but as time goes on, as Nojiko suddenly appears in front of her, smiling happily for her, Nami realizes what she must look like. She looks like a wanton whore, being fucked by a big-dicked man. And she feels like one too, as he thrusts up into her ass time and time again, bouncing her on his cock repeatedly, with no end in sight.


"Gum Gum Bazooka!"


That's the only warning Nami gets, before Luffy begins to cum. The ginger navigator's eyes go wide and her head rolls back onto Luffy's shoulder as she absolutely loses it from the sensation of his seed pouring up into her bowels. Of course, it in turn spills back out of her, not even his massive cock able to seal that much cum inside of her back door. Like a torrential river, his sticky hot semen pours from where they're joined, spilling into the hot spring that Robin is even then luxuriating in.


But if the cartographer cares about her waters being defiled, she doesn't show it. In fact, a smile spreads across her face as the hot spring water turns a bit… murky from the flow of Luffy's seed. By the time Luffy is done in Nami's ass, Nami has all but passed out. He carefully pulls her off his cock and then Nojiko takes her from his hands and passes her along to Robin.


Robin's devil fruit power makes sure that Nami is properly relaxing in the hot spring water beside her, even as she rests. There's not a chance of Nami slumping down or drowning or anything foolish like that, but Luffy admits he's still a little worried… until Nojiko falls to her hands and knees and draws his eye. The older of the two sisters, not one of his crew but still family in a way, reaches back and spreads her pussy lips wide with her fingers, even as she looks back over her shoulder at him.


"Come on you big monkey… give me that massive fat cock of yours, won't you?"


Luffy wasn't about to say no to that. With a grunt, the Straw Hat Captain moves in and crouches down. His thick cock penetrates Nojiko much more easily than it penetrated Nami, and once he's slid in, her inner walls clench and cling to him as she moans happily, tilting her head back. This of course draws Luffy's eye to her ponytail… and remembering a passage of the book, he reaches out and grabs hold of it.


As expected, Nojiko moans even louder at that, as he begins to thrust into her while also pulling on her hair. That's what the book had said, after all. Chicks who had their hair up usually loved having it pulled if they also loved being fucked from behind. Given Nojiko picked this location AND was basically presenting her ponytail to Luffy as he fucked her… all of the signs were there. So he grabbed, and he was rewarded for it!


Fucking Nojiko from behind, pulling at her ponytail… she was loving it. The young woman happily took every inch of his cock, and when he battered down the entrance to her womb and invaded that as well, she happily took it. Orgasms wracked her body, but she was a fair bit better than Nami at handling the constant barrage of pleasure. Nojiko was a woman experienced with sex, sort of like Robin from the looks of things.


Luffy liked that, though there was a certain enjoyment to fucking a virgin like Nami as well. Regardless he eventually came again. It was basically impossible for him not to, with her tight cunt squeezing around him in such a delicious way. His seed filled her womb, and just like with Nami, he quickly moved onto her ass next.


Of course, unlike with Nami, Luffy didn't have to rearrange Nojiko. The girl was already on her hands and knees, slipping up and into her ass was child's play. Nojiko's eyes go wide and her jaw goes slack as he fills her back door, but there's really nothing she can do but take it. And she wanted it, she really did want it. After seeing the pleasure Nami experienced, Nojiko wants that same pleasure.


Of course, she's not as much of an anal pervert as her dear little sister is, but the sensations are enough to overwhelm her nonetheless eventually. And Luffy… Luffy has an idea that Nojiko just so happens to get to be the test subject for.


"Gum Gum Gear Two!"


Shifting into second gear surprises both Robin and Nojiko, while Nami is still asleep. Robin's eyes go wide as Luffy's body heats up, while Nojiko's eyes go wide from both that AND the fact that his cock gets even BIGGER inside of her ass.


"Gum Gum Gatling Gun!"


And just like that, it's over. Nojiko might have more sexual experience than Nami, hell she might even have Robin beat given the way the other woman had spent her life on the run. But none of her previous sexual encounters could have prepared Nojiko for Luffy. None of them could have prepared her for dealing with a devil fruit user, and none of them could have prepared her for being fucked senseless so powerfully.


By the time Luffy finally came inside of her, Nojiko was already passed out. And after all of that, as she lay there on the ground, face down with his seed pouring free of her and into the murkier and murkier hot spring, he was still hard. Luffy looks over at Robin, steam still rising from his body. His cock points in her direction, and though Robin knows she should try to stop this before it can go any further… she can't help herself.


Sliding out of the hot spring and spreading her legs wide, Robin licks her lips invitingly.


"Why don't you come here and show me what you can do with that bitch-breaker, Luffy?"


Because that was what it was. That thing between his legs, there was no other word for it. Luffy was still surprised by the title, and he glanced between his cock and her for a moment… but ultimately, his libido was too worked up for him to do anything but take her up on her offer. As Robin found herself getting fucked into oblivion for the umpteenth time that day, she also found herself wondering just who else she could ensnare here.


Because Luffy… Luffy was insatiable. And three women, even if they could convince Nojiko to travel with them from now on, just wouldn't be enough. They would need more. And if Robin had her way, they would get them. Luckily, she could be VERY persuasive when she needed to be.