
Christmas Breedings

Nico Robin has a very special Christmas present for Chopper! 


From through the window, she watched as the snow gently danced from the sky, moving in waves that echoed the soothing sensation rolling inside of her. It was a nice inn room they had taken for the night; with a cozy fireplace and thick windows that didn't let any of the chill from outside in. A nice warm place for the events of the past few hours, and a nice place to wake up in on Christmas Day tomorrow.

Nico Robin gave a content sigh as she gazed out the window, feeling happy, content, and full. She was only barely dressed; a simple open blouse draped around her, unbuttoned and hanging open to expose a bare chest. She hadn't even bothered with putting her pants back on, the shirt was enough to ensure that she was warm as she let the snow beyond the window drift by. Well, the shirt, and…

Nico gazed down to where Chopper was dozing contently in her lap. He likely would've put up something of a fuss about sitting in her lap like a child or a pet, but after what they had just been through together he seemed so tired that he wasn't able to resist the command. He had faded from his human form into his normal one, that of the diminutive doctor that they had all come to love and trust. Nico Robin grinned, and gazed down at the bundle in her naked lap, letting one of her hands caress through the fur on his head, bumping lightly against his antlers. The little reindeer was a heavy sleeper, and the archaeologist didn't even have to be careful of rousing him as she tended to him in her lap. More than once she had even found herself talking softly to him, congratulating him on what he had done, or simply praising how wonderful it had all felt. Whispered words to a sleeping reindeer on Christmas Eve. It sounded like something out of a children's book, but with darkening cheeks she couldn't help but think that what they had just done was barely even appropriate for adults.

It was that evening that she had come to join him in his room, carrying with her a small, wrapped package for her dear friend. A combination of a Christmas and birthday present, and a package that only served to be delivered in privacy with plenty of time to enjoy it. The slender woman had knocked on the doctor's door, waiting patiently for him in one of her finest gowns; a sleek evening dress that matched the pitch black color of her hair, and perfectly held her ample bust. Over their time together Nico Robin had learned the things that Chopper enjoyed about her, and she had developed a fondness for watching the reindeer fidget and squirm when presented with her delightful cleavage. He was an adorable specimen, Chopper, and she never got tired of watching him blush or overreact to her body.

When the door opened she was treated just to what she expected; a wide-eyed, red-cheeked Chopper gazing up at her from below. From his tiny position on the floor, barely up to her knees, he couldn't even really see Nico's head past her ample bustline, but it was a chest he had come to know as well as any one woman's face. Realizing that she had come to see him the reindeer stepped aside, stammering quietly while his eyes raced up and down the woman's form.

"H-Hi!" He chirped, and as her wickedly curvaceous frame slipped into his room, Chopper could do little more than openly stare. "What are you doing here, Robin?" Robin just gave him a little glance as she passed by, and one of her hands lowered to drum her fingers on the top of his hat. Her other hand held a package against her ample chest; wrapped in green and red paper and proudly tied with a vibrant bow. As she closed the door she finally turned to him, and lowered herself down to a knee so they could be more eye-to-eye.

"Just dropping by to give you a present." She smiled, and reached out to tap the reindeer on the nose. Chopper blushed for a moment, before his interest was acquired as he peeked at the brightly colored box.

"Present?!" He asked, his smile growing as he barely restrained himself from hopping up and down. He reached out for the box, but with it flush up against Robin's chest there wasn't a way to grab it politely. Instead he simply stood, arms outstretched as he looked at her, waiting to be delivered his gift like a child. Robin just gave a little laugh as she stood up, leaving Chopper with only the scent of her perfume as a reminder.

"Not so fast!" She chided him with a grin, and glanced lazily over her shoulder. She let her eyes drift across the tiny reindeer as she made her way to the far end of the room, where she turned to sit in one of the inn's chairs. She made a slow play of crossing one leg over the other, her eyes arched as she let the gift balance atop her knee. Her slender hands rested on either side of it, rocking it back and forth as she gave him a lovely show of both his gift, and the way her leg slipped from her dress, showing him the skin tone of her calf. Chopper watched for a moment before giving a little swallow, nervously moving to approach his friend. Before he had a chance to beg Robin spoke up, and lifted a hand to twirl her finger. "Grow up some!" She smirked, and quirked her brow. "You'll be glad you did for this gift."

Chopper tilted his head to the side, a bit confused by the sudden request. His normal form was certainly the most natural, the one he was most inclined to be at while going about his duties. Still, the others had their benefits, the real question was merely what sort of gift could it be, to make use of such gifts?

Chopper closed his eyes for a moment and his body shifted; spurting into a humanoid form with a large, muscular chest supported on a lean waist and powerful, thin legs. The extra height afforded him forced his top hat to readjust on his head, and rather than mess with it to straighten it out, he simply picked the thing up by the brim and tossed it aside. Once he had switched to his larger form he walked over to where Robin contently sat, still teasing him with the sight of the gift and the slender flesh of her calf.

"Better?" He asked with an eye arched, and braced his hands on his waist. Robin just gave a little nod, and held out the package as his reward. She said nothing while the reindeer tore at the ribbon and the bow, stripping the gift away of its wrapping, eager to see what he had been offered for his holi-birthday.

Inside the package, which he had immediately identified as being too light to be anything good, was a simple note. His head tilted curiously as he picked it up; tossing the box aside as he unfolded it and read it aloud, his voice starting off strong but falling into a shivering, weak quake.

"I'm already sucking your co-ohhhhhh."

Chopper dropped the note as a wave of pleasure went through him, and it danced on the air until it landed on the mess of Nico Robin's black hair. While the reindeer had been obsessed with his gift the woman had been busy; taking advantage of his childlike excitement to drop down to her knees on the floor and move her hands up to his shorts. So obsessed was Chopper with his present that he didn't even notice as his shorts came open and his member flopped out; that was at least until the warm, wet lips of his friend moved around his length.

Robin pulled her head off of Chopper's growing cockhead for just a moment, enough to flick the note off of her head and look up at him with a large, coy smirk. The reindeer could only respond with a stunned blush, but when the woman moved her head back down he managed to spare her a pathetic little whimper. It was a start, at least.

The reindeer was well endowed; his shifting sizes certainly didn't leave him lacking in the length department. Nearly as long as Robin's forearm and practically as thick, all that he really needed was a bit of encouragement to stiffen. The woman was glad to provide it, with her hands working up and down his tightening shaft and her mouth opening wide, taking his cockhead with slow, sweet strokes. Her long black hair danced around her head as she moved, and as she worked Chopper could even feel a new presence, a third hand coming from another of Robin's many arms.

Using her power she had brought another hand out of the floor, the palm of which was now cupping Chopper's sack, her fingers delightfully teasing his heavy presence. It worked well with the two hands already stroking his shaft, making him throb and twitch as she continued to build him up.

"Nnng...Ra...Robin…" Chopper whimpered, biting down on his bottom lip, and desperately trying to keep his composure in the situation. Robin's gorgeous physique was a beauty to behold, but having the older woman's lips wrapped taught around his prick was a pleasure that he could hardly fathom. She continued to take him long and deep, and as the seconds passed his member grew harder and harder. Some women would have been put off by the size, or the stiffness, or the fact that he was, after all, a reindeer. Robin seemed to have none of those fears, and if anything as his cock grew harder her service of it raced to match it.

With every passing second when Chopper's member stood straighter and more firm, Robin's mouth served it with more eagerness. Inch by inch she slathered his cock in her spit, switching from suckling the head to holding him at the base while her tongue danced up and down his length. Already Chopper could tell it was going to be a messy evening; by the time his member was strained against its full size and arousal there wasn't an inch of it that Robin hadn't covered in her spit. Her fingers now slick, her cheeks now wet from the sloppy treatment, she seemed more determined than ever at what laid before her. The noise of her messy work echoed through the room, only barely drowning out the sound of Chopper's ongoing whimpers. Every lick, every suck against the reindeer's flesh brought forth a noise of wet delight, a sloppy puckering sound to mark every inch of the reindeer's cock. As she worked the spit she had labored to smear on his member started to drool off of him; a line of it falling down to the floor, where it was intercepted by the length of Robin's black dress. After a few more messy licks, as well as a moment where she smeared his shaft on both sides of her throat to fully coat her otherwise sophisticated-looking face, she let the third hand disappear after giving his sack a gentle, teasing squeeze.

"Merry Christmas, Chopper." She purred, a brow arched as she parted her lips. Her mouth went open wide, and she braced her hands on either side of his base as she began to take him. Inch by inch the reindeer's thick cock disappeared past her lips, going down further and further until the woman's face winced from discomfort. She steadied herself there, Chopper's length deep inside her mouth and past the front of her throat, but she seemed determined to continue. A wince crossed her features as she suddenly forced herself down, taking the final few inches of Chopper's cock in a swift strike. The reindeer gave a startling cry as he felt Robin's lips press against his pelvis, and feel her tongue waggling in frantic discomfort where his shaft met the sack. Robin held the painful position for as long as she could; but as her eyes started to water and her throat started to spasm she suddenly pulled off, coughing violently as spit and Chopper's precum oozed from her mouth.

She coughed up her spit against the sleek black of her dress, and while she did so one of her hands continued to stroke Chopper's cock, making the most of the mess she had left while she earned her coughing fit. Chopper would have spoken up, moved to console his friend, but the sudden deepthroat had left him practically paralyzed from the bliss of it all. Besides, it didn't take Robin very long to recover, and soon she was looking up at him with an expression of messy, hungry joy. Her cheeks a mess, her hair stuck to her face from spit, her eyes red and her dress in a state of sticky disarray, the older woman just gazed at her reindeer lover with a confident, coy look on her face.

"And now it's time for your birthday present."

Chopper was very happy that evening that the day merited two presents. Sure, the blowjob was something truly incredible, but as Robin stood up and lifted her dress, her knew that something even better was on the way. She made short work of her mess garment, and as she stripped Chopper could see that she had come to him that evening completely naked under the elegant attire. Her ample breasts were in full display, and between her legs the reindeer could spot a small tuft of black hair, neatly shaven and trimmed for the pleasure of showing it off. One of her hands reached out, fingers coiling to tease underneath Chopper's chin as she spoke with her typical motherly grace.

"You know what to do."

Chopper's massive frame crashed against her a few seconds later; claiming Robin from behind as he bent her over the couch. The thin woman was screaming in delight from the very first second he penetrated her; the otherwise stoic and reserved archaeologist almost instantly broken down to a howling, lust-riddled wild woman. Part of the screaming was from his sheer size, Chopper knew as much, but there was a joy in her voice that could only come from delight at his enormous length. He had claimed her without teasing or inching it inside, simply shoving his length in to the hilt, pushing so far in that his head wedged against something inside that gave resistance. Her body tried to keep him out, something deep inside her refusing him access, but the reindeer locked his massive hands around her waist and yanked her back as he shoved inside.

Robin screamed again, even her deepest walls no barrier for Chopper's cock.

The scent of sweat and lust filled the room; Robin's spit-soaked face now a mess from the sweat and the tears and the spit, her body now little more than a ragdoll for Chopper to claim. She had tried to hold herself up on her elbows at first, but the reindeer was simply too big and too rough for her to keep that presence, and now her sloppy face rested against one of the couch cushions, her entire face sliding back and forth on it with every one of Chopper's heavy thrusts. She still moaned and whimpered, but her vision had blurred and she barely blinked, broken for the moment as she was fucked by the largest thing she had ever allowed take her.

Chopper had meanwhile lost control; but while Robin was limp and exhausted the reindeer was fiercely erect and knowing only the hungry desires of his cock. The couch creaked as he claimed her again and again, piercing her womb with his powerful thrusts, pulling her hair or scratching his hoof down her back in accordance with however his pleasures carried him. He could feel sweat laying underneath his fur, and he was acutely aware of his senses, every smell and every sound resonating with meaning and force. The scent of Robin's own nectar as it clung to his cock, the rapid, desperate breathing of the woman underneath him. He could tell that the fucking was so fierce and intense that it had broken her, but he could hardly reign himself in to stop in that moment.

He couldn't stop until he was finished, and thankfully for Robin the moment came soon.

When Chopper came, it was when he had pierced Robin as deeply as he could. The tip of his cockhead pressed desperately against her womb, the reindeer's spunk started to flood her in sudden bursts. His increased size accounted for increased load, and Robin's eyes shot open as the sudden wash of warm cream began to overflow. Waking her back to her reality, Robin came from a sudden fit of twitching as the cum continued to burst from her, filling her womb and her sex, filling her so much that she wondered if the reason her eyes were glazing over was because she simply couldn't hold any more.

That was a while ago, and now Chopper rested in her lap, with Robin contently stroking his now-tiny head. She was sore as hell, but she'd recover by morning, and perhaps in time to enjoy the experience again on a proper Christmas day. As she continued to stroke Chopper's head, one of Robin's hands gently lowered, and she let her fingers slowly dance across her stomach.

He had been deep; and his load had been intensely impressive. She was a smart woman, one that knew her body better than most. Something had changed. When that cream flooded her to the point that she had been left gasping on the floor, squirting out what she couldn't contain, something inside of her had kept it. A piece of the reindeer, a piece of their affection for each other.

Robin went back to stroking the reindeer's head while he peacefully slept. It was an important piece of news she could share, the news that what he had done to her would change things forever. Maybe she'd tell him tomorrow?

Or maybe it'd be a better Valentine's Day gift. Either way, Nico Robin smiled, pressed her forehead to the window, and continued to lazily watch the snow fall.


The End