
(23) Kitt's Story, Arriving at Minion Island!

"I-its under attack b-by my mother!" Kitt shouted, making me and Kuina give him weird stares.

"It's under attack by your mother? Umm, I find that pretty hard to believe." I didn't want to call him a liar, but what he just said was crazy; unless his mom was Charlotte Linlin than I'd believe him.

"I'm telling the truth! She's probably wreaking havoc right now, I shouldn't have ran away!" He started biting his fingernails and he started to go pale, showing his anxiety and fear.

"Okay, calm down. I believe you now, tell us about everything that's going on at Minion island." I decided to trust his words, as it'd be hard to fake such a fearful reaction.

Kitt looked at me and his face went back to normal he stopped biting his fingernails and stood up slowly.

"Okay, I'll tell you; me and my mom...well we didn't have the best relationship. We'd get into arguments multiple times a day, me and my mom have polar opposite personalities; she was a rather loud person and had a horrible temper, while I had a rather energetic personality though I'm pretty sensitive."

"My mom, she's an Ex-Marine; she had a rather high-ranking position in the Marines, as she was a Rear-Admiral before she got pregnant and had me. We had another argument again nothing out of the ordinary so far, but a switch flipped inside my mom all of a sudden and she suddenly just attacked me. I tried to defend myself but, in the end, she overpowered. It was like she was a different person!" Kitts voice quivered and his eyes started to water again.

"Hey, calm down. You're okay dude nobody is going to hurt you here, you're safe!" I smiled at him as I tried to reassure him of his safety. Thankfully it worked, as he wiped the tears off of his face and continued talking.

"Thanks; my mom well, I think she was possessed as even if our arguments got really bad, she would never resort to hitting me. I'm pretty sure it was because she was a marine once she still has this honor or something. in the heat of the moment, I blurted out 'I hate you!' and ran away." Kitts face showed his regret and the shame he felt.

"So, did you mean it? Did you mean it when you said you hated her?" Kuina asked.

"No! Of course, not! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tiny bit still mad at her, but I couldn't possibly hate her!"

"Alright! That's all I needed to hear! Minion Island here we come!" I shouted making Kitt lok at me in surprise.

"No, no, no you said you had to go to Swallow island, right? Go there first, you must have something important to do there!"

"It can wait, your situation is more important than what we're doing at Swallow Island anyway. Besides the two islands are basically neighbors" Since we were really only well known in the East Blue, almost everyone here except for the marines don't know that we're pirates. Which is good in this situation.

"Kuina will take you to a spare room in the ship, I'll get you when we arrive so try to relax a bit it'll probably be a while." I gave him another reassuring smile, easing his tension once more.

"Thanks! I-I promise to repay this debt! Umm, wait what's your name?" Kitt asked.

"My name is Avery, that's Kuina and there's another girl inside the ship who's name is Aoki; we're pirates!"

"You guys, are pirates? Hahaha nice joke Avery, my mom said pirates were all mean looking and ugly. You look like some noble prince!"

"He has a thirty million berry bounty, me and Aoki have a five million berry bounty." Kuina said startling Kitt.


"Yup." I said, his opinion of us will probably change but I didn't care.

"That's so cool!" Kitt said his eyes beaming with admiration, surprising both me and Kuina.

"Didn't you say your mam was a marine, she must've taught you that all pirates are bad right?" Kuina asked and I nodded.

"No, no, no that'd be hypocritical. She taught me to respect all, and treat other people how you wanted to be treated; besides I just met you guys, that just proves that all pirates aren't bad. I'm pretty sure there are more pirates out there that are like you guys!"

Surprising to say the least it, seems his mom was an honorable marine; I wonder if I know her.


"Kuina go get Aoki! We're here!" I shouted as I walked into the interior of the ship, and walked to the room Kitt was in.

"Kay!" Kuina shouted.

"Kitt! We're here!" As I was about to knock on the door, the door was swung open.

"About damn time!" Kitts expression was mixed with excitement and nervousness.

"Nervous?" I asked.

"Me? N-nervous, never!"

"Really? Well whatever you say." I walked away from the room and Kitt followed me closely behind.

"Aoki, this is Kitt. Kitt this is Aoki, now that we're done the greetings we can leave-."

"Wait, you should put on some warmer clothes its pretty cold on the island. Avery you'd probably get sick if you went dressed like that." Kitt said as he looked at my clothes.

I agreed with him, I had a short sleeved white shirt on and some light grey shorts. I'd probably freeze.

System, can I buy a coat?

[No Host, everything you can buy has already been shown in the Shop section]

Tsk, I can buy devil fruits but can't even buy one measly winter coat? Baka system.

[What was that Host?]

Nothing! Seriously though, I could probably buy a coat on the island well at least I hope I can.

"I'll buy something on the island, I only have clothes like this in my room."

"Okie Dokie! Can we go to the island now?"

"Yeah lets go."