
Chapter 269: The journey of a Vice-Admiral

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 269: The journey of a Vice-Admiral

After leaving Punk Hazard, Vice-Admiral Gion had been traveling without rest to the small island where her superior officer had been waiting for her report.

Much to her surprise, when they arrived at the camp, she only found a small number of men, led by a young lieutenant.

This one explained to her that Admiral Fujitora received a command to travel to Dressrosa for a very important escort mission.

Her orders were to stay at the camp and wait for his return.

But she couldn't possibly wait any longer. What she had discovered at Punk Hazard was too important. Doflamingo's plans and Vergo's betrayal…the Admiral must be informed about them and this was something she had to convey in person. There was no way to guess who could be listening to a den-den-mushi communication.

After leaving the injured behind at the camp, the Vice-Admiral and her remaining men took off to Dressosa.


It was almost three days later that her ship was able to reach the waters of Dressrosa.

Vice-Admiral Gion's eyes were bloodshot with dark circles around them. 

For the past few days, she had barely slept. Vergo had recovered his normal body after the effects of Trafalgar Law's ability disappeared. This meant that she, along with her most qualified personnel, had to keep a constant watch over him to make sure he didn't try anything. The man was one of the most dangerous individuals she knew.

"What the hell is this?!" For a second, she thought she was hallucinating.

A wall of water, as tall as the eyes could see, was covering the place where the island of Dreassrosa should be.

"I have seen many strange stuff during my time traveling the Grand Line, this is…" Tashigi muttered.

"What do we do?!" Asked her navigator, with clear fear in his voice.

Gion did her best to remain calm and give orders.

"For now, let's keep a good distance from the island as a safety measure. Also, try to make contact with the men stationed in the Kingdom. I need to know what is going on in there!"

"Yes Ma'am!, I'll get right to-"

"Look!, It its moving!" Interrupted Tashigi.

The Vice-Admiral stared in shock and horror as the wall of water transformed into the torso of a woman that seemed to be emerging from the sea itself and it was so massive that her head almost disappeared into the clouds.

"A giant!"

"What is that monster?!"

The marines on board were starting to panic.

"Officer Bratley!, increase the distance twofold, get us further away from that!" Commanded Gion.

She has seen many giant creatures during her many years of service for the Marines. Sea Kings could grow to be almost the size of an average island. But his was on another whole level. 

Gion and her crew watched in complete awe as the water creature moved its arms around like it was fighting something or someone.

It was impossible to see many details from this distance but she was not willing to risk the lives of her men to satiate her own curiosity.

They saw a very potent flash of white light coming from the island. After it died down, it looked like the creature was punching something deeper inside the island and then, it leaned over the island as it was trying to reach for something in its right arm.

Dark clouds started to congregate above it, and it was most definitely not a natural event.

Moments later, a massive lightning blast came from the black cloud and struck the monster on its head.

"Oh shit!, that ripped its head off!" One of the men felt the need to point that out, even though everyone was able to see it clearly.

But then, they realized the biggest problem. This water giant was now falling back towards the ocean.

"Noo!, is dropping this way!" Cried Tashigi.

"Turn the ship around!" Commanded Gion.

The safety distance she had put between her ship and the island was not going to be enough if something of that size fell down into the waters.

Even if they can avoid a direct hit, the waves created by the impact alone will be enough to shred her ship to pieces.

Turning the ship around was not going to be sufficient to save them. She knew this and so did the men. They were all bracing for the worst.

But instead of a painful death, they were welcomed by an impossible sight.

The mass of water that had been about to end their existence, was now floating in the air like a balloon, and passing over their heads.

She saw her men, veteran warriors most of them, tremble in fear and scream.

Gion would be lying if she claimed to not be afraid, but she was their leader and as such, she had to set an example.

So she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood and kept quiet as millions of tons of water passed over them.

The water kept moving until it was several miles away from them and landed softly on the sea, not making more than a few small waves that moved their ship a bit.

"W-We…we made it, it seems." The Vice-Admiral felt the necessity to say, just to make sure it was all real and they were alive.

She let her crew some time to recover from the experience before she ordered her men to move the ship to shore.

She came here to offer her findings to Admiral Fujitora, but now she had so many questions.

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