
first day At marine ford.

After my blackout, I find myself lying in comfortable bad facing the white ceiling. I got my answer to how strong I have to become and how hard my road is.

When I woke up my head was covered in bandages. A nurse was checking my pulses.

"Ouch.." I sequel when she injects the medicine in my blood. One Piece world is quite strange. Here science is so advanced that people can be turned into cyborgs and at the same time so low that they can not even discover the cars, scooters, or metal ships to sail the sea. They haven't discovered air travel yet. And by the looks of it, they haven't made any significant research in the medical field too, truly a marvelous World.

After my sequel, the nurse hurriedly left my room and run somewhere maybe to tell the doctor that I was awake.

After some time a Doctor enters my room. He was wearing glasses on his wrinkled face. He has a white beard and grey hair on his head. He was wearing a white long coat which has the Marine symbol on the sleeves.

" How are you feeling Mr. sakazuki. " He asked politely and what was that I saw in his eyes was that respect.

" I am fine doctor, nothing serious. "

" so you won't mind if we run some more tests. " The doctor asked me with concern in his voice.

" ok but can you first tell me what is the date today" I asked him.

He looked at me with a complicated look in his eyes. He might have thought that I have lost my memory. so to ease him of his worry I said

" Relax doctor, I haven't lost my memory. It is just that I forgot the date." It just comes to me now that I don't know in what year I am. I haven't bothered to know about it till this moment.

Hearing me say that Doctor release a sigh that he was holding and said " it's march 31st of 1492 sir. "

1492 meaning I have quite some time before sit hits the fan. Gol. D. Roger was executed in 1500 and Luffy was born in 1506.

But now that I am here everything will change and If it is not changed then I will change it. There will be no straw hats in future no four emperors. Right now there are a lot of opportunities right in front of my eyes and I am going to use everything.

Now I am able to influence the future generation of marines easily and the start should be from Dragon. I was in my thoughts and then I heard the doctor" Mr. Sakazuki are you really right sir. "

"I am all right Doc. I was just lost in my thoughts." I replied.

" Ok, sir. you were unconscious for at least 6 hours and I would suggest that you rest for tonight. I will send someone tomorrow morning who will give you a Tour of MarineFord and also take you to the Administration office of Marine Academy." The Doctor said wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"ugh... Doctor why are you so much respectful toward me and already calling me a sir." I know the answer to this question but I want to hear it from him. Come on tell me I am famous and already idol of many Marines.

" Well, sir anyone who brings sir Garp on his knees and also withstood a strike from him and stands up even after that is someone who deserves respect." The Doctor said with immense respect in his eyes. That's what I was aiming for.

" It was a lucky stroke and he underestimated me." I said to him so that I don't sound prideful or anything else but instead looked like a down to earth person.

" Doesn't matter. Sir Garp is not someone who can be defeated by a stroke of luck. You sir did it this is important and you did it without even period training." He again said to me.

" So. Now I am a famous person ha. " I asked him with a slight chuckle.

He looks toward me and said " Sir, you have no idea. You are an idol to everyone in the marine town now. Many students in Navy school look up to you. I have even heard that many of the instructors in the academy are seeing to teach you. You are a morale booster to many of the newly enrolled marine soldiers. Everyone is looking up to you."

I looked surprised by the revelations on the outer but inside I was happy that my gamble paid off. Now I have to just Do some more work and slowly various people will be ready to fight with me.

You might be not understanding what I did. Let me explain. I used a little trick of my previous world. I dissed the Popular person and I became popular too. many people in my old world use this technique for becoming famous. like in America people diss Trump at every time And they know that he was chosen by the people in a democratic way but still. why because when you speak opposite to anyone people like to hear. When the crowd is following a certain Direction and you Chose another direction Then the crowd will notice your face. Now 95 percent chances are that they will follow you and 5 percent chance that you will be hearing hell's bible. That's the reason that various celebrities speak against the Government because it is cheap and effective publicity.

I did the same. I challenge Garp who is a respected and powerful Vice Admiral and I became people's Idol.

Why this infamousness was necessary. well, have you ever heard soft brainwashing? No, well Hiruzen from Naruto used this. What happens is that we became famous and slowly forms people's belief inside us and our work and after some time they unconsciously started following you.

" Sir, Can I get an autograph for my grandson. He has become a fan of you after hearing about yesterday's event." The Doctor asked me.

Now I can be a Dick and say no to it or can use this opportunity to increase my fame. So I write " Your real hero should be your grandfather instead of me. Become like him and made him proud:- sakazuki ". Edgy I know but it will generate the desired result.

What now will happen is that the Doctor will read it and then talked to his friends about me and that will create a Chinese talk and the same will happen with the child. Also to marines, It will look like I miss my family.

When I gave the paper to the Doctor and he read it he has tears in his eyes and gives me a bow and said " Thank you very much, sir."

" What are you doing Doctor. I should Thank you not you." I said to him appearing a more generous person.

" Take care, sir." And then he leaves me alone and walks out of my room.


Next day morning

A marine soldier came to my room and he saluted me with respect. This is very funny because I am not a marine right now and they are treating me like a bigshot.

" so you are my tour guide"

" yes, Sir. It is my honor to take you around the MarineFord. " He said to me.

" ok, please lead the way." Did you say what I did here? No, let me told you. Do you know words hold power to destroy anything? So here When I use the word " Please" I give some respect to him and This respect will come to me in 1000 fold.

"yes sir"

I would like to tell you that oda didn't do any justice to this place. This place can hold 10 million's of people easily. The Marine town is so peaceful that you will feel like you are in heaven. old people have their meeting places, they have parks with very beautiful trees. People are doing their job. Children are playing without any worry. people are going for their jobs in the morning and some older children are going to schools. This is a fairyland. It is the same type of world that my mother described me in my previous life. She just forgot to tell me that this world is only available to those who died. It was one reason I wanted to change My previous world and I was not successful. When my mother died I wanted to change the world according to her wishes.

A tear escape from my eyes remembering her.

I will provide this world to everyone where their dreams can be protected from evil. I am founding motivation every day.

Then after touring the Marine Town The Marine Guide takes me to the Marine library. The Marine library was a three-story building. The first floor was for the normal civilians and soldiers and students. The second floor was assigned for elite students of marine academy and Captains and The third floor was assigned to rear admirals To Admirals and there were privileges on the 3rd floor based on your Ranks and the third floor was protected by Captain class Marines.

The marine boy Talks with the librarian about me and the Librarian was shocked that I was visiting the library.

The librarian hurriedly comes to me and greet me.

" Good Morning Sir. It is my pleasure to meet you " ah respect Told you.

" Please don't embarrass me. I am just here to read some books ahead of Academy." I told him.

" Sir, you can only access to 1st floor because you ate still not an Academy student so I can't allow you entry to other floors," he said with the utmost respect.

" It is okay you are just following the rules.

Bt the way if you can please tell me where the marine ranks book is. I want to know more about Marine working. "

I asked I really wanted to know which Rank holds how much power.

"It's on the 7th shelf and 8th row." He told me instantly and I pick the book after some time and sat down in a quiet corner of the Library and started reading the book. I looked for a devil fruit encyclopedia too but it was on the 3rd floor.

***Massive info dump skip if you want( It take me 2 days to find out all of this)***

The ranks within the Marine System are fairly straightforward, where each rank is clearly delineated.

Officers present at Marine Headquarters are considered the elite forces of the Marines, about three ranks higher in terms of power from those of the same rank at other bases. All ranks present from "Lieutenant" above are usually trained here, exceptions being those in command of other Marine bases.

The Marines do not have a system of rank insignia per se. There is significant variation in the kind of uniform worn by officers, with many options to wear a variety of dress showcasing their own eccentric style. Marines are also allowed to wield whatever weapon they are most comfortable with, no matter how unusual it is. They are even free to fight bare-handed.

• the uniform guidelines are

•Upon first entering the Marines, new recruits are given the standard uniform, consisting of a white, short-sleeved shirt emblazoned with the Marine emblem; a simplified gull with the word "MARINE" underneath it, on the back; a blue neckerchief; dark blue trousers; and a baseball cap also with the word "MARINE" across the front. All officers at the rank of a seaman (Ittōhei?) and below wear this. The quasi-rank of "Zatsuyō" (Zatsuyō?) adds the kanji Zatsu ("various" or "odds and ends") to the sleeves, and to the Marine emblem on the back.

•Once an officer has reached the rank of petty officer (Gochō?), he or she can choose from a number of different uniforms, including his or her personal clothes. Only those who really want to appear "sailor-like" will stay with a more traditional uniform.

•Sailors at the rank of ensign (Shōi?) and above are allowed to wear the coat with "Justice" (Seigi?) on the back. This coat tends to be worn like a cape, draped over the shoulders with the arms not in the sleeves. It should be noted that the sleeves of these coats are often much longer than the wearers' arms.

• For the rank of lieutenant commander (Shōsa) and above, a suit worn underneath the "Justice" coat is the preferred attire.

The command of Marines is as followed.

1. "Fleet Admiral" (Gensui?) is the highest Marine rank, and is the commander of the entire organization. It is just above admiral but below the World Government Commander-in-Chief and the Five Elders. The fleet admiral and the three admirals are the only ones within the Marines capable of legally initiating a Buster Call, as well as granting World Government agents or lower-ranking Marines the right to do so.

A white suit seems to be the preferred attire of the Fleet Admiral, though heavily stylized according to the person. The coat possesses pure gold epaulets and white cuffs.

2. "Admiral" (Taishō?) is the second-highest rank in the Marines. There are only three Marines who hold this title at any given time, and they are crowned as the World Government's "Greatest Military Powers" (Saikō Senryoku?),[8] as each of them possess deadly combat abilities. They are the only Marines, along with the fleet admiral, able to issue a Buster Call on any island they deem a threat.

3. "Vice Admiral" (Chūjō?) is the third-highest rank in the Marines. These officers can have varying duties and amounts of authority. For example, one vice admiral, John Giant, is seen to have some special authority, as he was the first in the entire Marine Headquarters to receive the report of the Buster Call and could also evidently command other vice admirals to dispatch. There are always at least five vice admirals sent with a Buster Call fleet.

The general attire of a vice admiral is that of a Marine coat with epaulets and a suit and tie worn underneath. The only vice admiral to wear an attire

Vice admirals are the Marine's strongest combat force outside of the admirals, and it would seem that most of them are swordsmen and several have been shown using Rokushiki. Many Giants who are shown to be Marines are vice admirals, a testament to their immense strength. Another attribute that is common among vice admirals is that they all know and can use at least one type of Haki.

4. "Rear Admiral" (Shōshō?) is the fourth highest rank in the Marines. As the lowest of the Admiral ranks, they have the least amount of authority, yet they still have full command over any and all lower-ranking marines. Despite being the lowest admiral rank, they are still known for being powerful fighters, and in some rare cases, rear admirals of high-enough caliber and reputation are given additional responsibility and authority, in the case of the rear admirals assigned directly to marine headquarters

5. "Commodore" (Junshō?) is the fifth-highest rank in the Marines. Commodores have command over any marines of lower rank and are tasked with authoritative matters too important for a marine of captain rank to handle.

6. "Captain" (Taisa?) is the sixth highest rank in the Marines. One of the duties that a Marine captain could have is to be the commander of one of the several Marine branches established on the islands around the world. In addition, a captain is often seen navigating the seas in order to capture pirates and keep order, in these cases, the captain is the leader of the ship, as long as there are no higher-ranking Marines on board. A Marine captain is considered a strong Marine officer whose experience and battle performance are forces to be reckoned with. Most of the several Marine captains seen in the series are powerful fighters with Devil Fruit powers, high combat skills, or considerable tactical knowledge.

Interestingly, while the supposed attire of a captain is a suit under the Justice coat, very few captains follow this style of dress, instead preferring the basic uniform.

7. "Commander" (Chūsa?) is the seventh highest rank in the Marines.

8."Lieutenant Commander" (Shōsa?) is the eighth highest rank in the Marines.

9."Lieutenant" (Taii?) is the ninth highest rank in the Marines.

10."Lieutenant Junior Grade" (Chūi?) is the tenth highest rank in the Marines.

11."Ensign" (Shōi?) is the eleventh highest rank in the Marines and the lowest and last rank within commissioned officers. This is the lowest rank given permission to wear the kanji "Justice" (Seigi?) on the backs of their clothing.

after these ranks come

Warrant Officer

Master Cheif Petty Officer

Chief Petty Officer

Petty Officer

Seaman First Class

Seaman Apprentice

Seaman Recruit

and last is a Chore boy.

Then there is support staff which consists ranks

Inspector General







When I finished the book it was already night and my tour guide guides me to my room and informed me that I have to go Academy tomorrow for the admission. I thanked him and go for sleep.


shower me with those powerstones

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