
One Piece: No Strings Attached

The plot is set as pieces are conveniently laid down for the hero. A convenient world, a convenient power, heck, even a convenient conflict. Now all we needed to do is sit back and watch this expected development play through. We've done this thousands of time, what can go wrong right? With destiny as the guide, a man will overcome all odds to rise from challenge and save the wor-- did he just massacre my planet?! ------------- A story inspired by so many fanfictions I've read in the span of a month. Yeah, just discovered it last December. Hello everyone, I have been recently introduced to this genre called fanfiction and now I am acting like a kid who had his first pack of wee-- er games. I meant games. This is my first novel too so feel free to leave some reviews on what I can do better. I fucked up and now I do not know how to change the genre because this is clearly FF. So I did the obvious, be lazy looking for answers and just repost it under FF genre. English is not my native language so do inform me if the grammar is unbearable. Now, What should you expect from this novel? hmmm. One piece definitely. Now, I'll try to incorporate my ideas so it won't be the "let's go sail and fuck up WG" World hopping. Yes but not saving the world thingy every time. He may save or he may left it to be destroyed after taking what he wants. So much bullshit that researchers will call it the "Recipe for Disaster" Prolly sex. I mean yeah. MC is kinda an Asshole so be prepared So yeah, I will update this later one. Peace, Venerable Zy

Venerable_Zydelle · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 19 Welcome to the Underworld(II)

"Show me my profile"

[Aye ayeee captaiiiin. Ohhhhh]

"Shut up"



Name: Legolas D. Jack

Physique&Constitution: Absolute Average,(SIN???????)

Soul: Rebelheart(99%Fused)

>>>>Description: (Accompanying a being's rise in strength, their visions grow along with their strengthened will and what feeds it courage is the power to back them up. However, the higher the climb, the harder the fall. [Rebelheart] is formed when a being so strong to unimaginable degree succumbed to despair, yet ultimately defeated the said desparation.)


Empower*(Passive) -whenever your base power level is weaker, instantly raises your power level by [two] full level. The power is derived from the concept that enabled the Seed of Yggdrasil to form.

* means incomplete and can be improved.

Reaffirmation(Passive) - unless affected by a bigger trauma that once led to your despair, all negative emotions will not impact your functionality. You are also immune against illusions and Conqueror's Haki domination. (Basically, he will feel sad, anger, jealous and other emotions but his will is strong enough to keep him compose and not affect his functionality. He can get angry, get frustrated and would even show it but he will never be driven into a desparation. So he is not emotionless, just one hell of a person who experienced plenty of fucked up things)

Unfettered(Passive) - the moment you get tied down 1) against your will, [Rebelheart] will burn alongside your existence. 2) willingly, [Rebelheart] will slowly sap away your power until the very last bit. (This is more of a curse in exchange for the power)

(????) - Hidden, need to be fully fused.

Requirments for [Rebelheart]: Beating Jack's Despair.<<<<

Seed:1st Seed Defy(Unfused)

>>Description: The First Seed of Yggdrasil, born from the power that counters Omnipotence. Defy is formed from the stubborn Nature of a human who went against his fate.


Super Calculation: in the form of a system, an AI is tasked to assist the chosen host in every way possible.

Veil of Deceit*: is able to shield the host against calculations through fate as well being affected by the threads of destiny.

Devour: The ability that was stolen from the previous system, it can devour any form of energy that can be stored within the system.

(????) - Hidden, requirements: Fusion of the Seed<<

2nd Seed (????) - Hidden, requirements: Unknown

3rd Seed (????) - Hidden, requirements: Unknown

Haki: Conqueror's Haki

Mastery: Will Embodiment (1st Stage Beyond Mastered)

Haki Nature: Mischief Insanity


Once a person is able to push their Haki to the limits of Mastery, they will be received with a blocked path that will bar them from further advancement. The key to opening the path is to open up your soul. Haki is the reflection of the True self and understanding your own nature will allow the said nature to manifest through your Will enabling the person to fully become the embodiment of their True self.


Supreme King's Cloak: Your Will is your command, cloaking yourself with Haki will allow it to take form the appearance you want it to be. The clothing is durable like a permanent Infusion.

Anthem Of King(Active): Once you enable it, the world will follow your rhythmn making things such as fighting, dodging, walking and all sorts of actions to be in your favor. (Da zone)<<

Devil Fruit: String-String Fruit

Mastery: Peak-Advance Stage

Battle Power: Mid-Knight Level(disregarding Empower)

AN: Mid-Knight Level only because of his fruit mastery and fruit type. His tier will go up whenever he uses his haki as well.

Mission: [Project Eden], [Hades' Ascension], [Cain]

Status: Healthy


Jack looked at the interface which only he was able to see. Having fused with [Rebelheart], not only did he get stronger but he also got the memories along with information he badly needed.

Frankly, thinking of the enemy of his other self gave him a headache but he decided to let it be for now. He decided to focus more on the newer panels that appeared within the status menu. This time, the system explained most of the things and those that was not given any description, he already has an idea.

First is the [Rebelheart], as stated one of its abilities is to boost his power level up to two levels and that is not even its full extent. It served as a regulator that will help him think clearly under extreme conditions, the only problem is the Unfettered. It greatly hinders any operations that will allow him to act undercover and basically does not allow him to stay low key.

Such a glaring weakness honestly frustrates him and he noted to do something about it in the future.

The second issue is the 1st Seed. Currently Jack did not fuse with all of [Rebelheart] leaving a wisp of his soul to serve as the main AI of the system. Why? Simply because he cannot execute his plans on this world if he fused with the powers of this world's forefather. He want to fuck this world up and he can't trust a super computer-like system outside of his control.

The third and most pressing is Hades' Ascension. They have arived in the Sabaody Archipelago one week ago and he had already mapped out the general details of the island as well the current affairs of the world and honestly, he did not like it one bit.

'It is too boring.' he thought so he decided to start a mission with an objective to take over the Underworld. His brows were meeting at the obvious frown that he wears on his face as he contemplated on how to go about his plans.

"Are you thinking of that woman who lead the slave group to that disgusting auction house?" a voice too cold to his liking suddenly interrupted his thoughts as Yvve or Yvonne sat directly across him on a chair.

He looked at her wide eye for a moment before grinning. "Don't tell me you're jealous?" he asked but he was answered with a sharp spear that is coated with black color that is glowing in greenish hue.



A small waves of wind was produce whenever the spear was block.




"Tsk" Yvonne put away her spear, seeing that it was blocked with a single strand of his string. The man really got stronger all of sudden. Even her system is curious and suspicious of his growth. "Seriously, how did you do it?" she asked while gettimg back on her chair.

"Do what?" Jack asked with a teasing grin. He knows she is frutrated by his overwhelming increase in strength and the thought made him want to make fun of the poor girl even more.

"What else? How are you one-shotting people like cabbages?" she looked at him straight in the eye as he stared back in kind. He then suddenly got up and leaned his face closer to her while still staring at her with a serious expression. "Do you really want to know?" he asked.

The woman paused for a moment without breaking eye contact. She nod her head in full seriousness causing their nose to brush against each other. None of them flinched from the action while Jack even so slowly move in closer and closer, and as their lips are about to meet..

Yvonne evaded earning a mocking smirk from Jack. She decided to ignore his taunts and seeing as her questioned goes an unanswered, she decided to ask another question instead. "So, what's our plan?"

"Oyah~ since when did I become the leader of our little group?" he asked while grinning causing the woman to be wide-eyed from the realization but got back in composure all of a sudden. "I am just asking for your input. Or are you that lacking in creativity to think of a plan?"She fired back hoping to piss the man but all she ever received was an annoying chuckle.

"Well, for starters, I think that the underworld lacks.. variety and a little bit of--" he stood up from his seat without finishing his sentence, He then approached the window. Yvonne followed him and traced where his annoying sights lay. She saw a giant pagoda that is painted in red and with a little bit of gold as ornaments. The name of the building was glaringly big and for some reason, disguting. The name of the building was Innocence Auction House. "Chaos." she heard him say.

"Chaos?" she tilted her head in confusion. Jack however for some reason looked oddly serious and perhaps a bit angry? while staring at the building. 'Don't tell me he is the type of idiot who acts righteously and try to defend those who are weak err-- come on, this is him we are talking about. He'd eat children for breakfast for all I know.'

"Yes, my dear. It needa chaos" He shifted his sights from the building to Yvonne's huge breast. 'Ah, there there, these two mounds really are my stress balls.'

This action displease the woman but she just sighed and let him be. What can she do? Nag him to death? He'll just fire back more annoying comments. 'Tsk. I swear I'd kill this man someday.'

"How do we do that?" she returned to her sit once more while crossing her arms on her chest, contemplating. Her perky breasts wobbled from the action which did not escape Jack's eyes. The man nodded in appreciation. Yvonne just rolled her eyes at his actions and continued to contemplate.

"Hey, what do you say about catching some fishes?" His random words brought more confusion to the table but looking at his grinning self, Yvonne finally realized what meaning implied and could not help but be astonished with the man's audacity.

"Are you crazy?! Do you even know where you are?!" she asked with a dumbfounded expression, completely breaking her emotionless visage. The sheer audacity of this man greatly astonished her.

Jack just gave a sweet smile and said. "Hey, welcome to the underworld." while grinning like a madman.