
One Piece: My Crew Is Trash!

Crossing into the world of One Piece, possessing the ability to summon for companions from other worlds, it was an exhilarating thought! Then when Zyhark bravely borrows money from the mountain bandit king, to meet the conditions for making a summon, he summoned the wise and intelligent Water Goddess Aqua, he feels that dreaming about punching the Four Emperors and kicking the Admirals it was just that—a dream. Then ridiculous companions like Pokémon's Team Rocket's Meowth and One Punch Man's King appear one after another, Zyhark dares not to even dream anymore. He only hopes to survive well in an era where heroes rise together with this group of troublemakers... www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · Anime et bandes dessinées
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220 Chs

Chapter 33

The day after getting drunk, Aqua was forcibly awakened by Zyhark. Today was the day they set sail, and since they intended to operate a floating restaurant, it was necessary to move all the pots, pans, tables, chairs, and refrigerators from the restaurant onto the ship.

It wasn't an easy task, but fortunately, the villagers of Windmill Village came to help. Without their assistance, it would have been a daunting task for Zyhark and Aqua, who could fall asleep while walking, to complete the move.

The sailboat crafted by the carpenters, compared to the original Red-Foot Zeff's sea restaurant Baratie, was much smaller and even smaller than the Going Merry.

A sturdy mast stood in the middle of the ship, with a covered spacious deck offering two levels of space.

The first level served as the dining area, not very large, accommodating only about six tables. After all, cooking wasn't Zyhark's primary purpose for starting this floating restaurant; he didn't need much space or hire staff.

The second level was designed for Zyhark and Aqua's daily living, including a small, exquisite deck with a view.

The ship featured flat entrances on both sides for easy access for dining guests.

After much insistence from Aqua, the figurehead of the ship was a statue of the Goddess of Water.

In short, it was a sloop with dine-in capabilities, not much different from a typical pirate ship aside from its restaurant nature.

"Thanks for your hard work, guys. I'm very satisfied with the ship. Let's settle the cost now," Zyhark said to the three carpenters at the only ship launch in Windmill Village.

Initially, the estimated cost for building the ship was 5,000,000 belly, but with the addition of a small restaurant and various other features, the price had undoubtedly increased.

To Zyhark's surprise, the three carpenters, dressed in white tank tops, exchanged smiles and casually waved off the payment.

"There's no need for money. You've always secretly added extra servings to our meals over the past year; we've noticed."

Seeing Zyhark about to refuse, the lead carpenter with thick eyebrows quickly added, "Truth be told, when we were younger, we also dreamt of sailing the seas in search of adventure."

"But by the time we were ready to act on those dreams, we realized we had grown up with more responsibilities."

Another carpenter looked at Zyhark, continuing, "Right, we now have our own families and children. While we love them and don't see them as chains holding our dreams back, we've had to bury those dreams deep inside, waiting for the moment they can shine again."

"From the moment we heard about your plans to set sail, we realized that moment had come!"

The carpenters looked up at the sloop swaying quietly by the shore, their eyes filled with longing and anticipation.

"This ship is an extension of our dreams. Please, take it and witness the vastness of the ocean!"

"A man's voyage should be filled with boundless freedom!"

Their faces lit up with genuine smiles under the sun, touching Zyhark deeply.

"If that's the case, then thank you."

With no room for refusal, Zyhark seriously looked at them after internally apologizing for serving them leftover beef.

"The ship hasn't been officially named yet. Why don't you name it?"

The carpenters were momentarily stunned, their faces lighting up with excitement, "Really?!"

"Yes," Zyhark affirmed.

Though it was just a brief exchange, it deeply moved the carpenters, who had long suppressed their dreams.

"Endless Dream."

The carpenter with thick eyebrows managed to regain his composure, wiping tears from his eyes, "If possible, Zyhark, please name this ship Endless Dream."

"An endless dream, huh…"

After a moment of contemplation, Zyhark gave a thumbs-up, smiling, "That's a fantastic name!"

Thus, the floating restaurant Endless Dream was officially born. When Aqua and Makino, who came to help, finished loading the last box of drinks, it was time to say goodbye.

Ready to depart, Zyhark and Aqua ascended the steps to Endless Dream.

Hearing the ship's name decided, a half-drunk Aqua suddenly sobered up, questioning why it wasn't named "Lady Aqua" or "Blessings Of Aqua."

Zyhark simply said, "Then buy the ship yourself," which silenced Aqua.

Setting aside the carpenters' wishes, Zyhark couldn't possibly use such bizarre names.

Before leaving, Makino, Village Chief, and other villagers came to the shore to wave goodbye and offer their blessings.

"Hey! Zyhark! Aqua!"

"When I grow up and become a real pirate, I'll be stronger than you, with even more incredible crewmates! See you then!!!"

Luffy stretched his rubber arms around his mouth as a megaphone, shouting to Zyhark and Aqua.

His eyes brimmed with tears, a mix of envy, reluctance, and unshakable determination.

"Hope by then, you can pay back what you owe for the meals!"

Zyhark, standing at the stern, responded with a light laugh.

Hearing this, Luffy, who was tearful a second ago, turned his head away, feigning ignorance with a whistle.

"That little rascal!" Zyhark couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle.

The fresh sea breeze blew from afar, carrying the ship gently towards the horizon.

"Let's, for one last time, send them off in the way Lady Aqua taught us!" a villager suggested, a dark-skinned middle-aged man who had helped Zyhark collect bounties.

He looked towards the departing ship, shouting, "Axis followers can achieve anything if we put our minds to it. If we fail, it's not our fault, it's the world's!"

The villagers caught on, continuing the doctrines Aqua had preached over the past few days.

"When faced with unpleasant things, just run away. Escaping isn't losing; it's winning!"

"When in doubt, whatever you choose, you'll regret it. So, pick the easier option!"

"Don't fear aging, for even the gods don't know if the future you will be happy!"


"Rest assured! Those who faithfully believe in Lady Aqua will receive the highest blessing!"

Aqua, standing on the ship with arms wide open towards the villagers, promised with a smug look.

Her superior demeanor almost convinced Zyhark that she truly was a goddess descended from the heavens.

No, that's not right...

Zyhark's calm gaze suddenly widened in shock.

At that moment, Aqua was surrounded by a faint holy light!

As the villagers expressed their sincere emotions, this barely noticeable light slowly merged into Aqua, enhancing her aura as the Goddess of Water.

Having mastered basic Observation Haki, Zyhark was certain this was no illusion.

Considering Aqua's activities in Windmill Village, he realized a startling and ludicrous fact.

Those who genuinely (kindly) believe in the Church of Axis could help Aqua, suppressed by traversing into the world of One Piece, recover her divine powers faster!

Thus, Zyhark grew even more envious of Aqua, who could increase her strength just by lying around.

Indeed, it was crucial to complete the next wish soon...

Whether or not he could summon a powerful ally was one thing, but the enhancement options after wishing were the main path to becoming stronger!

As he pondered, a sudden rush of water from the bow caught their attention, with the rapid currents violently rocking the ship.

What's happening?!

Zyhark and Aqua, abandoning their final farewells to the villagers, rushed to the bow.

A giant oval water sphere emerged from the turbulent sea, revealing a monstrous head with fierce teeth and blood-red eyes, casting a large shadow over them—the King of Nearshore Waters!

"Bad luck to encounter this troublemaker just as we set sail," Zyhark muttered, looking up at the menacing creature, ready to fight.

With his skill in Armament Haki and Aqua's blessing, defeating this sea monster, hardly a Sea King, seemed feasible.

However, just as Aqua was about to bestow her goddess's blessing, a devastating force of red lightning struck from the direction of Windmill Village, immobilizing the Nearshore King with an overpowering presence of Haki.

The Red Hair Pirates, standing at the end of the village street, bid farewell, "This is how pirates say goodbye. See you in the New World, Zyhark."

Shanks sheathed his sword, Griffin, exchanging a look with Zyhark across the distance.

"Such a cunning man, leaving me in his debt right before departure," Zyhark mused, turning away from the pirates to face the open sea, excitedly telling Aqua, "Are you ready, Aqua? It's your stage now!"

Aqua, looking at the vast sea, felt a deep connection.

"Of course!"

The sea breeze pushed their new adventure forward.

As the villagers of Windmill Village watched, Endless Dream sailed towards the horizon.

"Strange, I feel like I'm forgetting something. Aqua, do you know what it is?"

"Nope, the ten-year-old wine Makino secretly gave me because she was worried you'd refuse, I brought it."

"...Now, hand it over!"

"Ah! I didn't say anything just now!"

Watching Aqua defensively retreat to a corner, Zyhark frowned, lost in thought.

"Could I have really forgotten something?"

(End of Chapter)