
Chapter 1: the beginning of grand adventure.

A clear sky on a beach, a boy was presently watching it with lost looks.

His name was Arya (our MC).

"Why am I here" he thought for the past one year as suddenly waking up in another world as a teenage kid from a respectable engineer on earth. Now that is tragic, arya was happy with his life he had money, job and could watch anime as much as he can, when bored he would go to work shops to make fancy anime figures and other stuffs and suddenly he was pulled to this world and now living as a labour to a pirate group that too for a weak pirate group.

It was frustrating, but alas he cannot even complaint to anyone. He was damn weak even though he was already fifteen he was just a labour, and just carrying those felt like tough job.


"Hey boys send the signal to let us pass" a man shouted from a ship, it was a pirate ship.

This island was Clockwork Island, and as the name says this island works as a clock and it has a unique shape as the main island and is presently under Trump pirate's control.

Yes the same puny filler movie pirate's and yet I was not even strong enough to kick a guards butt, and don't say I did not train; I pushed my body to limits to the point I thought I would die.

"Hey dumbass bring this box" a woman kicked me as I picked up the box and walked behind her, she was honey queen one of the trump siblings. And actually this is my second time seeing her in the past two years; first time was when I was forced into labour when I saw every member of trump pirates.

From the movie she had a logia devil fruit and I felt it was wasted on her at that time I even cursed her but now that I am near her I felt fear. But truth to be told I had never seen her use her ability even though I saw bear king using his power to stop a bullet.

Like a robot I followed behind her to the trump castle, she was a devil and I don't want to be in her bad side.


"Bear king I found a devil fruit today" she said while hugging him the bear king smiled happily as he felt the female body.

I was feeling extremely jealousy as I watched that dumbass overgrown fat guy getting such treatment from a lady like honey queen.

"What power does it have, do you know" bear king asked with a happy smile, "ah! No but I want it as you promised the next devil fruit would be mine" honey queen said in his ears, but I was able to hear it.

As a big fan who has watched one piece multiple times including filler arcs I know honey queen had logia ability hearing her say she wanted to eat it meant only one thing that is this devil fruit she found was a logia fruits.

My first thought was to steal it, but first I had to find it.

"Yes I did say it but it was just a friendly conversation" Bear king said with smile which was too bright.

"Come on I would even get you a hot model for you" she said as bear king lost in his beautiful dream and nodded his head, just then a man with yellow furrow collar arrived "boss but you promised me" he said he was obviously angry, he was pin joker another one of trump pirate's.

"Now come on how about we play a game and see who wins, and winner get the devil fruit" Bear king said while still in the thoughts off a hot women.

"Then let's get this over with" Honey queen said while pin joker also agreed "those who failed to attend are naturally losers".

I was afraid now honey queen was pointing a gun while pin joker took out a rapier sword while ready to attack. Buckets of sweet flowed from my body.

"Rock paper scissor"

I felt the urge to bang by head, as honey queen won. "Agghhh! At least let me see the fruit" Pin joker said.

"Sure" honey queen said as she opened the box I was holding and look out a small cherry like fruit with something dripping from it patter.

"See this is it" honey queen said, "What this little fruit, I thought devil fruits are somewhat bigger" pin joker said, while bear king also watched the fruit which was on honey queen hand.

They are least afraid that someone will steal it, and I was like two foot away from the fruit.

I watched the fruit, if I eat it I can be free but if they kill me before I reach it I would die, 'common on you are arya a world traveller how you could be afraid of little danger. My other concern was whether it was actually the logia fruit or not.


I did not think and swallowed whole fruit with her hand, with a disgusting look she pulled out her hand in front of their stunned faces I eat the whole fruit and made gulping sound.

"HE ATE IT" the normal guards, honey queen, pin joker and bear king said as their eyes came out comically.

"It is disgusting" I said, as the next second I was pointed by guns.

"You b*****d I'll kill you" I closed my eyes expecting the worst but the bullets passed through me and hit few other guards who were pointing guns at me.

"What the hell, what is your ability?" bear king asked a little shocked.

"I don't know but with this ability I can escape from here" I said, as I jumped out of the trump castle. I did not want to leave so soon instead I wanted to see if I could save the people here.

I hid in a wind mill as I studied my ability; it was indeed toro toro no mi and it gave be the ability to turn into a liquid (not jelly, but jelly like fluid).

And like any logia powers I was able to turn into liquid man, and generate liquid at will, I felt overpowered as I tried few moves I can think of first was a liquid globe it was "water prison jutsu" except this was a liquid instead of water.

After a few times I was a little adopt to use two 'liquid prison' from each hand's the other thing I noticed was I can control the liquid density and its viscosity (weight and stickiness), I raised the liquid density but three times water density was my limit as I felt the urge to throw up.

And moving around in liquid state was strange and I felt dizzy from moving around, it felt like a roller coaster ride with just moving little distance, I could tell it would take some time before I get used to it.

The next thing I tried was to see if I can control water, and as excepted I could not, I tried to mix the water into my body and tried to control it and yes my answer was I can control it.

I can control even water if I can convert it into a liquid first, glad that my prediction was correct I was ready to move out and to my shock the entire island was on high alert as every guard was searching for me.

I used my ability to capture a guard with liquid prison, can you believe how easy it was I instantly liked my ability as now I could defeat a guard which was impossible for me for a whole year.

The guard was even carrying a picture of me; I quickly changed by hairstyle and wore the guard uniform leaving the poor man only with inner ware.

I soon say the low IQ guards calling me by other name, and I joined them. By some stroke of luck I found a guard who was similar to me in appearance while roaming around, and before he can shout he face my liquid prison as I tied him up and jumped to the get down, I transformed into a giant jelly man to land safely I sent the tied up guard away on a raft, while getting to the top.

"Hey someone is on the ocean looks like one in the poster" someone shouted, it worked as a nice distraction as I used my ability to climb till top (like luffy) I soon joined the guards and shot at the raft but it was too late as the wind sea currents took him far away.

"Quickly get him, go after him" honey queen shouted as she was going crazy with anger, while even bear king was so angry he tossed few guards to the sea.


The tension stayed like this for few days as the bear king gave up eventually, as guards I had a small room to live unlike before where I had to sleep on the ship deck, which was always filled with people. I was about to be found out many times but I escaped using 'I am drunk' excuse.

And I got a lot of free time so here comes training time.

Few months passed as I was able to adopt to my ability I even tried few techniques which I got inspiration from Naruto series jutsus.


One day as I was guarding I saw a person he was surprisingly wearing an aviator uniform I do remember him since I had noted down the whole move plot as soon as I found out my situation, as such I was able to recognize him. He was called borodo and was an amazing navigator who was fighting to send his little adopted brother back home.

I even saw a little kid, he was four or three years I guessed. I soon saw the little kid going out away from borodo and some guards are coming that way.

I felt afraid for the kid now, and even borodo saw this and was sweating, I stretched my hand to the boroda side and with a quick push I jumped and caught the kid while turning into jelly and cushioning my landing. While boroda was shocked he knew what to do and shut his mouth as I closed the kid mouth.

I waited for a while until the guards left "who are you" borodo asked, while the kid stared at me surprisingly the kid was smart as he apologised for his thoughtless behaviour.

"My name is arya, nice to meet you" I said while extending my hand for a handshake, "My name is borodo and this is my little brother akisu" he surprisingly greeted with manners.

"Why are you here, don't you know this island is under trump pirate's control" I asked, even though I know his reasons I was unsure if this is really like the anime I know so I wanted to confirm to be sure.

"We are thief brothers and I am after the trump pirate's treasure" Borodo said, "Hihihi… I smiled, I understand I actually wanted to destroy the trump pirates and save this island, so how about we co-operate to bring them down you can have half the treasure while I can take their bounty another half for the people what do you say" I asked with a smile.

Borodo felt weird, a teenager just asked to help save this island people, if had to guess he would only be few years elder then the kid, but somehow his instinct said to work with him.

"Ok deal" Borodo said while the kid akisu laughed, "be quite" I said as akisu closed his mouth with his hands.

"Ok what is the plan" Borodo asked, "There is a technique I am practising it is not complete yet but I would say after a couple of months I would be able to trap all the trump siblings and the bear king and knock them unconscious after which if you could get a special kind off handcuffs made of sea prism stone I can capture the bear king and defeat them all. Don't worry with my power all the others are not a problem at all to deal with" I said.

"So you want sea prism stone handcuffs is that all" akisu asked, "Yes and two months time, the whole island has a lot of traps so I need time to find out how to avoid them" I said.

"Ok after two months we will be here with the handcuffs you asked, let's bring down trump pirate's" Borodo said.

After the little deal, arya did not sit ideally he had only one word training since the time he saw how bear king was able to throw a hundred kilo weights like a ball he thought just may be he was captured with a sea stone handcuff a hit from bear king is enough to crush half of his bones just the thought of it sent shivers down his spine.


Two months passed as the as borodo and akisu arrived as they promised, "here is the sea prism stone handcuffs you asked" akisu threw them to me as soon as I caught them I felt weak all of a sudden like when I had work out during diet with a little difficulty I was able to stand.

"Here I cannot hold them since I'll lose my ability by touching them, it is the weakness of every devil fruit user" I said as borodo took them.

"The plan is simple I will knock them out with my ability you both will capture him and the trump siblings. It should be fine if everything goes according to the plan if not escape through jumping since you have a parachute" I said, as I took a deep breath and brought the two people with me to the trump castle.


Today was a special day for trump pirate as it was the start of their adventure all the trump pirate original gang around forty members would celebrate today.

I join the servant group and when everyone was intoxicated I used my new technique giant liquid prison (same as water release: great exploding water colliding wave) as the liquid prison covered the area of ten meters (my current range) the problem I took so long to perfect it is because, I had to raise the pressure inside the prison if not any one could escape it by swimming since it is not sea water fruit users would definitely be able to run away. So I had to make sure that they felt they like being crushed so I can stop them.

And looking at the results I was right, bear king as soon as he found out that he was not weakened he tried to move out of the range alas this technique was not so simple as the prison movies along with me he was suffocated, after 10 minutes all of them passed out and some are even on death door as I deactivate my ability.

Borodo and akisu who watched this were impressed but did their work my capturing the bear king in sea prism stone handcuffs, they were extra careful and tied all the trump siblings with sea stone.

The labours and guards everyone ran away with the ships which were equipped with arms somehow I managed to capture them all I took the arms and let them go far away from this island.

The island people were happy as they are free again. While the little kid akisu finally met his mother it was touching to see them.

"Well borodo as promised half the treasure is yours and half is for the island people and the bounty on their head is mine" I said as I stood on the trump pirate ship now, it was big nearly 30 meters long and was a bit difficult to operate by one person, so I chose to let it be there for now when I had a bigger crew I would come back to take this, anyway there are still four ships here.

"Ok them I am off" I said as I stood on the smaller boat (10 meters long sail boat), then suddenly it hit me I don't know how to operate a boat.

"Hello if you don't mind can anyone tell me how to operate the boat" I asked the people were silent for a moment before screaming "You don't know how to use a boat" they asked.


"Hahahaha! Alright them since you are alone I'll tag along" Borodo said with a smile, as we went to louge town to collect and my journey began with my first partner borodo.


I am just trying to come up with my thoughts on living in one piece world, as I had lot of free time in this lock down.

My english is bad, so please bear with it untill I improve.

And enjoy the story

gunablazercreators' thoughts