
One piece kingdom of justice

Tanuj_Roy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

One piece kingdom

Chapter 1. Beginning in word of one piece

When can humans be said to be dead?

When have you lost your life?

When his body can no longer move?

By the time his body's breathing had stopped?

By the time his heart had stopped?

Yes All of these answers can be said to be correct answers. However, I myself have another opinion about when the human being can be said to have died.

The human dies when that person has been forgotten by other humans or in other words the human has been forgotten in the world where he had lived.

What do you think?

Do you also agree with this answer?

This answer is based on the many novels, light novels, and mangas I've read in my life. I see many characters who have died, but the character is still alive through the achievements that he has achieved and that makes him continue to be remembered by people who have lived in the same world as the character.

While reading, a question always pops into my mind.

Is it possible that I can do as they do?

At the time I have left this world but I can still be said to be living through the achievements and achievements that I have obtained before.


Fate says otherwise…..

Due to the disease I was born with, I can't carry out activities like humans normally do. Since birth, I have been in the hospital for intensive care. The disease that I have at this time there is no medicine that can help to cure it. Luckily because of this disease, all hospital costs were borne by the government with an agreement that I could be used as an experimental material in order to find a way out or find a drug to cure this disease if in the future someone got it.

My family immediately agreed to this deal. After all, my own family doesn't seem to be from a wealthy family. Even if I don't know about the issue of hospital fees that must be paid, I'm sure there is not a lot of money to be spent. I got this knowledge through light novels, novels, and manga that I often read to kill my boredom every day in the treatment room.

Through this work, I know that the world is very wide. There are many mountains, rivers, land, animals, and also plants. Even if I know that this is just fiction written through the imagination of the author, it is still certain that the majority of the components in the work are in the world I live in.

The work I like the most is One Piece. One Piece tells of an adventure undertaken by the main character Monkey D. Luffy and his friends to achieve their dreams which many people say is impossible or nonsense. However, every one of them has faith in their dream that they will definitely be able to achieve it. The thing that makes me love this work is because of the friendships and adventures in this work.

Since I've never had a friendship, I've always missed that. And through this work, I can learn it.


"Doctor! Doctor! Come quickly to the special treatment room. Ares is in a very strange state!"

The corridor of the 9th floor hospital where kai was treated who was suffering from a new illness, a nurse who had a shift to guard at that time found ksi lying unconscious after just finishing reading One Piece manga chapter 1054 in his bed. With very high concern because kai is an important patient in this hospital, the nurse immediately came out of the room and took the phone beside kai' door and called the doctor because of the abnormality.

"What did you say?!" There was a very loud roar from the voice behind the phone.

"Hurry Doctor! Kai's current state is very strange."

"Tell! Explain his current condition?!" The voice from behind the phone asked again.

"kai is currently unconscious. Besides that, his body often convulses and his body heat rises rapidly and by the time I came out earlier his body heat had reached 41 degrees Celsius. If it's not dealt with quickly, there's a chance kai…"

"Say no more! I already know it. You hurry back and first you stabilize the heat that kai is suffering from. We'll be right there now."

"I understand, Doctor." The nurse immediately hung up the phone and returned to kai's room and started doing her job according to the doctor's orders.

While with kai himself, kai is currently in a place that he does not know. This place is very wide or you can say this place is like space kai used to see in the manga he reads in the science fiction genre.

"What happened?…" kai asked himself in confusion as he looked around him.

"Isn't this outer space? How do I get here? Wasn't before I was still in my room reading One Piece manga?..." kai asked himself again in confusion as he continued to observe his surroundings.

"….. Amazing….. Is this the outer space that is usually depicted in manga? This place is so vast….. In the manga it's described that outer space is billions of times even trillions of times bigger than the earth… And that seems to be the case…. This is so amazing…" kai gazed around him in awe and began to forget what had happened to him at this time.

"Are you amazed by this outer space, my child ?" Suddenly a voice came out of nowhere asking kai.

"Um…. This is extraordinary. Seeing the enormous space like this. I feel very small compared to the creatures created by my Lord." The moment kai finished saying his sentence, kai suddenly woke up and looked around again and found no one but himself. Kai's body immediately shook violently with fear.

"W-who are you?....." kai asked in a nervous and scared tone.

"Don't be afraid, my child. I will not harm you. After all, as an parent, there's no way the parent

would harm something that's his child , right?"

"parent ?….. W-are y-you God?" kai used his brain to digest the words said by the voice and guessed what Ares thought might be the answer. Especially with the current phenomena, kai only thinks that there is only one person who can do something like this, namely God.

"Hahaha….. You are my child who is very smart even at a young age. Yes I am God. I am the owner of the entire universe and all that is in it."

"I-I see. OK-if I may know. W-what was your reason for bringing me to this place? I-I'm sorry. I know as a child . I don't have the right to ask questions like this." kai again said with a tone of fear and worry. But, out of curiosity, kai ventured to ask.

"Don't be afraid, my child. The reason I brought you here is because I wanted to talk as well as grant some of your wishes."

"Accept my wish? Is it true?" kai asked excitedly.

"So true. You can ask whatever you want. I will grant it but still within normal limits. If the request is not within normal limits, sorry, I will not grant it."

"This…. In that case…. So-if I ask to go live to the world of One Piece, is that one of the normal requests?"

"Ha ha ha ha…. It's still within normal request limits, my child. Even if that One Piece.