
The Rise of Raven

After Viktor fainted, Raven panicked and tried to wake him up, but it was to no avail. He was out cold. She thought to herself, 'Shit! He's out cold. Thankfully everyone else is as well. Well, the first step is to get these damn cuffs off. '

Raven searched the captain's pockets and eventually found the master key to the cuffs. She then proceeded to unlock the cuffs of ProfessorJones, Viktor and herself. She decided that at the very least, she had to kill the captain because of how strong he is. However, before she dealt the finishing blow, she hesitated.

'Why am I hesitating?' Raven thought. 'This is the man that brutally tortured me and all those I care for. I was perfectly fine slicing the matron up and killing that pirate that attacked me.'

It then dawned on her, " Oh my god, I killed someone. I really killed someone. "

She panicked, " What was I supposed to do? He attacked me and I defended myself. There was no avoiding it! Oh my god, will Viktor and Professor Jones think of me as a monster?"

She then pondered it some more, " Actually, Viktor might even congratulate me for it. After all, Viktor isn't exactly the type that cares for things like morals all that much, so he won't really look at me different. As for Professor Jones, he'd only be concerned for my mental state. As long as I don't turn into someone that enjoys killing random people, he should be fine with it."

Raven then pondered, " Hmm, well I'll admit I do have a sense of satisfaction in killing that pirate, but it's more that I'm happy he can't hurt me or anyone else anymore. As for the matron, that was more of me venting my anger towards her. "

Raven then asked, " Do I really have to kill him? He's unconscious and can't hurt anyone right now. This wouldn't be me defending myself, this would be cold-blooded murder. "

Raven's body continued to shake, " Cmon Raven, you can do this. Remember, this is the person who's responsible for all the suffering you and your loved ones experienced. "

Raven then shook with anger, " This basterd tried to rape me, just like my mom. Unforgiveable!!"

She proceeded to cut off his head and slashed at his corpse until he was just a mangled piece of flesh. She then calmed down while panting, " Whew! Ok, this bastard's finally dead." She then looked at her handiwork and immediately threw up.

" Holy shit, that's disgusting, don't tell me I'm gonna have to clean this up? Oh well, I'll worry about it after Viktor wakes up. Speaking of, since Viktor knocked out everyone on the ship except for me, then who's steering?"

Raven proceeded to go to the top deck and as she feared, there was nobody steering the ship. She quickly got to the steering wheel, but she realized she had no idea where she should go. Thankfully, she saw an island off in the distance and she steered the ship towards it.

She didn't see a dock nearby, so she just brought the ship close to the island in shallow water and dropped the anchor. She figured that she needed to at least leave the navigator alive since she had no idea where they were.

Unfortunately, she didn't know who the navigator was, so she decided to shackle the entire crew and when they wake up, she'd question them. However, she realized that they weren't enough shackles for both the prisoners and the crew.

Her first thought was to free the prisoners and use their shackles for the crew, but that could prove disastrous. She didn't know any of the prisoners and instead of being grateful for being rescued, they could turn on her and Viktor instead.

Instead she decided to kill everyone that she recognized that participated in her torture. She wanted revenge and she also figured it was unlikely that any of them were the navigator, as the navigator would need to keep a close watch into where they were going.

Before she did this, she checked the rest of the ship for navigation charts. While she couldn't read them, Viktor did copy books a lot of books on navigation, so he should be able to use this info to read the charts. She eventually found some in what seemed to be the navigators room.

Raven proceeded to kill the recognizable crew, throwing up multiple times in the process. However, she gradually got used to the killing and just turned pale instead of throwing up.

She then realized that thankfully, she now had enough shackles and didn't need to further test her morality by killing people that didn't directly harm her, although they were complicit in her suffering.

Raven then decided to search the ship for treasure and she found piles of berries as well as lots of gold and jewels. She counted the money and it was 10 million berries. Adding in all the other valuables, the captains treasure was worth over 20 million berries!

While she was rummaging around the captain's quarters, she also found a small treasure chest with a lock that matched the other key she found off the captains body. She opened the treasure chest and discovered it was a devil fruit.

Her first thought was to eat it, but she stopped herself, " I might want to ask Viktor first before eating this. After all, who knows what ability this fruit has. If it's a crappy ability, then I've just added another fatal weakness."

"Then again, I'm in a precarious situation. Considering the fact Viktor fainted due to overexertion, it'll probably be awhile before he wakes up. At the very least, everybody else will wake up before him. Even a crappy devil fruit ability would increase my strength and would serve as a form of insurance. "

" Also, just like with Viktor, I feel drawn to this devil fruit, like I'm destined to eat it. You know what? I'm done being the helpless little girl. It worked for Viktor, and it's going to work for me."

Raven proceeded to eat the devil fruit and immediately hurled. " Oh my god, this tastes worse than shit. Do I really have to eat all of this? Sigh, better safe than sorry. Down the hatch."

Raven swallowed the rest of the fruit and gagged for the next 5 minutes. She then tried the devil fruit ability out and it turns out she scored big time. She ate a mythical zoan fruit, the rarest of all.

More specifically, it's the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Witch of Darkness, Raven. It is said that Raven commands darkness itself and is the herald for the end of the world as darkness will consume everything. In other words, she's similar to Raven from Teen Titans.

Raven transformed into her animal form, looking exactly like Raven from Teen Titans, accessories and all. Raven discovered that she had the power to spread and control darkness. She can wrap an object in darkness and then control it however she wants. In other words, telekinesis.

She tried it out for the first time on her clothes and used it to fly. Strangely, the power only works after chanting Azarath Metrion Zinthos, but with practice, Raven felt she could bypass this weakness. It also drains a lot of stamina. She could only fly for 5 minutes before losing all her stamina and the stamina drain increases exponentially when used directly on other lifeforms.

Thankfully, she could still control people indirectly via their clothes, so she had a way to counter any possible rebellious prisoners.She continued to practice this ability until the first crew members woke up.

She then interrogated each of them until she finally determined who the navigator was, a person named Jake. She left the crew members alive for now and proceeded to the prisoners, who were now awake and could here the screams from when Raven was interrogating the crew.

Raven entered the area and said, " Hey guys, I'm Raven, a fellow prisoner on this ship. As you no doubt heard, I was interrogating the crew. I killed the captain and some of the crew I had beef with, but I've tied up the rest."

One of the prisoners who fashioned himself a leader asked, " So, you're the one who's taken out the crew and the new boss of the ship?"

Raven replied, " Well technically, the one who took out the crew was my friend Viktor. He's currently resting as the battle took a lot out of him. "

The leader replied, " So Viktor's the one that knocked all of us out. How the hell did he do that?"

Raven said, " That was his Conquerors Haki. Judging by your guys reaction, you have no idea what that is, do you?"

Everyone shook their heads no.

Raven then said," Well, don't worry about it then. Now, to the matter at hand. I left the cuffs on you guys because I was worried you guys might turn on us, but now I have countermeasures."

She then got serious, " I'm now going to remove your guys cuffs. You're free! You no longer have to suffer. Once Viktor wakes up, he'll take the role of captain of the ship and we can take you guys home, if you still have one that is.

Everyone was stunned and the leader said, " Are you serious? We're actually free?!"

Raven replied, " Yep, but be warned, if you try to betray us, I'll personally send you to the underworld. "

Everyone nodded in understanding and Raven freed all of them of their shackles. She then asked them once again, " I'm going to ask once again? Do you accept Viktor as your captain? If you don't and want to sieze power, now's your chance."

Everyone looked at her like she was crazy and the leader said, " Viktor's our savior. We'd never turn on him. After all, you did say we'd get to go home. You weren't lying, were you?"

Raven replied, " No, that's a promise. But seriously, no one wanta to sieze power for themselves? What a letdown. It seems I was worried for no reason then. If Viktor saw this, he'd totally make fun of me, although he'd still praise me for my caution. "

Then Viktor walked in and said, " Yep, I'm indeed proud of you for your exemplary caution, but yeah, this is excellent teasing material that I simply can't pass up. "