

When the matron woke up, she was disoriented and said, " Ugh, where am I?"

Raven and Viktor noticed she woke up an approached her. Raven then told her in a sweet voice, " Why, you're here with us. You fainted, so Professor Jones brought you here to us. He said you wanted us for something. "

It was at this moment the matron noticed she was tied up. She tried to get free, but it was to no avail. She yelled, " What the hell? Why am I tied up? What are you brats up to?"

Viktor said in a terrified tone, " Why are you yelling at us like that? I've never seen you this angry before. Where is the nice, motherly matron we know and love?"

'Shit!' The matron thought. ' I lost my composure there. I'm not sure what's going on, but I don't want to be on these brat's bad side.'

The matron then replied in a motherly tone," I'm sorry I raised my voice to you kids. I guess my stress finally caught up to me. But seriously, what's going on? Why am I tied up?"

Viktor replied, " It's for our safety. And by our safety, I mean Raven's and mine"

Raven then said with a mocking tone, " We heard that you were being a very naughty girl. I couldn't believe it. Our nice, motherly matron, is secretly such a naughty girl? It goes to show, you can never judge a book by its cover. So, we want to ask you some questions."

Viktor then brought out his hunting knife and said with a devilish smile on his face," Yes, we will question you thoroughly. I'm sure we will get the answers we desire. "

The matron panicked, " I'll tell you whatever you want! I don't know what you think I've done, but I'm innocent!"

Then Viktor did his best Joker laugh with the knife still on his hand, " Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Before he could continue, Raven snatched the knife out of his hands.

" Hey!" Viktor exclaimed, " I was using that."

Raven replied, " I thought we agreed I'd get first crack at her."

Viktor then said, " Oh right, we did agree to that. All right, have at it."

Viktor gave the matron a look of pity before letting Raven take center stage. The matron was confused and terrified, ' Why does it look like he's pitying me. What's this little demon child going to do to me? Why are they doing this? The only thing I can think of is that they found out I was planning on selling them into slavery, but that's impossible, right?'

Raven said while playing with the knife, " I bet you're probably wondering in that tiny little head of yours why I'm doing this. Well, it's like I said, you've been a very naughty girl. I heard you were planning to sell me and Viktor into slavery. Very, very naughty of you. "

The matron then panicked, " What?! How'd you know? I mean, that's impossible. I'd never do something so heinous."

Raven then turned to Viktor, " Well, is she telling the truth?"

Viktor then replied, " Nope, in her panic, her expression slipped, and I was able to confirm that everything we heard was true. "

Raven then turned to the matron with rage in her voice, " You Fucking Bitch! "

Raven then started carving the matron up while saying, " How dare you try to sell me into slavery! Do you have any idea what'll happen to a cure little girl like me in captivity?! What am I talking about it, of course you do. Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU!!"

She finally started to stop, and Viktor said, " You done? Can I start to question her? By the way, you failed to mention that I'd also be sold into slavery. Shouldn't you also be mad for me?"

Raven then realized, " Oh my god, you're right. You'd also get sold into slavery. You'd then endure countless hardships and be bullied relentlessly."

She then let loose another barrage of slashes at the matron. After she finished, she said, " Only I can bully Viktor!!"

Viktor then replied," That's not exactly what I, oh whatever. You done now?"

Raven then calmed down and said, " Yeah, I'm done."

Viktor then turned to the matron, who was now a bloody mess, " You ready to talk?"

The matron sobbed, " I'll tell you whatever you want. Please don't kill me!"

Viktor thought, 'Wow, that was easier than expected. Maybe I don't have to torture her. Then again, there's a good chance she'll try to lie to me, so I got to keep my guard up.'

Viktor then told her, " All right, now I'm going to ask you some questions and you'd better answer them truthfully. I'll know if you don't, and I'll have to punish you for that. And I'm not as soft as Raven."

This frightened the matron, and she started spilling everything she knew. Unfortunately, she didn't really know a lot. While she was a cp agent, she was a lower level one that was trained from a young age but was deemed a failure and sent to do grunt work.

Since she was just a low-level agent, the matron knew next to nothing about her organization's hierarchy. She didn't even know her boss's name. She simply referred to him as boss.

The work she did was mostly human trafficking, and it was only after being assigned her current mission that she stopped. However, old habits die hard, so she started up human trafficking again as a side job.

Since she was doing it as a side job, she didn't have the resources she had previously. As motivation to accomplish her mission, her boss gave her the contact information for some slave traders in the West Blue underground. In fact, it was only recently that she meet her partners in person.

All she knew about her partners were that they were initially from the Grand Line but left because of the intense competition there. The first and only time she meet with them was to exchange contact info and to let them make a vivre card for her as insurance.

Once she said that, Viktor was startled, " Wait, you gave them your vivre card?!"

The matron replied, " Yes, that was the only way I could gain their trust. "

Viktor immediately turned his observation haki on and sensed a lot of people approaching them from 500 meters away.

The one leading them was the strongest person he'd ever sensed aside from the Roger pirates. Viktor realized that he is probably the captain from the new world that the matron mentioned.

" Shit! I should've had my observation haki on!" Viktor exclaimed and he immediately decapitated the matron.

Viktor turned to Raven before she could comprehend what was happening, " We gotta run, we got pirates inbound!"

Professor Jones got the message as well and the three of them started escaping. While they were doing so, Raven asked Viktor in a panic, " What happened? Why did you kill the matron and who's chasing us?!"

Viktor replied, " The matron's slave trading partners are the ones who are chasing us and I killed her because they were tracking her and by extension us via her vivre card. But I fear it may be too late. "

Then Viktor's observation haki picked up more people in the direction they were running towards. He told everyone to stop and said, " It's too late, we're surrounded."