
Nami And Nojiko Vs Caulifa

When Their ship approached Barrette, They were suddenly attacked by Marine ship...

Usopp:" Guys we are in deep shit..." He screamed...

"Bang" A cannon was fired at them....

Nami:" Wah its coming toward us..." everyone panicked...

Luffy:" Leave it to me Gomu Gomu No Fusan" His body expanded like a balloon, marines seeing his changes has their eyes almost fall out...

The Canon bounced back to their ship...


Now marines soldiers are panicking....

" Wahhh its exploded in the Lieutenant Fullbody cabin..."

" Cough....Cough...." A man came out while coughing some smokes out of his body with an average-sized Marine height, he wore a white pinstripe suit. His hair was well-combed and he had a scar under his right eye and bolts attached to his knuckles...

Lieutenant Fullbody:" What is the meaning of this..." He angrily grabbed one of the soldiers

" Sir, it was their doing ..." He indicated at luffy...

Fullbody:"Pirates? Didn't i told you to deal with No name pirates by yourself....Useless..." He threw the Marine away...

Luffy:" Who are you guys why did you attack us suddenly..."

Fullbody:"What are you... an idiot , we are from marines so we definitely will attack you.." Luffy actually realised that what he Was saying was right...

Fullbody:"Whatever I am Lieutenant Fullbody, who is the Captain of this Ship..."

Luffy:" I am, i just finished making the pirate flag the day before yesterday..."

Usopp:" And i am Captain usopp i was the man who painted our pirate flag on our sail..."

Luffy and Usopp glared at each other, when suddenly they were kicked aside by Tiger and Maria...

Tiger:" Daba Duuu Bu" He pointed at himself...

Maria:" Babu Uiii" She pointed at herself...

Jazz:" He said, i pissed on Nami's Bed and changed it with Usopp's..."

"And She said, she added **** in luffy meat, as revenge for eating her share...."

Usopp:" So it was you, who made me smell piss whole night..." he got up and ran after Tiger, who panicked and looked angrily at Jazz ...

Luffy:" OOOOOOoooo my stomach...Damn it.... it hurts...I need to go to Bathroom...its coming... Its going to burst out...." He screamed while holding his stomach and ran to the bathroom...

Maria started crying saying 'Dad is Mean' in her Dabu tone...

Luffy:" Ohhhhhh.... the pain.... i think my ...My water broke....." They can hear his painful voice from the bathroom and some disturbing sounds...

Jazz:" Oh they are attacking again..." Lieutenant Fullbody Has enough of their drama and fired another canon at them...

Zoro suddenly came and cut the canon ball at half which exploded outside of the ship ... Lieutenant Fullbody sweated a little when he recognised that in front of him is infamous Pirate Hunter...

Lieutenant Fullbody:" Since today is my off-day i will let you go.." He returned to his cabin where his girlfriend was waiting for them to go to Barrette...


After they reached the Floating restaurant, they all went inside. Tiger and Maria were still angry at jazz for divulging their secrets...

When they open the door, they were welcomed by a nice proper restaurant worthy environment. People were enjoying their food on well decorated and clean tables and some waiters can be seen serving the customers...

Some were enjoying the dishes with their family and some were with their lover...

Nojiko:"Its a nice restaurant..." She said...

She was looking for a

Suddenly the kids jumped from Nami and Nojiko

embrace and ran towards someone...

Jazz also calmly followed them and sat between a two women... But rest of the crew were surprised by his action...

The two kids instantly behaving like a spoiled brats the embrace of a lady whose hair denys gravity and were standing upward, she is wearing a sports Bra on top and a baggy pants...

While the other girl is around 18 year old and is wearing a black Shihakusho with a white hakama on her waist. She has black silky straight hair which reaches upto her waist. The most noticeable thing was a cut Mark right bellow her neck and just above her cleavage...

She lightly smiled seeing the kids getting pamper by Caulifa as she feeds them...

Nami :" DJ what are you doing, sorry for the inconvenience... Tiger, Maria lets go. We should not disturb them... " She tried to get them to move toward some another empty table...

Caulifa :" I don't mind, since this is the last empty table, you all can sit with us and I will pay for all the food. "

Usopp :" Then don't mind us... " he immediately sat hearing free food.

Nami and Nojiko has some reservation, what surprised them most was that Jazz was sitting comfortably...

As soon as they all sat large amount of food was delivered to their table.... Kids were just waiting for Caulifa to say the magic word...

Caulifa :" Eat... " As soon as she said that both of them started devouring food plate after plate....

Nami and Nojiko were slightly embarrassed, it's like seeing their own child making a mess on dinner table in front of guests...

Nami :" You guys we are in front of guests try to eat normally, food is not running away... "

Caulifa :" If you just stare, all the food will vanish you know... "

Zoro and Usopp immediately started eating their share...

Jazz :" Its really good..." He said...

Nami :" Are you sure, about paying for all the food... " She said to Caulifa while indicating at the pile of empty dishes...

Caulifa :" Hmm it will be fine ... i will just ask my Husband to pay for the bills... "

Jazz :" Cough... cough..." The girl wearing black Shihakusho gave him water...

Jazz :" Thanks... "

Nojiko :" You all right, why are you sweating that much... " She saw Jazz sweating a lot...

Jazz :" Nothing.... Actually kids why don't you eat in slightly moderate rate... I can get you both few sea monsters later....better save some space in your stomach ... "

Both kids look at went on a deep thought...

Tiger / Maria :" Dabuu daba aiii ..." Jazz was dumbstruck hearing what they just said...

Caulifa :" Ha ha ha you are right, your dad sometimes looked like that... " She laughed hysterically tapping the table with her hand...

She laughed making Jazz uncomfortable...

Jazz :" So its like that, you have grown some extra tails that gave you the courage talking to your father like that huh..."

He snatched their food and gobbled them instantly, the look they were giving him made him happy ...

Jazz :" Waiter bring everything you have and don't stop until I say so... " He throw a gold bar towards a chef who looked like poppye with his broad forearms...

Nami and Usopp Jaw dropped seeing the size of the Gold bar...

Pattie :" Of course, a customer is a guest but who pays first before the meal is a God in our humble restaurant..."

" What are you waiting for move quickly and bring them food non-stop... " Trays after trays was brought in and empty dishes were taken back to kitchen in second basis...

Nami :" You are rich and all this time you made us eat only hunted sea monsters... "

She gave him the look that is saying' you cheap ' This made his two kids snicker at him....

Jazz :" Laugh all you can... Today I will show you why I am your dad then you would stop looking down on me.... "He cracked his neck...

Tiger / Maria :" DABAAAAAA. UIIII " ( BRING IT)...

Usopp :" Oooooo it's a food eating competition 2 Vs 1... Lets give them some space... " He stood up..

Nojiko :" What is happening... how did simple eating lunch turned into food contest... "

Soon only 3 People were seated on table, His children shows him a thumbs down... Making him more irritated...

Jazz :" Nami You be the referee, those who ate most will be the winner... "

Nami :" Are you sure they are not normal kids you know..." She don't think he has any chance even if they are his own children...

Soon first 30 Dishes were presented on the table...

Nami :"All right Are both side ready... " They both nodded, Jazz picked up a spoon and a knife... They also copied him thinking this is probably the right method . Jazz smirked because

Nami :" Start.... "

He threw them aiming at the legs of their chair destroying it.... They didn't think that he would cheat at the start of the competition. They quickly jumped on the table abandoning the destroyed chair...

But the 10 Dish were already gone... Quickly another batch of dishes were brought on the table...

Jazz didn't show mercy to even his kids and ate faster and faster leaving his kids with desperation...

Other customers watched their competition with interest, some were disgusted by how the commoners are eating one of them was lieutenant Fullbody because his girlfriend is enjoying the food eating competition and paying less attention to him. To make things worse, no waiter is paying attention to them ...

plates were piling up faster than the dishes can be prepared, in Kitchen Sanji and Head Cook were the only person are able to keep up with those 3 Demands...

""""" Go... go... go... go... go.. """"

Don't know who started but slowly everyone started cheering for them, encouraging them to eat more....

Caulifa :" Come on kids you can do it... " She cheered them from sides...

Nami :" Don't encourage them, they are already doing foolish things.... " She sighed at their childish behaviour... She looked at Jazz who was seriously trying to defeat his children...

After few minutes dish stopped coming for them... People realised that food stock must have been finished...

Sanji and Head chef came out, they had a smile on their face...

Jazz :" Aren't you going to present more dish...? " He asked them...

Sanji :" Sorry to disappoint you guys when you were having fun. We really are empty on food stock.. " he said that he seemed happy...

Jazz :" What a disappointment but it was delicious... " He Burp in satisfaction ...

Usopp :" So who was the winner...? " This question was on everyone's mind...

Nami :" With 10 Dish more on his side, the winner is DJ..."

Everyone cheered and Caulifa tried to calm the children down who were disappointed on their loss... Everyone went on their tables to enjoy finish their dishes...

Jazz :" No need to be disappointed kids, afterall i am your father so victory to meeeee.... ha ha ha... " He mocked them making them cry even more...

Sanji :" Oh blessed are the ocean for bringing me this fine day. Oh Love laugh all you want but for you 4 lovely ladies i offer my self...." He started pouring wine for them but ignored the Males...

(Zoro: Another Idiot...) He said while looking at his empty Glasses.

Nami:" Don't cry Maria we will get him one day come here to me..." But to her surprise maria seems to be more attached to this woman not only her Tiger also... He is clinging to this lady and ignoring Nojiko calling him...

Nojiko :" The kids seems to be more attached to you, we never introduced ourselves... I am Nojiko and she is my sister Nami... " There was not a hint of politeness in her voice. She can't understand why the kids are attached to this woman...

Nami :" Can you return the Kids to us, we know how to calm them down..." She directly said, she is watching from the beginning the weird behavior of kids as if they were charmed by her. Her instinct is telling her that she is a enemy...

Caulifa:" Hoh... Is something wrong if these two stay with me. I mean they clearly don't want to go...Why don't you tell me what is your relation with the kids..." she asked in amusement, even the Girl in Shihakushuo smiled lightly in amusement...

Nami:" What the hell are talking about, why woudn't they want to come with us. Dj say something..." She glared at him...

(jazz: What are you asking me to do, snatch them from their own mother. I am not a Death seeker...)

But how do he explain things to her... Nami and Nojiko were getting annoyed by his silence and the smirk on Caulifa face was getting bigger...

Nami:" Fine you want to know who are they to us..."

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