
A frontal Assault

Inside the Marines ship....

???:" Hmmm..... "

A tall man with hat on top of his head wearing an Marine officer uniform was lying with bored and lazy expression when suddenly felt something.....

??? 2 :" What is it???? "

An old lady who is enjoying a tea also felt that someone is watching them. But the presence vanished soon....

???? 2:" Where are you going Vice-Admiral Kizaru, you are in my ship now So you can't do things on a whim. We are an important mission from Fleet Admiral.... "

Kizaru :" Tsuru-san, why are being strict on me." he said with scared face

Tsuru :" It was also an order to keep an eye on you all the time. "

Kizaru:" I am also here to be help of you, you should relax a little in this age...." when he said that he received a glare from her...

Tsuru :" So what was that.... "

Kizaru :" Some kind of ability.... i felt someone is directly looking at me. " he said while contemplating something.

Tsuru :" I felt the same...the mission is going smoothly till now, when we reach the outer islands of Taline country we would be able to capture all the Fishmen alive without any casualties on both sides . "

Kizaru :" You are just soft hearted Tsuru-san "

Tsuru :" I have seen just too much death in this lifetime, don't get in my way otherwise sengoku would not be able to save you... "

Kizaru:" Ho....scary..." he said while backing up but there wasn't fear in his face

Suddenly the door of their cabin opened.....

" Vice-Admiral Kizaru -san, Vice-Admiral Tsuru -san " the soldier saluted them

" The islands of Taline country is on sights but we also saw someone from the Whitebeard pirates."

His words tensed her but he seems to mind it, whitebeard is not just a name it is itself a but a deterrence to the Marines. And one of his man being here that they can't ignored she quickly rushed outside.


Hancock :" They are here Jazz..... "

Jazz :" Yeah... " he smiled seeing the Fishmen pirates ship docked on the shore...

The first to jump off the ship is Jimbei and Fisher tiger . He came toward them with anger in their eyes....

Jazz wondered if they misunderstood the meaning of the letter he send to them. Fisher-san came and stood in front of him....

Fisher Tiger :" Are you the one who sent that letter... "

Jazz :" Yes...can't you recognise me Fisher-san, it's me Jazz. Although I have grown a bit and became handsome than before... "


His punch smashed his nose making him bleed. Ikaros immediately flared up but Hancock stopped her. All the other girls also wondered why he punched him, there was no ill intent behind his punch so they just wait to see what is going on....

Fisher Tiger:" You brat ....did you not understand what i am doing here , why the hell do you think you are doing here....becoming pirate and getting bounty. All my hard work are have become useless now.....I need to properly smack some sense into your brain..."

Jazz:" I am not a brat anymore Fisher-san ....i can handle things on my own. I know what i am doing....."

Fisher:" You don't understand any thing...."

Both of them starred at each other.

Jimbei:" I think we can discuss these thing later but the pressing matter is them..."

They all looked at the Marines ships which are encircling the Island. Fisherman started oanicking seeing their escape routes are being blocked and somehow there are more Marines ships are coming...

Fisher:" This is not over Jazz i will discuss things properly. Hachi bring Koala here...."

A man with 4 pairs of hand and a mouth similar to Sea horse brought Koala a little girl.....She looked nervous seeing some new people but she still came and meekly greeted them...

Marco:" Oh.... what a cute little girl, you don't need to be afraid..." he tried to encourage her by being nice to her....

Jazz:" Marco i never thought your meaning of meek kind of girl is little defenseless girl... "

Tsunade:" Yeah Lolicon..."

Anko:" Pervert..."

Asterea:" Yeah Food Tax Officer.." she also despised him in weird way .....

Marco:" Hey what are you talking about, i AM PERFECTLY NORMAL...and what the hell is Food tax Officer how is that a bad mouthing ...."

Asterea:" You don'y know they are the one i hate the most, they put taxes in food. And now i despise you like them.....so you are a Food Tax Officer now. I hope you die..."

Jazz:" Well Ignoring Asterea, what do you want Fisher-san..."

Fisher:" I want you to take her to safe place with you, with your ability you could get away from here easily. So go leave this place we will hold the marines...."

Jazz:" Its done..."

Fisher wondered what it mean but when he saw Koala is already gone, he started to look around...

Jazz:" She is in a safe place, you don't have to worry about her....."

Fisher:" Then what are you doing here, i said leave this place. "

Jazz:" No i won't ...." they again started bickering....

" Hey who is the person that is arguing with Tai-san ."

Hachi:" Oh Aladin you didn't meet him, i meet him lots of time back Home. He is Don Jazz, Tai-san talked about him a lot. You also saw his wanted poster right....." he explained to a Fishmen whose lower half is like a eel fish.

Aladin:" So thats him...." he also wondered what kind of man was that Fisher-san would praise so much.....

" He is nothing but a filthy weak human...." a man with a Shark like teeth and fin with a nose of a sword fish said.

Hachi:" Don't say that Arlong, other wise you would get beaten by Tai-san again..."


From the Navy ship....

Kizaru:" Look like we caught a big fish this time, Its Marco the phoenix. You would definitely be promoted if you could catch all of them....." he said with relaxing tone and watching from binoculars.

Tsuru:" And also the Rookie that wracked Sabody Archipelago 1 month ago, and i don't need a promotion. why don't you ask for one...."

Kizaru:" I am not in a rush...."

" What are your order Sir...."

Kizaru:" Ask her she is in charge.....Also did the hamburger taste good, there is a piece of it is still on your cheek Captain Vergo...." he said while pointing at the soldier who just greeted them

Surprisingly Vergo one of the undercover officer of Doflamingo is with them...


When Jazz and Tiger-san were arguing...



It was a simple line but the tension in atmosphere increased several times.

" What are we going to do Fisher-san."

One after other fish men pirates started to panics, 6 warship have already surrounded them.

Jazz:" All right, i will try to negotiate with them. you guys stay put....."

Arlong:" Why are you giving order ...."

Jimbie:" Wait Jazzz....."

But jazz was already gone leaving Jimbie wide eyes because he couldn't see when disappeared.....


Kizaru:" Hey pirates these days are taking Marines to lightly ..."

Kizaru said that but other soldier didn't understand his meaning until they saw Jazz standing on the top the main mast.

" Enemy shoot..." someone said

Tsuru:" No hold your fire, why are you here Black Devil Jazz..." she asked in questioning tone.

Jazz:" Vice-Admiral Kizaru and Vice-Admiral Tsuru , I didn't come here to fight but to ask of you to stay out of our trail. "

Kizaru:" Are you here to give us order Pirate....."

Jazz:" No, i am here to take Fisher-san and the Fishmen Pirates back to their home...."

Tsuru:" Its impossible, we have a mission to do. That is to capture pirate like you...."

Jazz:" You Know i sailed Out on the sea just 1 month ago and hadn't formed a pirate group hell i didn't raised a pirate flag. You are already making me a criminal....." He mocked at them

Tsuru:" You are saying the damage you did in sabody archipelago was not your doing, there is still a Marine laying in the bed unconcious ...."

Jazz:" No that was my doing, and that bastard Zell is still alive? Well i want something from the Auction house but when i saw people being keep there as a slave i Just decided to free them. And that man was getting in the way...."

Kizaru:" So you arethat Kind of a criminal that think he is a hero...." He said with sarcastic tone

Jazz:" No i am the kind that killed a Celestial Dragon 3 years ago....."

" What...." all the soldiers were stunned not believing that a celestial dragon was killed and no one knows about it.....

Kizaru stopped smiling and Tsuru looked at him trying to confirm what he says....

Tsuru:" The one that Killed was Fisher-Tiger not you than why are you covering for him...." Atmosphere just turned worse as she confirmed one Celestial Dragon was indeed killed

Jazz:" No it was me, i got a little angry you see when i saw my mother in a state i wish that no other son have to saw. So i killed him the most brutal way i could think of, but i was disappointed that a person carrying the title dragon was worse then chicken and died before he could satisfy my anger...."

The more he described the more deathly the aura was releasing from him making the weak willed pirate shake in fear.... a figure of skeleton Devil cloaked in dark cloths and leaving behind a fire and destruction in his wake that is what they saw. Its like this image is directly imprinted in their mind. Jazz didn't realised but when he started describing how he kill the celestial Dragon his devil essence leaked from his body and brought the primal fear out of the Marines...

" Thats how he died, pitiful being he was....so i am asking you to stop your useless chase after Fisher-tiger. He is still thinking i am just a brat and covering for me, i promise you one thing if you stop chasing him. I will not kill any marines in future, even if you come after my life i will spare them....that is my deal."

All the marines have different feelings to his promise, some relaxed some having doubt. Kizaru and Tsuru saw that Jazz is killing the fighting will of all the Marines giving them first Fear and later Hope .....

Kizaru:" Now i know why they call you a devil, because you work like one..." jazz smirked

Jazz:" I am one to my enemies...."

Kizaru:" You will be not be any more..." he said while Pointing his Shiny finger at him...


Hancock:" Its Jazz signal." see saw jazz giving them a hand signal thats why he teleported to the top of the Mast.

Anko:" Finally i will taste some blood...." she licked her Kunai.

Hancok:" Don't kill until it is necessary, like Jazz said they are just following orders. We don't have any deep rooted enmity with them. Chaos you stay here Fisher-san you take care of her. Ikaros destroy there ships...."


Ikaros Transformed in her battle mode her hair started floating upward and a Halo formed on top of her head. She keep on shooting several missiles on the ships....

Boom Boom Boom

All the ships were covered with explosions.....

" Lets Go "


Tsuru:" What is going on..." seeing the explosion she was a little startled....

" Vice-admiral Tsuru-san .... There is someone walking on the water.... and more are flying toward us..."

Tsuru: "What non-sense are you spouting...." she was startled seeing rains of missiles coming them at high speed....

Kizaru shoot several beams at the missiles coming at their ships, destroying them completely. But several moved in irregular patterns trying to avoid his beams.

She saw what that was not possible before people running toward them on the sea water and also some are flying toward them with different kinds of wings behind their back.

Tsuru:" What are waiting for attack them with canon..."

" Mam ...none of the canon is working...." she has an unpleasant expression as she saw all canons getting exploded by missiles...


Ravel Pov's

Jazz order were to not to kill until necessary and to Avoid that old Marine lady, he said her abilities is like a ban to who has even a little bit of evil thoughts...

Ravel:" Why the hell are you following me.."

Marco:" I feel somewhat closer to you...." he smiled at her

Ravel:" Are you a retard or something....."

They both reached a ship full of marines.....

With her flame wings pouring out incredible amounts of flame, She crashed directly to the main Mast. It started burning immediately it was all happening while soldiers were shooting at her, it was all being useless.

She clad her hand and feet with red flame, soldier keep on coming at her with swinging their blades, Hammer, Axe but she melted all of them in an instant. She then burn them with bare minimun making them incapable of fighting anymore. Within a minute she has reduced half the numbers of marines.


With the shout of their superior all the marines soldier stepped back but still pointing their weapon at her. Stainless is of average height and well built. His most distinctive feature is his handlebar mustache. His hair is black and combed back with a scalp lock. He dresses in the typical garb of many high-ranking Marines.

Stainless:" Marco the Phoenix " He said while looking at him who was enjoying the show on top of the Mast

" And you girl."

Ravel:" You have some Nerve asking My name without even Introducing Yourself." She said in haughty Tone, making him raised his eyebrow.

This scene could be seen all the other ships....All of them quickly dispatched the navy soldiers and now are confronting the officers leading them.

Stainless:" I am Rear Admiral Stainless" He replied to ravel.....

Vergo:" I am captain Vergo" Replied to Tsunade

Momonga:"I am Rear-admiral Momonga" Replied to Hancock..

Yamakaji:" I am Rear-admiral Yamakaji" Replied to Karin..

Strawberry:" I am Rear-admiral Strawberry" Replied to Anko..

Ravel:" A weird name, I am Ravel Phoenix also a Bishop of Jazz is My king...as for my background you are not qualified to know that...."

Tsunade:" I am Senju Tsunade I am a Rook of jazz."

Hancock:" I am Boa Hancock, a Khuja Warrior also His Queen and these two are my sisters."

Karin:" I am Karin Uzumaki a Medical Shinobi of the leaf Village. I came with him to explore the outside world."

Anko:" I Anko Mitorashi, a specialist of Information gathering Branch and a shinobi of the leaf village "

Tsunade/ Hancock/ Karin/Anko/Ravel :" We were told to finish you guys swiftly...."


They clashed with full force....


Jazz is now facing Kizaru.....

Jazz:" Lets check his strength first...." He used his ghost rider transformation. He decided to show only two of his abilities out in the open until information about his Omnitrix spread.

He brought out his 3 muzzled cannon it transformed into a rotating cannon and started firing at him at rapid rate.....


Explosions happened all over the deck, each attack produce the power of a Grenade explosion. All the marines keep on screaming as the whole deck became a mess. With his non stop firing the ship was turned in a sea of flames in few seconds. Kizaru dodged all of the attack because he felt this fire is unusual. he shouldn't touch it directly. He watched as the ship was not burning but turning into ashes. And in a minute it capsized, forcing all the marines abandoned the ship.

Tsuru:" Borsalino what are you doing, take this fight elsewhere. You Just cost me a ship and that was my favorite, don't make me cut it from your paycheck."

Kizaru:" Its not my fault you Know...." He dodged another blast .....

Jazz:" Well these are perfect for sinking a ship i guess..." he put away the 3 Muzzled cannon and brought his bat in front of him.....

Kizaru:" What a mess you guys did, its is not that easy to build a battleship you know....." there was no more easy going tone in his voice as all 6 ships are on the verge of shinking. All the marines are are now swimming to the island where Fishmen are looking at the scene with their jaw opened.....

Kizaru pointed index finger both at Jazz and Ikaros. From his finger High density beam of light swiftly went toward both of them.....

I was delayed a bit but here it is enjoy. I will try to release next chapter soon....

vicky111mudicreators' thoughts