
Sending Fisher Tiger off

Galan looked around and nodded before turning to the Doctor, saying "I have S (RH-) type blood." The Doctor stared at him in confusion as another Fish-Man with blue skin and big sharp teeth, asking in wonder "You'll… donate blood? For a Fish-Man?!"

Galan said slowly "Sure, why not?" He didn't know why but he felt he was animating a bit more… It irritated him a bit. However it was barely noticeable. Perhaps only Olvia saw these changes.

He still looked expressionless and cold to everyone else.

The Fish-Men looked at him, frozen stiff with shock. They couldn't comprehend such a thing!

Galan ignored them and said slowly "He's bleeding out." The Doctor snapped out of it, grabbing the things quickly, but he was grabbed by Fisher Tiger himself. The Doctor was stunned as Fisher Tiger said "Aladdin… I refuse…"

The Fish-Man turned to him and shouted "Captain, you can't! You'll die!" Fisher Tiger started crying and said "I won't! I refuse to accept their tainted blood! This hatred in my heart will never die! I saw it with my own eyes what those monsters did to people!"

Galan looked at him and said "Because of three years ago?" Fisher Tiger grit his teeth with hatred, glaring at Galan, muttering "You people… Humans… I'll never be in your debt! I'll never accept your pity! For three years I was a slave! I saw the evil darkness in those white walls! The madness that is humanity! I hate it! I hate them all! I only managed to escape barely!"

Galan snorted and the big blue Fish-Man said "Boss Ti! You can still live though! Maybe one day-" Fisher Tiger roared "I CANNOT! I WILL NOT HAVE THEIR BLOOD IN MY VEINS! I KNOW THERE ARE COUNTLESS KIND-HEARTED HUMANS IN THE WORLD! I KNOW BUT I STILL CAN'T ACCEPT IT! THE HATRED IN MY HEART WON'T LET ME!"

He started crying again, "I've lived selfishly to my own desires. Ruining Queen Otohime's designs… but she's right! Peace is what everyone should strive for! Which is why I want you to never tell anyone any of this! The tragedy of our Fish-Men or the rage against Humans! I… It's too late for me to love humans… But one day I know they'll be peace… I can feel it…"

Galan walked to Fisher Tiger and held out his fist, the Sun pendant dropped from his wrist as he said "May you rest in peace, Fisher Tiger." his tone and face were expressionless but the meaning was carried on regardless.

The Fish-Men started crying and Fisher Tiger looked at Galan before saying softly "Don't… hurt them… please…" Galan looked at him and replied slowly "If they are evil, I will kill anyone. I can promise you that. You can go in peace knowing that evil will never go unpunished." Fisher Tiger's eyes lit up slightly and he smiled, "That's… good… before closing his eyes.

Several Fish-Men left the room, crying loudly as the rest held Fisher Tiger's corpse, crying over it.

Galan took back his Sun Pendant, rolling down his sleeve as he looked at Fisher Tiger in silence.

A few minutes later

Galan was standing outside on the deck, Fish-Men crying all around him, however none of them said anything to him. One Fish-Man walked over and looked down at Galan, saying "Human… I am Jimbe."

Galan looked up and nodded, "Galan." Jinbe was the one who asked him why a few minutes ago, he remembered. Jinbe was about to kneel on the ground and thank Galan for his kindness but Galan held out his foot, blocking Jinbe from bending his knees.

He looked at Jinbe and said "Sit." as he kicked to the side, forcing Jinbe to sit down. Jinbe was almost 10 feet tall and Galan said "I don't like looking up when talking to someone." Jinbe was stunned and said "I-" Galan gave him a look, now at roughly eye level, though Galan still had to look up slightly.

Jinbe understood and didn't know what to say, what kind of human was this? He didn't want himself kneeling to him??? Galan said slowly "Doesn't feel right to look up. Especially not in front of all these people. Being the only human and all." Jinbe fell silent and clenched his fists, not knowing what to say.

Galan turned to the ocean, saying "I don't need thanks. I didn't do anything. I do, however, need your help. Which is why I haven't left yet." Jinbe asked in confusion "My help?" Galan nodded and turned back with a blank face, "Who sold you out to the Marines, and which Marine cornered Fisher Tiger."

Jinbe was stunned and stared at Galan, asking "What?" Galan looked at him and held his hands behind his back, "I came to the ship before confirming which unit it was. I don't know the Marines in charge of this operation as Rear Admirals and above are able to organize operations themselves. Not to mention many Marines can do and go wherever they like it seems. So, as Fleet Admiral, I cannot actually control every unit and soldier."

Jinbe frowned and said "What's the point of you telling me this? What are you going to do? Boss Ti is still dead." Galan nodded and replied "He is, however, he will not be alone. A man who can rush to Mariejois and free slaves after being a Slave himself is extremely brave. Not to mention, he did a very good job. Unfortunately, he couldn't kill more."

Jinbe froze and shuddered, staring at Galan, who went on "You realize that you can't go to the Government with this information. Did that just sink in for you? Nobody else can hear us right now either, they can't even use Observation Haki to see what I'm saying. It is quite literally only us right now. So tell me, Jinbe, who were the Marines responsible for this and we sold you out."

Jinbe couldn't understand, saying "But! You're the Fleet Admiral! How can you hold this position with these beliefs?! And kill your own men! What are you!?" Galan tilted his head and said "Not a Fish-Man. Not a Human. Just a monster who punishes Evil. The killing of a man who didn't kill a single innocent, even brought a slave back home, is an evil act. The Marine and everyone with him shall be killed. The capture of Slaves is an evil act and all the Marines caught will be killed…"

His eyes reflected the brightest of flames as he uttered "The Ownership of Slaves and turning a blind eye to such a thing is an Evil act!" Jinbe's eyes widened as Galan said each and every word slowly "Each and every single one of them. Now tell me!"

Galan's conqueror's Haki exploded on the Fish-Man ship, knocking out almost all of them, leaving Jinbe breathless, "Who!" Jinbe was having trouble breathing as he said "S-Strawberry!" Galan let out a breath and everything returned to normal as he said "Good." before turning around adding "Continue being a pirate, Warlords have their homes protected."

He turned his head to Jinbe, adding "This would also free the Fish-Man slaves on Mariejois." Jinbe's eyes lit up and he said "Than-" Galan snorted and said flatly "I haven't done anything yet. If you betray me, Jinbe. I will make sure you never become a Warlord. Are we clear?"

Jinbe nodded and Galan added, "We're not friends. If you commit evil, I will come and kill you. Even if you hide at the bottom of the ocean." as he jumped off the ship and left.

An octopus man shouted "Enemy pirates!" Jinbe got up and turned to look before freezing as Galan punched out above the pirate ship, obliterating everything in sight, ship and all.

He looked back and Jinbe shivered as Galan disappeared.

Aladdin turned to Jinbe and said "What did you two talk about?" Jinbe held up his hand and said "Nothing. The less you know about this the better. He's… a strange man." Aladdin didn't think too much of it, laughing "Yeahah! I've never seen a human offer to save a Fish-Man before! A nice man."

Jinbe smiled slightly, "A very nice man." before sighing.