
One Piece-I Loaded The Game

Join the game panel as they journey through the world of One Piece! Take the devil fruit as your starting point to becoming the death god! Adrian would think this is the stand-alone text if the panel hadn't reminded him that the game's public beta will begin in three years! The execution of the One Piece in 1498 of the Haiyuan calendar, accompanied by the great nautical era and the legendary fourth natural disaster... What's going on here? Why don't these characters know what's going on? Isn't that a wriggling leek?

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69 Chs

Advanced Task Swordsman

Among the five abilities randomly selected, four skills and one specialty are the same types of rewards as the last time you completed the [Freedom] task.

Generally speaking, luck is ordinary.

Looking at the panel rewards, Adrian was lost in thought.

First of all, there is no doubt that expertise must be selected!

Even though the name of the specialty [Strong Body] sounds inexplicable and philosophical, and the ability effect is much inferior to the other two specialties [Low-Level Tough Life] and [Phantom Fruit].

But expertise is expertise, the effect is still much stronger than ordinary skills, especially it also has growth, can increase the attribute along with the increase in Rank.

Moreover, the endurance attribute has always been one of Adrian's relatively shortcomings. Normally, he rarely invests free attribute points in the endurance value, and the growth rate is extremely slow.

I finally came across a specialty that can increase endurance attributes, but I can't easily miss it.

As for the remaining four skills,'Basic Navigation Skills' are first excluded.

For [Navigator] Adrian, it can no longer be called "skill overlap", it is called "skills obsolete"!

Adrian looked towards the third reward.


If the four characters of "visual effects" are not included in the skill description of'Hakizhan', Adrian is also willing to point towards'Haki' Use this opportunity to make a bet.

But this skill is clearly a harmless "special effect skill"!

What can you do if you choose it?

Compared with white ammonia fatigue in a group of young people

For Adrian, is it completely useless? !

The only remaining are [Intermediate Fighting Skills] and [Shadow Warrior].

After thinking for a moment, Adrian still gave up [Intermediate Fighting].

As an advanced skill of [Basic Fighting], [Intermediate Fighting] is fairly common in the sea.

Apart from anything else, Adrian has seen similar skills in Kumadori Yamanbako Instructor before, but she has an advanced version of [Basic Shooting] [Intermediate Shooting].

Adrian believes that among the enemies he will encounter in the future, those who master [intermediate combat] will definitely not be a minority. After all, close hand-to-hand combat is the mainstream battle method of this World.

In comparison.

Before the next shadow fruit appears on this sea, the ability of [Shadow Warrior] is the only one in the world, and Adrian is also willing to take a bet.

[You get the expertise: [Strong body]! ]

[You get the skill: [Shadow Warrior]!]

The swelling feeling burst into the body!


Adrian took a breath and gritted his teeth.

Severe pain came from all over the body, and the body was so painful that it was almost impossible to maintain a standing posture. I just felt that every muscle was melting and shaping, every tendon was torn and reorganized, and it was painful. It's not worse than the last time when you got the [Low-Level Tough Life]!

I don't know how long it took before the pain dissipated like sea water ebbs.

"I knew that physique expertise like this would cause severe pain!" Adrian's eyes were red, and he was panting heavily. The swear word that wanted to greet System lingered for a while.

"It was the same when I got the [low-level tough life] last time!"

"Wait! [Physique strong] is not [low-level tough life]! "

"The name of this specialty is an adjective!"

Adrian descended rapidly, came to a position one meter above the sea, looked towards himself in the reflection of the sea.

"The face hasn't changed... well, it's still a little more handsome..."

"But... when did I develop such a muscular golden wheel? "

Adrian stretched out his right hand and touched his strong pectoralis major, sharpened rectus abdominis, and deep-rooted mermaid lines.

He just wanted to cry without tears. "Give me back my beautiful and well-proportioned ordinary people!" Adrian wiped the tears from the corners of his mouth.

Just now I didn't have the energy to look at the panel. At this time, Adrian relaxed, and once again turned his attention back to the panel information.

At present, Adrian's Rank is Level 39. With the help of the newly acquired expertise, the strength and endurance attributes have increased by 39 points respectively.

Endurance surpasses agility, becoming the third six-dimensional attribute over a hundred.

At this moment, Adrian noticed that the panel prompt that he had just ignored was not about [Strong Body], but about a new skill.

[The type of edible Devil Fruit detected is Paramecia ・Hollow-Hollow Fruit, [Shadow Warrior] skill effect has been modified! ]


[[Shadow Warrior] The skill disappears, you understand the new skill [Ghost Martial Artist]! ]

[Ghost Martial Artist LV1 (0/10w): Allows the created ghost to exchange positions with the body.]

Fortunately Goddess is smiling, and he is right!

Adrian is in a good mood.

He had guessed before that, as a Hollow-Hollow Fruit Ability User, Adrian has no way to freely manipulate his shadow. The so-called'let the shadow and the body swap positions' is naturally also a castle in the sky, a flower in the water .

However, since the [Shadow Warrior] is placed in the reward options in the System panel, it indicates that this skill may be useful!

With the mentality of giving it a try, Adrian chose this skill, and didn't expect really bet it right.

Pressing the mind to try the effect of the skill immediately, Adrian looked at the accumulated experience, and the corner of his mouth tickled slightly.

Today is really my lucky day!

"Finally the second step up!"


Adrian puts in experience, will be level 40 The experience slot fills up.

[[Official swordsman] increased to LV20 (max), the vigor value was slightly increased, strength +2, agility +2, 3 free attribute points, and 1 skill point!]

The total Rank has reached level 40, and it has officially become the top battle strength on the surface in the four seas. At this time, it is time to start moving towards Grand Line and start the adventure!

[Detected [official swordsman] career promotion to full level, please choose one of the following two routes: swordsman/swordmaster. ]

Adrian raised his brow and read the panel description carefully.

At level 40, the official swordsman also has two development routes, which cannot be changed once a choice is made.

Swordsmen tend to fight alone, the sea is vast and the road is long, accompanied only by swords.

Swordmaster tends to combine mind, skill and body. Compared with the enhancement of personal ability, swordmaster values ​​the growth of mind and will.

To put it simply, in addition to the increase in basic strength and agility attributes, the swordsman will increase the endurance value at the same time, and the swordmaster will increase the intelligence value.

After thinking for a moment, Adrian makes a choice.

[The route you chose is [swordmaster]! ]

[Level 40 Swordsman Advanced Task: [Way of Sword]: Carefully study at least ten sword technique Sect works, according to the number of readings, you can get a corresponding amount of rewards, the current progress is 0/10 .]


Adrian's head crooked.

A small head, a big question mark.

System you come out!

Are you sure this is an advanced task for a swordsman class occupation?

Holding the biting sword in my hand, I raised the knife and dropped it from West Blue to the other. Killing without blinking an eye, are you actually asking me to go back to study now?