
One Piece: I'm Mihawk's Son

Attention!! this is a gender-bent Dracule Mihawk!!! #Action, #Romance, #Harem, #Overpowered, #Adventure, #OnePiece, #Incest, #R18. ** Alexander Graham was a genius of his time, with just thirty years of age he managed to invent a water combustion engine, a powerful device capable of creating energy with the use of water... sadly, the elite of the world was not ready for his creation to become mainstream. Despite possessing an overwhelming will for creation and science, Alexander Graham was fated to never be big in his world. But nobody said anything about another world. When his eyes opened all he saw was the reflection of his own self in her odd golden eyes as she sat there, calmly reading her newspapers without the slightest care in the world. "..." "..." Two silent and overbearing geniuses met that day, their very first hurdle? to exchange a few words. Follow the story of Dracule Veyron, the adopted son of Dracule Mihawk across the world of One Piece. For up to 40 extra chapters visit my pa-tre-on: pa-tre-on.com/photosphere. Visit Discord for Polls, chatting, character images and more content: https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7

Photosphere · Anime et bandes dessinées
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158 Chs

The Festival Starts III *

Sabaody Achipelago, twelve hours left for the festival of stars.

Shanks was giving orders to his crew from the den den mushis, things had started to get heated as more and more people concentrated in the 1st Grove.

"Stay out of sight, things may get a little hectic in a moment and the marine is going to be everywhere. If worse comes to worse we will see each other in the new world, has anyone seen Mihawk and Dark Mantle?".

"The last time we saw them they were in some wine shop, the poor guy was struggling".

"Tch, those two... what exactly is their relationship?" Shanks was irritated, the more he thought about it the more he believed they couldn't be simply friends. He had a crush on Mihawk for a long time and yet didn't dare make a move because he thought she wasn't interested in anything other than the sword and yet... whenever that bastard Dark Mantle was present, she acted differently.

"Pero pero pero pero~" Shanks' den den mushi started to ring, stopping everyone in their tracks as it was accorded in the crew that it would be him doing the calling and not the other way around. Shakky exhaled a breath of smoke and exchanged a glance with Rayleigh.

"I feel a storm brewing".

"Kacha~" Shanks answered the den den mushi and a mysterious voice spoke on the other side, confusingly enough, neither Rayleigh nor Shanks recognised the voice of the man talking.

"Fisher Tiger is climbing the red line from Paradise side, Akagami. It's time… divine garden region of Marie Geoise is where the slaves are being assembled for the Festival of Stars, don't disappoint. Kacha~"

Immediately after the call stopped strong winds started assaulting the shop's structure from outside as everyone frowned.

The call ended and the game was on, it was time to act. Shanks called all of his crew members to inform them that he'd be out and then he called Mihawk who much to his surprise, wasn't responding.

"Damn it where are they? It's almost time!" He thought maybe their den den mushi wasn't working and that was the reason, but sadly... that wasn't the case.



"Pero pero pero~".

The den den mushi was working correctly as it had for the whole day two lovebirds had stayed at this hotel, mother and son.

Sweat, heavy breathing and pleasure were the common symphony, two bodies entangled on the bed, fighting for domination. Mihawk was on top rocking her waist against his crotch in frustration, it didn't matter what she did... it wasn't getting hard.

"Uhm~ you disobedient Uhm~ impertinent Ahn!~ shameless brat!" Mihawk's heart-shaped eyes looked at the boy in grief, she moaned into his mouth while he pinched her pink buds and twisted them to his fill. So much for being obedient, the moment he couldn't take it anymore, Veyron went for the offensive.

He couldn't have enough of her lips and body, they were so delicious it was intoxicating.


Both of their bodies started to float when he triggered his powers, pushing her onto the bed in his struggle for dominance. Mihawk had already come countless times, She was desperately trying to keep him away from her sensitive nethers, but he'd attack that spot every time he had the chance.

"You- AHN!~"

When his teeth lightly beat her sweet weak spot down there, she realised that he had more control than she hoped, because, at that very moment, her body lost all strength.

"Pero pero pero pero~"

Veyron opened her legs wide and stuck his tongue inside as far as it could go, the frustration wasn't only hers... if there was something he wanted more than anything was to stick it inside her right now, but it wasn't possible. The desperation reached a point where he thought of getting himself 'hard' using his psychokinesis... but discarded the thought right away.

The bed was soaked with their sweat and her juices, all that considering he had already sucked a good portion of them.

"Mom, don't leave... I can't live without you".

He knew it was going to be painful to be without her for another couple of years, or even a single year. Hell, even just months were difficult!

"D-Don't say that... ahn~ s-somebody is calling, we have to go" A brief moment of lucidity allowed her to know that her den den mushi was ringing which could only be Shanks as only he knew the details and he'd only call when it was time to start the operation.

"Now that you have lost the upper hand, you want to leave? I want to stay here with you forever!".

All she could do was pull his head harder into her crotch, going as far as to bite her own finger to suppress this unyielding pleasure that couldn't be compared to anything. It was so devastating that she was already thinking of placing these activities up there together with wielding the sword and drinking wine, in her list of favourites.

"I'm close again... wait uhm!~" Due to the ridiculous sensitivity, she didn't last long. Veyron's claws went to her chest which he fondled harshly, stimulating another zone yet again.

"UHHMM!~" She bit her lips so hard they bled when the now familiar mind-exploding feeling coursed across her body, releasing all of her juices into his mouth and leaving her momentarily incapacitated.

So far in her life, all she could do was wish she was born a man... her breasts always got in the way of her swordsmanship and men also have stronger bodies. She thought by being a man she could be stronger... but now, for the first time, she thought in relief:

'Being a woman feels so good...'

Veyron crawled up and took her lips again, they both engaged in another fierce kiss until she hugged him and stopped.

Neither of them was in a condition to leave for a fight right off the bat. Her hair, no longer in a ponytail was all in disarray and wet, her body riddled with bite marks and smooches and Veyron's wasn't much different, if anything... it was worse. In her fight for dominance, Mihawk had no mercy leaving hickies all over his body.



"I'm yours so, you be mine as well".

The boy's eyes shone as he nodded, it was exactly what he was planning to say... although in a less possessive way.

"I love you, mom".

The lady smiled and kissed him one last time before roughly pushing him out of the bed.

"Ugh! Hey!" The aggrieved boy rubbed his head, 'You switch between mom and lover too fast, dammit!'.

Mihawk panted and hooked his arm, leading him to the bath with fast strides, hopping that by the time they finished, her sensitivity would go away.

"It is time, we will take a quick shower before leaving... a really quick one!"



"What the hell happened to the two of you?"

Shanks reunited with Mihawk and Dark Mantle in front of Shakky's bar. He glanced at the two of them whose bodies were soaking wet. Even Rayleigh and Shakky were confused.

"He fell into the sea and I had to save him since he's a devil fruit user" Mihawk's capacity to improvise was astonishing. But Sadly, the only fooled ones were Shanks and Ben as both Shakky and Rayleigh knew that Veyron didn't have any devil fruits or at least, that's what he said.

"We have a problem... we have to reach Marie Geoise on our own since they didn't send anyone to pick us up" Shanks groaned in annoyance, he called the same person numerous times but never got an answer.

"I can take all of us".

"Can you?" Shanks wasn't completely sure how his powers worked but Mihawk knew he could take them.

"Then we will be on our way, Rayleigh" Veyron said to the old man who nodded and waved his hands together with Shakky.

"I'm counting on you, Mihawk. Please save them" The ex-empress of Amazon Lily glanced at the woman who -she could recognise any day of the week- had hopelessly fallen in love with the boy who was supposed to be her son.

'What an odd relationship... but I guess love knows no bounds'.

Mihawk nodded, she had heard the lady's request back then during the time Veyron had been speaking to Rayleigh outside of the shop. She wanted her to save a certain set of slaves that belonged to Amazon Lily.

Although Mihawk couldn't promise anything she said she'd do her best, one of the most accurate indications for Shakky that the woman was in love: She changed.

"Any of you can point out the direction of the red line to me?"

Shanks sighed and took out a vibrecard, it surprised both Shakky and Rayleigh as that meant that there was someone in Marie Geoise whose vibrecard Shanks was in possession of but before they could ask for explanations, Veyron shot to the skies together with Shanks and Mihawk flying at either side of him.

The experience was new for both pirates who saw how in the middle of the night the clouds got closer and closer at ridiculous speeds.


The sonic boom left behind him shook Shakky and Rayleigh.

"Vey-chan is quite cool~".

"You can't conquer that woman without being at least this cool".

"Do you think they can be happy together?".

"Do you still need to ask that after seeing her face? I wonder what those two were doing?~".

Rayleigh's head got viciously smacked by his wife who looked at him like he said he went over the top with his accusations, "What are you saying? he's seven years old... of course they weren't doing anything!"

"I guess you're right" Rayleigh fixed his glazes and looked at the horizon, hoping that everything would go well for this operation and on the day of the night, the sun would shine a bright light of victory while the darkness loomed the world government.

'Don't think you can rule this world forever, bastard... this generation is filled with heroes and villains, but among them-'

He thought about Veyron.

'Among the heroes of this generation, there is one who has awakened that 4th Haki. A pity he's not a member of the D. Clan, but he's a 'Dracule' which isn't too bad either~'.

He thought about Mihawk and Veyron whose newfound love was almost evident, 'I hope you can change that lady's fate. Captain, things have already been set in motion for this new laugh tale. The question now is: Who is going to be the new Joyboy?'.

- 1200 stones gift chapter.

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