
only tomorrow matters.

-Look at the ship, it has grown again. - said Deuce, with evident surprise in his eyes.

There it was, the caravel wide, two sails, a large one and a small one. This ship, in particular, had a front rudder. It had three floors, with the hold located in the center of the ship, almost as spacious as a house due to the increased space. The kitchen was equipped with compartments for everything, and the refrigerator that he previously considered large now did not fit the space. Two large tables with six seats each.

The captain's cabin now had a large library, its bathroom, and a decent study. There was a small room with a glass roof, and a small food garden, enough to grow some vegetables and medicinal herbs.

Four separate rooms, each of 25 square meters, enough to accommodate the 12 crew members that the ship now housed. The first room would be used by Deuce and Kuro, the second by Ussop and Nihtal, and the third by Agatha and Tashigi. The fourth is for Gad and the triplets.

A small medical room next to the kitchen, and a new hold at the front for armament, made up the new caravel, which grew in large proportions, even adapting to the size of Gad, who was two meters and fifty centimeters tall.

-A great ship you have here, kid. - said Nihtal. - Are you sure it can grow on its own? What kind of science can be used to make this ship?

-Yes, it does. But it needs a lot of materials. The next ones are Adam wood, marble, and glass. And the ship is a gift from my parents, scholars from the city of Ohara. - said Axel.

-Mmm, Adam wood is not cheap. I know a place that sells that wood, but orders are scarce, and usually, the marines end up hoarding the resources. - said Nihtal, narrowing his eyes, as a scientist, he knows what happened in Ohara, the previous city of knowledge.

-Come on, now that everyone is here, these are our new companions who will accompany us in search of new adventures. Let's all have a feast. - said Axel, with joy.

-I like this style, a feast. - Gad toasted. The triplets were swimming around the ship, showing that they were daughters of the sea, the water made them happy.

-I'll prepare something. - said Agatha.

-I'll go for the barrels of wine. - said Deuce.

-Perfect. - Axel replied.

-Wawawawaaww. Girls, come with me. - said Gad.

They celebrated the new day. The victory against the evil secretary of state, the addition of five new members. Nihtal was still on the side, drinking beer, his small stature and giant ears giving him a funny appearance. He read a robotics book.

-Everything okay, Nihtal? - asked Axel.

-Ha, yes, Captain... I was thinking about the next invention that I've been developing, but with the loss of my old laboratory, the process will have to start from scratch. - said Nihtal.

-Oh, it must be a big project. - said Axel. - What is it about? - he asked.

-It's about the development of combat robots. Initially, I wanted to develop them like Zau Ra Zau and Kau Ra Kau, combat, defense, and attack machines combined to increase my protection on travels with the Simon Pirates. - said Nihtal, with pride in his robots.

-Oh, you need some materials. I'm not well-versed in robotics, but my resources are at your disposal. - said Axel.

-It's appreciated. I heard from Deuce that you are a scholar in archaeology and history. I share a passion for archaeology. Have you heard the legend of the Seven Phantom Islands? - said Nihtal to Axel.

-I don't have much knowledge about that name. - Axel replied.

-They are islands hidden in the Grand Line. It is said that the seven islands contain information that maps a route to a great hidden treasure. - said Nihtal.

Long ago, numerous races were wandering around the world. Humans lived in the Blue Seas, and these races had a strong dominance over the entire Grand Line due to their strength, culture, and historical experiences. Due to the era of piracy, these races have been hiding in hidden paradises. The treasure of the Seven Phantom Islands will not only make us rich, but it will also reveal the whereabouts of one of these hidden civilizations in the seas. - said Nihtal.

The whole crew was silent at the mention of such a great treasure and the mention of a treasure that could fill the coffers of their ship.

-Adventures, adventures... - murmured Axel.

-We will go. I would like to see the secret of the Phantom Islands. - said Axel.

-A treasure in the sea. - said Ussop, raising his juice glass.

Kuro observed everything with growing anger, but he disguised it.

-The Grand Line is full of curious secrets, which few men can fully navigate. My hometown is hidden underwater, and most of the time, only pirates come to kidnap my race or continue their course to the New World. In comparison with the pirates who sail the seas, only a tenth of them manage to reach Fishman Island. - said Gad.

-Fishman Island? - said Deuce.

-My home. - said Gad.

-As the Brag-men says, there are all sorts of dangers in the stories, like the little garden full of dinosaurs, and the island of giants. It's marvelous. - said Deuce, amazed.

-We'll get there, just by following our course. We'll get there, but it's better to stay calm, not to rush our adventure. After all, we have many dreams to fulfill while we go on our adventure. - said Axel.

-You've never told us your dream. You always say that you sail to travel the seas, to fulfill your dreams. But you never really say what your dream is. - Agatha asked.

The party stopped, and everyone paid attention to Axel's next words, even Kuro, who, after being defeated and humiliated, read a book, and looked up with a little curiosity in his eyes. Ussop also had no idea what his dream was. He knew some stories about Axel's life and had a measure of what he was capable of doing. But he had never mentioned his dream; he always lifted his head and shouted about the adventures the sea hid.

-It seems like everyone is very interested. - Axel said.

-Yes. - Ussop said.

Axel toned

>>It all started when I was little. My village was ravaged by war and hopelessness. From my childhood days, hunger, fear, and uncertainty shaped my life. I embarked on a journey to save the legacy of my village, to survive tooth and nail. I fear that the story may not be told and that all records may be forgotten. Even if I die, let my death not be in vain. At this moment, I have no parents, siblings, relatives, or acquaintances in this world. –

>>Only you, my nakamas, remain for me—a crew created to help each other fulfill our dreams. Just as you support and care for me in my difficult situations, I will be there for you. From the bottom of my heart, I will devote my soul to fulfilling your dreams. I only ask that you never falter, for we are here to fulfill our dreams. -

Axel could see the energy building in the crew, even the hateful Kuro was listening attentively.

>>Have you ever wondered why Gol D. Roger caused so much fear and sensation in the world government? Why, even after so many years, do people blame him and treat him like a monster? It's because the elites of the government are afraid. They want to belittle him because that way, the legend of his great treasure will be lost to oblivion. -

>>A treasure that can overturn the world's balance, a treasure that would cause the end of the days of what we now know as the world government. Or so, more than 16 years ago, was destroyed. Through their study of ancient stones that hold the truth about the history of the One Piece, they discovered something. It's impossible that such peaceful beings had such macabre thoughts as the accused. -

>>The Poneglyph tells the biggest secrets and history of the whole world. Why are there Devil Fruits? Did someone create them, or were they created? All these secrets are hidden by the world government, which is villainous in its actions and behaviors. They are not satisfied with the celestial treasure; they also enslave people who pay for their protection, eradicate anyone who opposes their thoughts, and label them as pirates or criminals. Look at what they have done to this nation. -

>>That's why my goal is to go after all of them. Only by uncovering those secrets can I fulfill the objective of giving my people the freedom they so crave. Let the truth be known, let it be known that the sacrifices of history have never been in vain. -

>>Our goal is the end of the world government. It is to fill the towns, the dying cities, with hope. It is to give life to the citizens living in poverty, with empty bellies and no warm milk. It is for the children who have to live with hunger every day. It is for the adults who die in their jobs from exhaustion. I swear by my name, I will fight for all your dreams, and I will fight for mine. -

>>A life without a higher pursuit is a poorly lived life. The legends we dream of are now in our hands. Therefore, I say to you, you can join me and break this cycle of misery. Let's go for the treasure of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger—the dream of all those seeking freedom. With you as my companions, we will save this world. A world where everyone is happy. - Axel said.

The total silence in the room overwhelmed the thoughts of the crew; even the talkative Ussop had no words to describe it. What he heard made his chest throb with strength. The excitement overflowing the limits brings a deep adrenaline sensation and a coven of fears born from such a challenge and insolence.

-I'm ready. - Deuce said. - The candid story that I started writing can only be completed by a challenge like yours, Axel. I believe in you. - he finished tears in his eyes at such a speech.

-And I... although I may not be the bravest, I won't leave your side. - Ussop said.

-Well, since I have nowhere else to go. - Agatha replied.

-I never dreamed of meeting a scholar from Ohara, the great city of knowledge. I'll do it keekekekekekee. No one else would accept a misfit like Nihtal. - said the little man.

-Will you fight against the world government? - Emeraude, the green-eyed Gyojin, asked.

-I will do it,- Axel said.

The three sisters nodded. -We'll follow you, although you must know that we'll always be pursued for our beauty, for our race, - Emeraude said.

-Humf. I can't deny it when the beauties are so determined, - Gad remarked.

-It's awesome, for our dreams, - Axel said, raising his glass and clinking it with his crewmates. The happiness of that day marked the thoughts of everyone in the crew and brought about repercussions that had never been expected