
3. second trip.

As the Blue Pirates had grown accustomed to long journeys, they only took two days of rest before embarking on their next adventures. It started with a peaceful voyage to the Animal Islands, a bustling city in the East Blue, rumored to be the world's largest zoo. However, amidst the misinformation, it was unlikely that many things were true, merely names pronounced in exaggeration.

One thing that could be said to be true was that the island was indeed a zoo inhabited by multiple animals of all kinds, housed in large cages and expansive aquatic parks. It was a place completely dominated by animal fauna, guarded by the East Blue Marine Branch 123, deterring pirates from approaching due to the marine blockade.

The significant challenge was that the nobility had a habit of visiting the beautiful facilities, leading to a high standard of security. It was protected by another marine branch located on Lighthouse Island, a military island with a tall lighthouse that would signal if pirates approached.

The small black wooden boat with blue flags didn't raise alarms with the Marines due to its innocent appearance. A small boat with two children was something they would merely glance at. Despite the murky waters caused by the actions of pirates and the World Government, there was a certain simplicity in the people of the One Piece world. Contrary to popular belief, pirates were pirates, and very few dared to change that status to their convenience, unlike Don Krieg's crew who hid in the shadows out of pride and honor in being pirates. However, no one would suspect the worst from a 15-year-old child.

The port was much larger than any seen in other cities, except for a few special ones. So far, in all the islands the Blue Pirates had sailed to, the ports were equally vast, although they had only visited three towns with ports. It didn't mean much.

-Axel, look, this man says that if you wear a crocodile-skin jacket, you'll have good luck for the next three years, - said Ussop.

-Ussop, that's a lie, - Axel replied jokingly, giving a disapproving look to the seller trying to scam Ussop.

-Come on, let's visit the zoo, - Axel said, walking towards the zoo entrance.

-But... the lucky jacket, - Ussop protested.

The zoo was pleasant, but Axel felt dissatisfied with the adventure's progress. Something called to Axel in his blood; adventure lurked, especially on this island, though he didn't know what. And he had to find out. The call of adventure was universal, and anyone would understand it after celebrating the defeat of the bandits. The parties in this world were so interesting that they led to a spiral of fulfilled and anticipated adventures.

-Look, Axel, what's the name of this animal? Hahaha, they're so funny, - Ussop said, waving at the animals and lifting their hands.

-Haha, those are sloths, - Axel replied.

-Hey, Axel, people could transform into all these animals, - Ussop said.

-Of course, you just need to choose the Devil Fruit, and depending on the Devil Fruit, you'll have special powers. The fruit you're talking about is called the Zoan Fruit, and it allows you to transform into animals, although the ordinary Zoan Fruit is one of the most common, - Axel explained.

-Ohhhhh? I heard that in the Goa Kingdom, they'll be auctioning a Devil Fruit that transforms people into animals, - said Ussop.

-It seems to be a Devil Fruit, - Axel mumbled. Multiple ideas were running through his mind.

-How long ago did you hear that, and what did you hear? - Axel asked, wearing a suspicious smile.

-Axel, don't make that face. You said we didn't want trouble, - Ussop said, trying to avoid problems.

-Stop making that expression; it's the same one you had when you wanted to go against the bandits, - Ussop remarked.

-Not, - Axel crossed his arms, completely denying the accusation.

-Come on, Ussop, my good friend. What's an adventure without risks? We can go to the island and tell Miss Kaya all about our adventures, - Axel smiled, not glancing at Ussop. His weakness was evident; the name of that girl could turn Ussop from a timid young man into someone willing.

-What are you waiting for? The Goa Kingdom is only about four days from here. Perfect timing, - Ussop shouted.

-Hahaha, alright," Axel said. The exit was right in front of them, and, after all, the temptation of having a Devil Fruit was something he couldn't resist, no matter how much he wished.

-The Devil Fruit auction doesn't exist, Axel; I just remembered that it happened ten days ago, - Ussop said.

-In ten days from now, - Axel replied.

-We have plenty of time. With my skills, we can get there in three days. After all, we're not far from the Goa Kingdom, thanks to starting from a central island like Animal Island, - Axel said, mentally planning the route to the Goa Kingdom.

The reluctant but willing Ussop's parting from the port

The journey went smoothly. Smoke bombs and dazzling bombs were crafted to escape potential issues caused by the lack of insight into the opponent's abilities.

The Goa Kingdom loomed in the distance, unseen in the night. The magnificence of the city, they docked the ship and sought accommodation in an inn near the port.

-These are our plans. The official meeting of the Nobility is in three days, and the auction of items begins in two days, - Axel explained. The eight-day journey was a disadvantage.

That sounds good. We just need to find disguises suitable for our new identities—the nobles," Ussop repeated.

-I don't think it's necessary; maybe masks would be perfect, - Axel replied, thoughtful.

-Alright, we arrived just in time. The assault is in two days. We need to reconnaissance everything on the island, plan the locations of the auction house, and then assault tomorrow night, escaping in the early morning with the Devil Fruit, - Axel said, scanning the port surroundings for guards, though the vigilance was lower than expected.

-What do you think, Ussop? There's no better plan than this. Even if we had another, we don't have time to implement measures. I'll go map an escape route, - Axel commented.

-I'll go get us a special adventure costume, Axel, -- Ussop said, jumping off the ship carelessly. -- If we dress like Goa Kingdom nobles, we'll blend in, and they'll never suspect us. -

-Just masks; the heist is at night. With masks and hoods, it's more than enough. However, you should know that this place is repugnant, - Axel said.

The Goa Kingdom was vast, ostentatious, and rotten. It had grand, elegant houses, and beautiful parks at every corner, all connected by a rich and well-planned infrastructure. There were no beggars or evident poverty in sight; the middle class was situated at the ports.

The first day passed, and they bought the disguises. They juggled and earned money as street performers, also selling items purchased on the islands as traveling merchants.

The night of the heist arrived. The air was humid, and Axel sensed that a storm was raging in the seas nearby, a force that would make even the most experienced sailors fear. The direction was close to the west, cursing the plans but, in a way, it would cover Ussop and Axel's backs during the escape.

The auction house was a large building with thick pillars and ornaments at the front. Guards moved from side to side, shotguns resting on their shoulders, some sitting at tables around the entrance. It took almost ten minutes to circle the auction house from all sides as the guards surrounded the entire property. It wasn't surprising that security was doubled for the Devil Fruit sale.

Both kids quickly climbed the walls; the goal was to reach the roof and enter the attic without giving time to be discovered. Axel looked up and found nothing suspicious about the guards' activities. Suddenly, a loud noise echoed throughout the auction house, and the thunderous sound followed hollow laughter.

"Dahadahahadahhahada," a large guy with a bear jacket, adorned with a gold collar and a bear hat, roared as several pirates fought at the entrance. Axel could only sigh; they were the Trump Pirates from a non-canonical movie in the One Piece world. He spotted the beautiful Honey Queen, Boo Jack, Stunk One, and some Denny's.

-Ussop, stay calm, - Axel said.

-Axel, that guy is even bigger than the bandit you faced in the village, - Ussop said, wanting to escape.

-We'll circle the entrance slowly. Run to the ship, the plans changed. I'll enter and collect the loot without any issues, - Axel said quickly.

-Axel, I won't leave you alone in this, - Ussop replied, gathering strength.

-Fine, cover my back. When I grab the Devil Fruit, head straight to the ship, and I'll lose them in the city. Try to reduce the opponent's numbers a bit. When the fruit is in my hands, it's the signal to escape for you, - Axel said.

A fist exploded through the ceiling, and after a hard blow, the roof collapsed—the large chamber with chairs along the length of the auction house. In the encounter, Axel unsheathed his sword without giving the invading pirates time to defend themselves. He lost count of how many pirates he disarmed. Using Soru, he knocked out some pirates to give himself time to find the treasure vault.

Honey Queen and Boo Jack were seen entering a large metal door with a thick revolving lock.

-Boss, this is the vault, - Honey Queen shouted.

The bear ran through the hall. His arms heated up to a bright orange, and he began delivering deafening blows to the vault. In the distance, Boo Jack was hitting guards with Stunk One as protection.

Thick fists started pounding the edges, and the knuckles left marks on the vault. Their strength wasn't extraordinary; perhaps, it was their toughness that created a sense of invincibility. Their punches contained only average force for their weight and height.

In the vault, Axel observed the thick edges moving to the point of breaking the lock. -- It's almost ready; prepare for the retreat, -- Honey Queen shouted.

The treasure contained a large number of treasures. In the center was a showcase with a Devil Fruit. Honey Queen ran to grab the Devil Fruit with a smile on her face, her crimson lips standing out. The Trump Pirates' lackeys gathered all the gold in sacks.

-That's it, boys. It's time to head to Gear Island, - the big bear said.

Ussop released three smoke bombs as a way to cover the retreat, being seen by one of the villains.

-It's time to thwart these pirates' plan, - Axel said aloud, with arrogance trapped between his words.

He ran straight to Honey Queen and kicked her right hand. He skillfully grabbed the Devil Fruit in the air, surprising all the villains.

-It's our Sogeking! - Axel shouted. Ussop ran to the port, throwing smoke bombs.

The room fell silent.

-We've been robbed! - the big bear shouted.

As planned, the Devil Fruit fell into Axel's possession, snugly fitting in his right pocket. Honey Queen swung a punch with her Boston Koi at his shoulder, but Axel dodged it and skillfully parried with his sword.

Axel made a great leap and swiftly scraped three more pirates with his sword in a second.

Axel saw Bear King approaching, his gaze grotesque, eyes shadowed with resentment. The cape he wore at the beginning fell due to shots and blows received in the fight. His arms were exposed, emitting smoke, and heat began to fill the room.

-Bastard, today is not a day to play with the bear, - said the great Victor Trump, captain of the Trump Pirates.

-The bear dies by the sword, - Axel said.

Bear King's fists heated up, and with superhuman strength, he struck Axel's position. Axel managed to dodge the blows by spinning around, although he felt one of the hits in the background. Axel could sense the power given by all the strikes, evading the first blows by reading the opponent's patterns. The wind lifted the dust.

Rarely changing his attack pattern, Bear King's indistinguishable strikes were merely numerous, ranging from one to two attacks with three different variables. Axel swung his sword forcefully, leaving only an indistinguishable line on the bear's skin.

Axel concentrated with all his being on the power to hear the breath of everything. To cut everything, he had to cut the object completely. Focus and cut, cut and break; that was the way of the sword, Axel's way. The sword ruled over the others.

-Soru, - Axel said.

The blow hit again in the same line he used previously to defeat the bear, now marked with a vibrant red of slowly flowing blood like a small stream ending up in a lagoon.

-Boss, - said the lackeys, frightened.

The blow hit the mark; a spiked ball pursued Axel's back. Honey Queen ran towards Axel with her staff. She took a great leap, evading the attacks and rushes. With each step, Axel twirled, avoiding and escaping through the entrance that the Trump Pirates opened at the beginning of the raid.

-He's escaping! - Stunk One shouted, soaring in the air with gas.

-Jijijijiji, - Stunk One laughed.

-You won't escape, aerial attack! - shouted a guy with winged attire, jumping through the air.

-Soru, - Axel said.

The blow missed but managed to graze his arm. "Aghh," Axel said, injured.

-Soru. -

Now, all that was left was to escape. The soldiers of the Goa Kingdom were already alerted.

He began to run, paying attention to the background screams with each step. Stunk One was stuck to the auction wall, and Honey Queen chased closely in a swift run. The bear lagged, slow in pursuit.

It was slow, and the pursuit wasn't quick, but Axel managed to glimpse the port in the distance. -- It can't be, that Devil Fruit was mine! -- Honey Queen shouted.

-It belongs to whoever can enjoy it in the end. See you next time, sweet queen, - Axel said, releasing another smoke bomb as a distraction. He slithered through the alleyways, hidden in the shadows. The ship was in the distance with black flags concealed behind the night.

No one closely followed him in that escape. - Ussop, raise the sails; we're escaping right now, - Axel said.

-Axel, hurry, they're following closely, - Ussop said, throwing bombs. The ship began to move to the rhythm of the wind, people pointing at the ship distinguished by the bright masks of the kids.

With a leap, Axel reached the back of the ship. The army was present at the port, but they didn't pay as much attention to them as to the two-and-a-half-meter bear roaring with blows. The horns were sounding throughout the Goa Kingdom, which was currently in chaos, and people were hiding in their homes.

-We're geniuses! -- Ussop danced upon seeing the treasure chest. -- Axel, is this fruit so important to assault a kingdom and fight those pirates? -- Ussop asked nervously, thinking about the battle.

-It is. -

-Adjust the sail a bit; we need it tighter, - Axel said, standing at the helm with his hands, while Ussop adjusted the sail. For some strange reason, Axel began to laugh like a madman.

-Hahahahahaha. Ussop, today is a good day to be alive, - Axel said.

Ussop just clung to the walls tightly like a scared cat.

Getting out of this storm is a walk in the park if you have the skills, but this storm was something out of the ordinary. Stealing the Devil Fruit is almost like climbing a ladder compared to a mountain. However, compared to the great catastrophe the kids faced, they were forced to navigate the storms due to the pursuit of the Goa Kingdom. Axel didn't think they would remember the masks they bought in the Animal Kingdom in such darkness.

When they crossed the storm, they couldn't believe the immensity of the sea—waves of fifty meters, whirlpools, and lightning—it was like walking on a tightrope. It's sensible to think that crossing a storm is just madness.

The boat rocked from side to side; they managed to cross the waves with the knowledge gained from navigation books and the navigation system's skills, skills to prevent them from sinking to the bottom of the sea with Davy Jones.

Ahead, two water whirlpools rose, Axel could only open his mouth and pray for his life. - Adjust things, close all doors. Tighten the sails completely, and level the sail's tail. We'll circle the left tornado with the wind's momentum. I'm sure there's an island nearby, - Axel shouted; the rain was relentless, and he could barely hear himself.

-Axel, are you sure about getting out of this weather? - Ussop asked, almost like a brief moment of calm where doubt crept in.

-Yes, just follow the instructions, - Axel said.

No matter how long the storm lasted, they docked on the island, which was still being battered by strong waves. They brought the boat to the shore, pushing it. They could only close their eyes after a tremendous storm; the wrath of Poseidon hit the sea. Ussop breathed intermittently, seeing himself on land and safe, Axel closed his eyes, not worrying about more.

-I'm a good helmsman, - Axel said aloud.

But having someone who knows more about navigation would be sweet. How much power does he need to bat against Arlong?

-Oh well, I don't think it's a good idea to steal from Nami. It's not like I need a navigator urgently, - Axel thought.



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