
One Piece: Elden Lord

Kai, the best Elden Ring streamer and proud "Radahn Slayer," thought life was all about boss fights and Twitch subs—until he wakes up in Impel Down, the deadliest prison in One Piece. Confused and definitely not impressed, he quickly realizes he has the Elden Ring system from the game, but with one cruel twist: he's stuck with the Prisoner class, complete with the ridiculous helmet. Furious, Kai screams, "DAMN YOU, MIQUELLA!" Now, he’s got to escape this hellish prison full of pirates and maniacs, only to survive in the even crazier world of One Piece—where there’s no respawn and no Sight of grace! //********************************************************\\ If you wish to read more or simply support me just because ? than check out my patréon at "https://www.patréon.com/Riadooo" Don't forget to change "é" to "e"

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

"The Elden Lord" Can't Handle Heat

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The dark halls of the Impel Down offices held the sight of two jailers staring at a wall covered with screens, each projecting pictures from different levels of the prison. All connected through the Denden Mushi surveillance system. The prison compound, from Levels 1 and 2 to the more severe and dangerous Levels 3 and 4, was captured by the DenDen Moshi. As the jailers reviewed the footage that came in from Level 2A, heavy footsteps echoed up the hallway outside, signaling that someone rather formidable was closing in.

The door creaked open, and the two officers snapped to attention, saluting at the recognition of the man entering. "Welcome, Officer Sukoshiba Sir."

Sukoshiba nodded, his expression stern. "What's the situation?"

One of them, trying to calm his nerves, said, "Sir, there was a short riot in Level 2, but it was quashed right away by the jailers. However." He paused, obviously fearing what he had to report next.

"Speak," Sukoshiba commanded, his patience thinning.

The officer swallowed hard. "Sir, one of the prisoners killed one of the Basilisks. and then left Level 2."

Sukoshiba's face full of rage. "What? A prisoner killed a wild beast and left Level 2 without hindrance? When were you going to report this?"

Before Sukoshiba's anger could escalate, the officer interjected, "Sir, the prisoner didn't escape upwards. He went down—to Level 3."

Sukoshiba raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Show me the footage."

The officers quickly worked out the surveillance video. There, on the monitor, they watched Kai, fighting and defeating the wild beast. Sukoshiba's face hardened at what he had seen. "Where did he get that weapon? And that blue projectile. Is he a User of the Devil Fruit?"

"That's what we assume, sir," replied the officer. "It seems we overlooked him."

"This is a big mistake," Sukoshiba said in his cold voice. "Devil Fruit users should always be confined within Level 3 or below, with the exception of those who happen to possess somewhat weak abilities. However, this one defeated a wild beast, so it must not be some weak power."

The officer was hesitant as he asked, "Shall we report this to Chief Warden Magellan?"

Sukoshiba's mind raced as he started to think ("This is a great opportunity to help Vice Warden Hanyabal raise to a Chief Warden position by shifting the blame on Magellan! And in addition…I'll raise in position")

"No," Sukoshiba finally said in a firm tone. "Do not report this."

"But sir, if this prisoner causes more trouble." the officer began, only to be cut off by Sukoshiba's sharp glare.

"I said, do not report it," Sukoshiba said again, his tone allowing no debate. "We will handle this ourselves. If we report every little issue, the chief warden will lose trust in us. Just observe. If you see that prisoner again, inform me immediately. I'll take it from there."


Meanwhile, In Level 3, Kai heard the system notifications but couldn't afford to stop and check on them. He kept running downstairs without turning his back to danger at his heels; the feeling of unease was gnawing away.

Coming out to Level 3, into what is called The Starvation Hell, the oppressive heat hit him like a wave. "Oh my God," he muttered to himself, feeling like he had just walked into a furnace. "It's like I've opened an oven and stepped inside."

He looked behind him, only to feel there was no turning back now. "Damn it,I have no choice but to push forward"" With that, Kai pushed deeper into the prison, pressing through an intense, sweltering heat in pursuit of a goal he hoped wouldn't lead to even greater danger

While it was true, that he hasn't faced any real dangers ... .The real danger was his own mind "I Should just give up and die here! Why do I have to suffer like this!" mutterd Kai as he walked slowly in the desert of Level 3, Level 3 was special, the reason why it's so hot and full of desserts, was because of Level 4 being a fully molten Lava level, as such the heat from it would seep into the skies and even reach level 3, turning it, into what it is now 

"This is simply ridiculous! FUCK! ARE YOU TELLING ME! That I KAI the Ultimate Gamer can't handle this much heat! I Have suffered the hells of Farrons's Keep! The Gutter! BLIGHTTOWN! And Even the Lake of ROT! I KAI WILL NOT FALL HERE!" as Kai shouted in a courageous manner, his voice resonated in the desert! Signaling his determination to show the world that he will survive!

Then he fell face first into the sand and passed out! "I did all that in the game! Hardest place i've been to in real life was anime con….ughh the smell" 


"I SWEAR SIR! I know nothing about his fruit or anything like that!" Screamed Rondo as two soldiers kept beating him and interrogating him 

"You expect me to believe a bandit from a low life island gained a Bounty of 20 MILLION BERRIES for nothing ! Why would he be placed in level two if he wasn't strong! Also we just saw him take down a damn Basilisk!" screamed Sokushiba as he punched Rondo in the stomach, who whimpered in pain 

"I swear sir….The only reason he gained a 20 Million bounty was…..Well sir he…" as Rondo was hesitating, Sukoshiba Screamed "SAY IT" 

"He fucked the Wife and Daughter of the Island's Mayor! And the sister of the Vice Admiral that was working on the island!" shouted Rondo in a quick manner, his words silenced everyone in the room, they were shocked to hear that, most of them, clearly in disbelief, Sukoshiba was about to scream at Rondo again, before another soldier walked into the interrogation cell

"Sir… I have found information about Kai Silver, also known as 'The Bedroom Bandit!'"

The title hung in the air for a moment, leaving the soldiers blinking in confusion. Sokushiba, his fist still hovering over Rondo, slowly turned to the soldier who had just barged in.

"The… what?" Sokushiba asked, his voice dropping to a dangerously calm level.

"The Bedroom Bandit, sir," the soldier repeated, trying his best to keep a straight face. "Apparently, he's notorious for, uh, 'invading' more than just people's homes."

A few of the soldiers exchanged glances, barely suppressing their laughter. Even Sokushiba had to take a moment to process what he'd just heard.

"You mean to tell me," Sokushiba said slowly, "that the reason this guy has a 20 million berry bounty and is locked up in Level Two is because he's… a serial homewrecker?"

Rondo, clutching his stomach, nodded quickly. "I told you, sir… Kai Silver's not here be cause he's strong—he's a menace to marriages everywhere. The man has no shame! He'll charm his way into any household, no matter who's in charge!...It was also why I followed him! I was inspired to be like him!"

Sokushiba rubbed his temples, trying to suppress the urge to laugh—or scream. "The Bedroom Bandit," he muttered again, shaking his head in disbelief. "This guy's making more enemies in the bedroom than on the battlefield."

He glanced back at Rondo, his expression hardening. "Alright, enough jokes. You're going to spill everything you know about this so-called 'Bedroom Bandit.' Every steamy detail."

The soldiers, still trying to keep their composure, leaned in a little closer, eager to hear what other ridiculous stories might come out about the notorious Bedroom Bandit.


"Ugh…Where am I?" Muttered Kai as he opened his eyes, his vision was still blurry, but he could tell that he was in some sort of a tent, or a small house 

"Oh you're finally awake?" said a voice near Kai, catching his attention, Kai turned to see a very old man, who was sitting in a chair near his bed "Where am I?" 

"You are in The Starvation hell, where else? Level three of impel down prison, some guards brought you here, they found you wondering out there in the desert" spoke the old man as he brought a plate that had quarter of bread and a cup that had less than half of it filled with water "This your daily portion, I kept it hidden from the other prisoners, so drink up and eat, you need it " 

Seeing the unexpected Kindness from the old Man, Kai Nodded as he drank and ate, it didn't even come close to satifying him, but he had no other choice "Why did the guards help me? I could've died out there" 

"Help you? Ahahaha…you're under a misunderstanding Kid, the guard here, they don't want us to die, they relish in our pain, they control our ration of food and water, to them, we are slaves and they are gods" said the old man, telling Kai of the Harsh reality

Kai understood what the old man said as he muttered to himself "we'll see about that, when i get stronger…" before letting his anger get to him, Kai went outside and checked the location, it was like a small village, with skinny prisoners all around it, the guards all positioned in high places looking down on the prisoners and observing them with a smug 

In the middle of the village, was a massive hole leading directly to level four "Now how the hell do i get down there…i'm not exactly made of rubber" 

"SCREEEEH" a horrifying voice came from behind Kai as he dodged away to see a massive bird pick some unsuspecting prisoner and fly with him away "What the hell is that!" 

Hearing Kai's question, some prisoner like him, said "That's Krane, the Vulture, he flies around here everyday picking an almost dead prisoner to feed on, the guards let him" 

Seeing the Massive Vulture, Kai realized something "Oh I See…A massive flying Vulture…" he then went back to his cell with the old man as he sat down and said "time to check out those annoying notifications from before"

[Mission Accomplished!

Kill a Wild Beast from the Level Two Impel down Prison (Success!)

Rewards: 3000 Runes/ Crafting System!

Failure: Death]

[Obtained 300 Rune for Killing a Prisoner!]

[Obtained 1000 Runes for Killing a Wild Beast!]

[Obtained Soul of a Wild Beast!]

[Obtained Feathers of a Basilisk!]

"A Crafting System?" muttered Kai, as his system now displayed a new tap, called Crafting System, entering it, Kai found that he couldn't make most things,he lacked either material or the necessary Runes for it "Tsk, Whatever, for now I'll level up, I have 4300 Runes collected, let's see I can use that Sould of a Wild beast to get more runes….But I'll refrain for now, i still haven't fully checked the Crafting system and I might need it for something"

Placing all his runes in leveling up, Kai was left with 774 Runes as he reached Level 13 "Tsk, i need five hundred more to reach level 14"


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