
Chapter 4

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Saying goodbye to the Yijian Pavilion, Vail walked back feeling very happy. He had finally found a way to get stronger. Although he didn't know what the effects would be, the important thing was to start, and the rest would follow.

Upon returning to the store, it was almost noon. Vail took a quick sip at the small restaurant next door and went straight to the workshop. He remembered that today's work had not been done yet.

Operating the machine slowly, he processed simple parts faster than he had imagined. In less than 3 hours, he completed today's task. After exchanging greetings with Reid, he headed back to his room.

Considering it was still early, he thought about starting some preliminary exercises. Let's check the Stamina situation. On the ground of the hut, he began doing push-ups – one, two, three...

It didn't take long for sweat to bead on his forehead, and after a while, he had to stop.

"How come? Less than 20? This is the world of One Piece; this body is too weak. Although I expected it, I didn't expect it to be this bad."

He got up, went downstairs, and saw Reid sitting behind the counter looking bored. Squatting down, he said, "Boss, I went to the Italian Pavilion today to sign up for the sword."

Reid raised his head unexpectedly, "Yes, Vail, I just signed up for the swordhouse the other day. Why, what's the problem?"

"Yeah, boss, I spent more than 13,000 Berries on the registration fee today. I have no money, so I was thinking if this month's salary could be advanced, even though I know the first day of work will be tough. But there is really no other way," Vail whispered, not very enthusiastically.

Reid considered it and said, "Well, okay. There are 3,000 Berries here; you can use it first."

Vail sighed inwardly but kept a happy face, "That's really thanks to the boss." He took the 3,000 Berries, thanked Reid, and walked out of the store.

While walking, he pondered again. It was still too little money. 3,000 Berries could last a month for an ordinary person, but for him to get stronger, it was insufficient.

Training requires a lot of exercise, food, and not just any food – a variety of meats. There's also the cost for cultivation and weapons, although not needed now, it would be necessary in the long run.

While contemplating, and walking slowly down the street, he wondered how to make money. Mug Fuel theft was impossible; Vail still needed Loguetown for a long time. How could he do such foolish things? If caught, who knows how One Piece World handles juvenile prisoners? Slavery might be the outcome.

Even robbing hearts was out of the question. Robbing adults would be impossible.

Another option was selling intelligence, but it was too dangerous. If the other party didn't pay, it would be problematic. Still, it wasn't enough force.

Force? By the way, he wasn't going to the Italian Pavilion today. The curator was hopeless, but the brother named Kahn should have some military value.

If he were to sell intelligence, what should he sell? Roger surrendering himself? Whitebeard's failing health, relying on drugs to maintain it? The specific list of revolutionaries? What is the appearance of the Five Elder Stars? No, these were all high-priced intelligence, but too dangerous.

Sky Island – the location of Sky Island was a good choice. Most people did not know of the existence of Sky Island; they thought it was a legend.

In short, he had to go to Kahn to discuss. He still didn't know his attitude.

Soon after, he went to the Yijian Pavilion. Becoming familiar with the place, he went straight in. Not finding Kahn in the yard, he went directly to the room and gently knocked on the door, saying, "Master, I am the new apprentice who just arrived, Vail. May I come in?"

"Come in," came a calm voice from Nice.

Vail entered and saw Nice still sitting inside. He asked, "Master, where is Kahn's brother? I have something to discuss with Master Kahn. I just went to the sword hall and am not familiar with the others. I apologize for bothering you."

Nice looked at Vail and said, "Kahn should be on the back hill practicing swordsmanship. Go out from the back door of the pavilion; it leads to the suburb of Loguetown. You should find Kahn there."

"Many thanks, Master. I appreciate your help. I'll take my leave now," Vail said, looking at Nice. The latter nodded, and Vail returned to the room.

Outside the room, Vail smiled and looked very happy. He found the back door and walked over.

The back mountain of the Yijian Pavilion was a large open space. Outside the open space was a forest. Kahn, who he was looking for, was on the open ground, wielding a knife. Well, not having learned the sword, Vail couldn't gauge Kahn's level, but it shouldn't be too bad – probably around the Disciple level.

Advancing and shouting, "Kane brother, practicing swords."

"Yes, how come here? Enthusiastic beginner, eager to practice the sword, haha," Kahn smiled and replied.

Vail also smiled and said, "Kane brother, I am here to discuss business – big business. If successful, there could be a few hundred thousand Berries in it for you."

Kahn, hearing this, shook his head. "What big deal? A few hundred thousand Berries? Do you need to do something dangerous?"

Feeling the vibe, Vail sensed an opening and answered, "Kane brother, I came to Loguetown after a shipwreck. My family used to be a powerful family in the Seven Rivers Capital. Later, our family came to East Blue and visited my father's family. In the middle of having a great time, our family suffered a severe pirate attack. I'm the only lucky survivor."

Kahn, somewhat skeptical, asked, "Then why didn't you go to your father's best friend and work in Loguetown?"

Vail smiled bitterly, "People go their own way, brother. I've been taught since childhood not to have too much hope for anything."

Kahn listened to these words, and it was unexpected. Was this really the expression of a 9-year-old ordinary child? It seemed impossible. Ordinary children wouldn't be this stable and mature, speaking so clearly. It appeared this kid had something on his mind.

Kahn, moved by the story, asked, "What is this 'big business' you mentioned?"

"Intelligence – information on the specific location of Sky Island. The home of gold is really there," Vail said, noticing Kahn's reaction and increasing the bait.

"Sky Island? Does Sky Island really exist? Isn't that a legend?" Kahn's big eyes widened, showing an incredulous look.

Vail smiled and introduced Kahn, "Of course not. Sky Island is certainly not a legend. There is another race there that differs from us. My father used to go to Sky Island when he was young."

Kahn was silent for a while, thinking. "If you know the exact location, then this information is really valuable, and it's easy to sell. You wait." Saying this, Kahn went in the direction of the sword hall.

After a while, Kahn took two bags out of his hand. He walked over to Vail and threw them to him, saying, "I will take you with me. We'll go to the black market in Loguetown. Before going to the black market, put on the clothes in the bag. Don't wear them now. Also, regarding money distribution for the intelligence, I will act as your bodyguard."

"Kane brother, 55 percent, you won't be at a loss," Vail replied.

Kahn thought about it silently and replied, "55 percent is okay, let's go."

Halfway through Kahn's abduction in Loguetown, they finally reached a bar that had been closed for a long time. Kahn put on two large black robes with hoods outside the door. The most ridiculous part was the black robe – too big. Vail looked like he was wearing a wedding dress, and the hood wasn't suitable, but it was the best they had.

Entering the bar, a man with a mask sitting at the dilapidated counter said gloomily, "Guest, need help?"

"We're here to sell intelligence," Vail said, glaring at the hood and feeling that the broken thing was uncomfortable.

"What intelligence?" The masked man was also very puzzled about Vail's behavior. He had been buying and selling information for a long time. He saw customers who liked to eat after coming in, liked to smoke – but this was the first time someone came in, playing with the broken brain on their head.

"The specific location of Sky Island," Vail said without moving the hat, but the awkward movement made it even more uncomfortable. The material wasn't good, and it wasn't covering his face properly. Stopping his mouth, he was visibly annoyed. Only the boss's hands could fix the hood, as if the head was afraid of it falling.

"There is no evidence that the intelligence is true," the masked man couldn't maintain his gloomy voice, and his shoulders were still shaking.

"Shandi. Golden bell. Big snake. God, Gan Fore. Huge vines. The home of gold. History article." Finally, getting the hat fixed, Vail felt relieved.

"Yes, it's all about Sky Island, and some of it is very confidential. Some details are unclear. How much are you willing to pay for this information?" The masked man's shoulders weren't shaking when discussing serious matters.

Vail carefully thought about it, gave the price – 1 million Berries, and told the masked man that there might be a lot of gold there.

The masked man shook his head.

"One million is impossible, even if there is a lot of gold, you are just intelligence. I can go up to 500,000," the masked man restored a gloomy voice, whispering.

Vail didn't say more, only one sentence, "600,000."

"The deal. If the information is not accurate, then both of you will know." Saying this, he took out a box, opened it, took out some money, then closed it and put it in front of them.

"The White Sea is 7,000 meters above, the White Sea above 10,000 meters, where the air is very thin." Finishing picking up the box, Vail left without looking back.

The first intelligence transaction in the underground world was completed, but it was marked by a broken hat, breaking the original serious atmosphere.


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