
Chapter 13

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On the lush desert island in East Blue, nature thrived within the expansive forests that covered its landscape.

However, the tranquility of the island was abruptly shattered at its center, where the echoing roars of beasts mingled with mournful sounds. After a while, an eerie quietness settled over the island, and even the playful sounds of birds and monkeys ceased to resonate.

Anyone present at the heart of the island would witness a gruesome scene resembling hell. The once verdant ground now bore a sinister shade of blood red, concealed beneath the remnants of various animals. Tiger claws, giant insect carapaces, and even a wolf, severed in multiple pieces, painted a gruesome tableau.

At the epicenter of this macabre display sat a 12-year-old boy with black hair, wearing a lion skin around his waist and two swords at his side – he was Vail. Over the past six months, after mastering Yan, Vail had engaged in daily battles on the island, refining his combat skills, honing his Sword Technique, and becoming intimately familiar with Yan Hui.

Vail, seated on a makeshift throne formed from the amalgamation of animal corpses, nonchalantly enjoyed a large yellow fruit. In this grotesque forest filled with stumps and blood, he relished his meal with an air of normalcy that defied the gruesome surroundings. It was a testament to his adaptation to the harsh environment, a testament to the resilience he had developed over time.

Finishing the last bite of his meal, Vail glanced around. What began as a training regimen to adapt to his Ability had transformed into a daily routine of hunting and surviving in the company of formidable foes. Vail had grown accustomed to this way of life, realizing that the discomfort of being surrounded by gruesome scenes had become second nature to him.

"It's about time. Let's contact the master with Den Den Mushi. After so many life and death battles, I feel that I have met the requirements of the master," Vail mused. Rising from his makeshift throne, he made his way to the newly constructed temporary residence to retrieve his Den Den Mushi.

Over the past six months, Vail had immersed himself in daily battles, often sustaining injuries. The development of the 'Thunderbolt Method' had reached a point where it activated the cells in his body, leading to the manifestation of 'Thunder Hair.' This unique cell activation not only maximized nutrient absorption but also harnessed a peculiar substance found in Lightning, enhancing the training effect by fivefold.

At thirteen, Vail noticed significant developments in his physique. The 'Thunderbolt' method's growth enhancement in Strength and Stamina was one, but in speed, it was three. Even without active training, Vail's body continued to strengthen gradually, a testament to the potency of the 'Thunderbolt' method.

Returning to his temporary abode, Vail retrieved Den Den Mushi, a small creature given to him two years ago. Initially fascinated by the creature's magical communication abilities, Vail soon discovered that Den Den Mushi required food and water. The feeding interval determined its value, and Vail marveled at the creature's ability to survive without sustenance for up to half a year.

With the microphone in hand, Vail manually contacted Den Den Mushi, triggering the characteristic waves that preceded communication. As Den Den Mushi's eyes opened, Vail conveyed his message to Long Liang, his master.

"Teacher, I am Vail. I am almost done training. I should go back and find a boat to pick me up. I am going to become a savage now, and I will bring some clothes," Vail excitedly informed his master. Long Liang, upon hearing the news, expressed his joy and hinted that if nothing important arose, he might personally pick Vail up.

"Good master, then I'll hang up first and discuss the details later," Vail concluded the conversation, hanging up Den Den Mushi.

A few days later, a boat arrived on the island, and Vail eagerly spotted his brother, Roy, at the bow. In a burst of 'Lightning mode,' Vail leaped onto the ship before it even docked. Roy, recognizing his brother's newfound strength, chuckled at the sight.

"Brat, getting stronger. Won't be long before you surpass me. You're not a dwarf, at least not yet," Roy teased, initiating their usual banter.

"I'm only 13 years old. One meter is normal. I'll definitely grow taller in the future. Some people, still a year older, it's a sad story," Vail retorted, resuming their playful exchange.

After a boisterous reunion and a few days of sailing, Roy introduced Vail to the art of drinking. Vail, now accustomed to the taste of JEREZ wine, found it to his liking. As the brothers indulged in a few bottles, their conversations became progressively nonsensical. In their inebriated state, they even found themselves relieving nature over the ship's side, competing to outdistance each other.

The next morning, Vail, unaffected by the previous night's indulgence due to his robust physique, vaguely recalled the drinking escapade with Roy. As they approached Loguetown Pier a few days later, Vail, dressed in the same clothes as he left, held a bottle of JEREZ wine in hand, taking an occasional sip.

Reflecting on the mundane days aboard the ship, Vail decided to stow the wine in his bag as he thought about the upcoming reunion with his master. While he wasn't a drinker, Vail recognized that the occasional sip was enjoyable. However, the prospect of seeing his master prompted him to prioritize sobriety.

Arriving at the entrance of the sword hall, Vail hesitated momentarily, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. Shoving open the door, he discovered his master, Long Liang, and Anshijie waiting for him in the yard. The yard, devoid of other apprentices, welcomed Vail with a warm smile from his master and a nod from Anshijie.

"Welcome back, just in time," Long Liang greeted with a simple yet heartfelt welcome. The sentiment touched Vail, evoking a sense of nostalgia and emotion.

"I'm back, Master," Vail responded, approaching his master, his gaze fixed on the elderly man he hadn't seen in two years.

"Come, join your master and fellow apprentices in the secret room. There's something I need to discuss with you," Long Liang urged. The four of them entered the Chamber of Secrets and settled into their chairs.

Long Liang, sitting at the main position, expressed his satisfaction with Vail's return. Observing Roy and Anshijie, who both nodded in agreement, Long Liang proceeded to share a revelation.

"Villefort, the Sword Pavilion has another aspect – we engage in a different business in the dark world. We accept quests from the Dark World's killer organization, ranging from assassinations of East Blue Pirates, Marines, businessmen, and family forces. Participation is purely voluntary, and if you're not inclined toward this profession, you may assist in managing the Sword Pavilion. Your choice is respected," Long Liang disclosed, revealing a facet of the sword hall that had remained concealed from Vail two years ago.

"I haven't killed anyone yet, but I've killed plenty of beasts. I'm willing to try this profession," Vail replied, acknowledging his understanding of the darker side of their endeavors. The master nodded, recognizing that Vail, like Anshijie, might not be a conventional practitioner.

With a sigh, Long Liang dismissed his apprentices, contemplating the trio before him. The Sword Pavilion, once a bastion of justice, now harbored three apprentices with shades of darkness. Long Liang couldn't help but reminisce about his youth and wonder if he had played a part in shaping the destinies of these disciples.

As they left the secret room, Long Liang dismissed a few unclear apprentices, reflecting on the challenges of guiding apprentices who strayed from the conventional path. The thought of his hometown, Guangyue Yutian, and the unknown fate of his friend crossed his mind. The responsibilities of being a monarch and the choices between protecting the country or defending Roger pirate's honor lingered as unresolved conflicts.

The Sword Pavilion, once a haven of justice, now walked a fine line between light and shadow, navigating the complexities of the dark world and its quest for balance.


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