
Into the Storm

Flashes of light exploded, rain swallowed the world, floods devoured the Earth. Wind shoved the forces of nature, causing the creation of chaoitic developments.


Yet to the people present, they could not afford to care about such formalities that should be taken place, to avoid such weather.


All they dared to do was look below, at the flowing muddy water, moving to a destination they can not fathom. Guilt riddened them, but their hearts told the story of the clear mind they held. Their only true thoughts were on how stupid the man was, merely throwing his life away for an unachievable belief.


Blood was the staple, the fuel which gave the whip its energy, the food for such strength to be unleashed, streaks of red flying like the rope had no bounds.


The man stood still, barely flinching, trying to show no pain to the child whom he had protected. Jin wished for their to have no mental scar of this incident once she grows.

She would have her own dreams and wishes. She will grow to be beautiful, perhaps even to raise her own children, free from this world he lived in.


Her youth will come, maybe by then this place will be free, and she can live the life he always wanted to be.


Gaping horrific gashes could be seen on his chest, some even beginning to show the outlines of bones. Yet this did not faze Jin, for he had his belief to sustain him.


"You are committing treason!!"


"You are rebelling against your Destiny!!"


"You are not following your Fate!!"


"What are you even useful for!? You people have always been a burden!! Shaming the name of Storm Corps!!"


"Why do you deserve to live!! We still need resources for the livestock to feed you trash!!"


Dozens of whips lashed out at Jin Muryo, yet he still did not fall. The child was clinging to his back and arm, trying to force him to move, but Jin kept throwing her back.


The punishment continued seemingly forever to the witnesses. The guards were also by now all spooked at how this man was still alive. If they were at his position, they would've long been dead...



A voice yelled from the carriage, and then only did the torture stop. It was a young voice, filled with both bitter resentment and surprise.

"You two guards at the front take him with us! We wasted too much time! Just let the girl live as a reward to the man, maybe he can make it to there! Treat his wounds and give him clothes so he has a chance, than bring him there ahead of us to prepare!"

The driver was deathly angry, with his face still trembling, but he did not defy his master, and acknowledged the guards to go ahead.

Finally not being hit anymore, Jin mumbled to the girl behind her, making his actions and words forever remain in her heart.

"Kid... If you have a dream... You better chase it... and not let your Dreams... just be Dreams!-"

Handing her the only possession he had on him, he ripped off an old wooden neckless hidden beneath his clothes, and tied it around her neck.

"Pretty, right?..."

Falling forward head first into the rushing water, Jin passed out.

The guards quickly treated him with the best first aid they had, and gave him a spare outfit they had packed in the back.

Afraid to anger their master for being too slow, they quickly carried him off into the storm, ahead to their destination. Before they are too late.

The little girl stood in the muddy river as the water splashed at her chest. The reason she did not kneel was because she would drown, or be flowed downhill if she did.

Now looking at the fool who saved her vanishing into the storm, her heart was complex. Just what type of dreams were there, that were worth dying for? A belief worth living for...

She gripped the little wooden necklace he gave her. It was poorly made, the string was rough, and the necklace was only shaped as a wooden anchor. Even if this looked bad, and uncomfortable to wear, she would never hand it to someone else.

The hidden young man in the carriage also had complex thoughts... for different reasons though. As he was a noble, he knew more about this world than most.

He had heard about the legends of the past, and multiple mythical stories. He always thought it was just what it was though... Just stories and nothing more...

Today he began to have the belief that all those heroes of the past were indeed true, or at least based on the truth.

There was only one reason he decided to save this ant, and only one specific reason with no other.

At the start he said his name was Muryo D. Jin... He was only a slave, however he tried live up for these crazy beliefs of his that he did not know himself. He even respected him a little bit.

'The will of D...'

Just how mysterious was that letter? A name which had the bloodline of the natural enemies of the gods and celestials of this world. A deadly fate passed down by the generations before them...

'Just how mystical is the power of that intnitial...'

In the future however, he would learn just how strong of a monster he unleashed into this world... The maniac which he was responsible to starting, a creation- a birth- the start of a new era...

. . .

The first thing Jin noticed once he awoke, was that he was once again at the docks... Not the docks he had always visited, but the private docks controlled by the heads of the island...

Jim Muryo witnessed hundreds of boats of various sizes. Most being the size of a fisherman's boat, while others battled the reputation of small warships.

Jin had never seen such a magnificent assembly scene of naval fleets. This was something he was never allowed to even think, not to mention see!

Jin never even saw a ship bigger than a huge fishing ship in his whole life! This whole scene was a shock!

"You! Finally you've awoken! Hurry up and choose your ship, we are about to set off!"

A manly voice interrupted his thoughts, giving him a fright. However, his original thoughts returned, overcoming the doubts and worries.

"Ship! Sir do you mean I get to sail! See the sea!?"

"Yes, Yes! Hurry up or all the good ones will be take, if its too late you'll basically be guaranteed death!"

Full of excitement, Jin stared at the muscular man that stood on his own medium sized ship near him. He was in a stupor, he could not believe his dream was finally becoming reality! Death? Who cared!? He was going to see the sea!!!

He was confused about why he was here, but he rushingly looked for a ship that was not occupied, leaving the kind man.

The dock was huge! Simply bigger than any dock he has seen since, well, ever!! He ran past tens of ships, dozens, than hundreds.

Jin's attitude started to cool down, he could not find a ship yet... Anything that was not left was probably not any good...

He was getting drenched, and only now did he notice he was wearing new clothes. Running through the wind and rain he finally found a boat!

The boat was only a canoe with a sail and rudder though... He was probably left with the worst ship in this entire fleet, but he still hopped on it, not fearing death, only fearing he might not be able to look for it.

A couple more minutes passed till through the rain rang a loud voice which spoke, grabbing everyone's attention.

The voice was spoken from what looked like a government building. Speaking from the porch was a young handsome man dressed in vibrant colors.

'Is this the man from earlier?'

Although he hated this man, now strangely he also had a weird love for him... He cherished him for letting him go to sea... He was only a slave though, he had nothing to give other than his body...

'Bu-But I'm straight...'

Then he got a brilliant idea! Anytime credit needed to be given, he shall anounce his name to the world! Spread his glory for giving him this chance to see the sea!

The beautiful man then spoke, echoing across every ship, performed by an instrument which he did not know.

"The biggest storm of the century has hit this island! We were already low on supplies, and desperately need backing from the main base! We have put a Log Pose on each of your ships! Pointing the way to the island! The first to reach the shall be set free! You will be this island's hero! Save your home land, and save me! I Dominique Fin announce for you to set sail, and save this town..."

Following, the ropes which held the boats all magically got cut, making their way outland, towards the sea.

The sailers cheered at the promise, but soon was replaced by dread and fear once the dock was out of sight, light from the island fading.

Big waves crashed, slamming to one another, causing the chips of wood to break apart on some ships.

The winds blew, toppling some sailors overboard, and certain ships even got swallowed by the sea.

Jin Muryo had already pulled up the sail. He has dreamed of this his whole life, how can he die of idiocy at this point of his story?

Pounds of water went into his boat, only to fall through the little cracks on the side. It was not enough, so Jin had to ignore the boat's coarse and raise a bucket to help dump out water.

Hundreds of boats had left the docks, now only mere dozens remained. The boats started to be seperated by each other based on their speeds and directions, soon leaving Jin all alone to face this new world.

Jin did not give up! How can a mere storm smash his dreams!


An abrupt sound lashed out, making the wind dramatically pick up. His tiny boat was no match for the breeze and gigantic wave that followed.


His boat was soon capsized, lost in the storm. No sign of him appeared on the tumultuous disorderly seas of this planet. The remnants of his boat that remained was soon dusted like saw dust by the powerful weather.

The only signs that remained of his adventure, was the white cloth of the sail which floated with the ocean currents. His character's story evaporating to the anals of history.

Yoo~ Eslyna here!

Yes I couldn't resist adding those two phrases...

Eslynacreators' thoughts