
The Troubles of Young Navy Soldier Sakazuki


Chapter 15: The Troubles of Young Navy Soldier Sakazuki

Sakazuki, who was very surprised, took a serious look at Colonel Malvern who was running in front of him.

——He is over two meters tall. Although shorter than Sakazuki and Kizaru, he is undeniably tall. He possesses explosive muscles. The most muscular person Sakazuki had ever seen before him was the blacksmith on the island where he lives, but even the blacksmith's muscles seemed like a younger brother compared to Colonel Malvern's. Moreover, Sakazuki had seen the scars on Colonel Malvern's body yesterday. Those scars proved that his muscles were not just for show but a result of real combat prowess.

Colonel Malvern's hairstyle has absolutely nothing to do with vice admirals – Sakazuki had met the vice admiral of the North Sea branch when he went to pick up his and Kizaru's naval uniforms a few days ago. That vice admiral had a neat hairstyle that resembled that of a good student, completely different from Colonel Malvern's rugged appearance.

"…I really didn't expect that Colonel Malvern, you used to be a vice admiral," Sakazuki shook his head in genuine surprise.

"Hahaha, you can't judge a book by its cover, Sakazuki. Otherwise, Kizaru, who probably can't even get into the naval base, would be very shocked," Colonel Malvern joked.

Hearing Colonel Malvern's joke, even the stern Sakazuki couldn't help but let the corners of his mouth turn up uncontrollably, "That's right…"

"But having said that, in fact, I was never what I am now," Colonel Malvern said with a somewhat nostalgic tone, "At that time, I was the weakest and thinnest person on Mr. Sengoku's ship, so I was assigned to the civilian position of vice admiral."

"The title of vice admiral sounds nice, but in reality, it's just a position managing the warehouse and distributing supplies. When I found out I was assigned to such a civilian logistics role, I was truly disappointed. You know, I didn't join the navy to be a civilian. Every naval soldier dreams of being a gunner or a combatant, after all, who doesn't want to confront pirates head-on and uphold justice? …Unfortunately, reality is often different from our dreams."

After Colonel Malvern finished speaking, he glanced sideways at Sakazuki, expecting to see him pondering or emotionally moved by his words. However, he found Sakazuki looking at him with an extremely strange expression.

"Hey…Sakazuki, what's with that look in your eyes…"

"…Colonel Malvern, are you suggesting that you transformed from a skinny weakling to a muscular man now because, as Kizaru mentioned, you consumed a Devil Fruit?"


Seeing Colonel Malvern's silence, Sakazuki nodded more confidently, "It seems plausible. If you think about it, it makes sense – Colonel Malvern, you consumed a Devil Fruit while serving as vice admiral. That explains how you transformed from a skinny man into the muscular man you are today. Although such actions would normally lead to a court-martial in the navy, you were spared due to your past relationship with the Warlord. You were demoted from headquarters to the North Sea branch… I didn't expect you to openly discuss such a shameful past, Colonel Malvern. Aren't you ashamed of it?"


Colonel Malvern suddenly halted his steps.

Sakazuki also stopped and looked at Malvern with eyes filled with a mixture of regret, emotion, and a hint of disdain.

Colonel Malvern forcibly suppressed his urge to strike someone, took a deep breath, and reached out to grip Sakazuki's shoulder:

"Sakazuki…I…I thought the only unreliable one here was that wretched Kizaru! I never expected you, with your thick eyebrows and wide eyes, to harbor such baseless suspicions!!"

"I didn't consume any Devil Fruit, you bastard!" Colonel Malvern continued, his voice filled with frustration rather than exhaustion.

Sakazuki frowned, wiping off Colonel Malvern's excited spittle from his face. "Didn't you, Colonel, advise me to have a sense of humor? Why are you so worked up? Wasn't my suggestion a jest?"


Colonel Malvern nearly choked on his breath, seemingly on the verge of being driven mad by Sakazuki. Luckily, the person before him was Sakazuki, not Kizaru. If it had been Kizaru, he would have been utterly exasperated and filled with taunts:

——Just say it, why are you yelling so loudly?

Nevertheless, despite being irritated and speechless, Colonel Malvern was steadfast in his mission to impart life lessons to Sakazuki through his past experiences. He managed to calm down somewhat before saying, "Anyway, Kizaru…"

"I'm Sakazuki."

"Ahem, anyway…Sakazuki!"

Colonel Malvern cleared his throat with vigor. "I understand that today's events on the training ground were a major blow to a young man like you, who is resolute in eradicating all pirates and takes great pride in his work. However, you must realize that regardless of Kizaru or myself, we are insignificant in a sea teeming with powerful individuals. There are countless individuals who are stronger than me or could effortlessly crush me like ants in this vast ocean."

"The reason you are shocked and dismayed is simply a matter of perspective. Although the North Sea may seem vast to you, it is minuscule when viewed in the broader context of the world. You will come to understand this in due time…"

"Of course, I'm not suggesting that you aren't good enough or that I intend to belittle you. Quite the contrary, you, like Kizaru, are among the most outstanding young individuals I have encountered. Each of you possesses an unparalleled resolve. You have been blessed with extraordinary natural abilities from your respective Devil Fruits, coupled with physical prowess far beyond that of ordinary individuals. Even more impressively, you have both chosen the correct path for self-improvement – serving in the navy…"

"When I was a scrawny young sailor, I endured numerous harsh lessons. Rather than succumbing, I used my time as vice admiral to train rigorously with various equipment and weaponry in the warehouse. Though I remain insignificant in this vast ocean, I have become immeasurably stronger than my former self. I achieved this through hard work and dedication, despite possessing only average talent and luck. What about you?"

"Though Kizaru may not appear to be a diligent and serious individual, I am certain that his formidable strength is the result of relentless training. So, Sakazuki, do not allow today's events to discourage you on your path to becoming stronger."

"Broaden your horizons and redouble your efforts! Sakazuki!"

Colonel Malvern, who had never before acted as a mentor, mimicked the Warring States General whom he remembered speaking with such eloquence. He spoke at length in a single breath, almost impressed with himself.

"…Colonel Malvern, I merely stepped out for some fresh air and intended to engage in additional training on my own," Sakazuki said with an unusual smile, wiping off Colonel Malvern's excited spittle.

"Huh? So, you're not disheartened at all?!"

Colonel Malvern's eyes widened, taken aback. "Then, everything I just said…"

"Thank you, Colonel, for your guidance. I will heed your words," Sakazuki responded seriously, returning to his usual demeanor and nodding respectfully at Colonel Malvern.

Observing this, Colonel Malvern shrugged, a slow smile spreading across his face. "It seems I have been overly concerned. That's good to hear… So, it's already ten to three. Would you like to join me for a night run? Although running is a mundane form of exercise, it is remarkably effective."

"Not today," Sakazuki shook his head earnestly, speaking in a determined tone. "I have plans to dine with Kizaru. Would you care to join us, Colonel?"