
The Answer is to Improve Your Own Strength First and Then Fish More Easily

### Chapter 3: The Answer is to Improve Your Own Strength First and Then Fish More Easily

It is said that I have fallen into a major life contemplation. In fact, to put it simply, it is just two sentences—how to survive and what to pursue.

The first is to "get on with it," which is easy to say and handle – now that I am on the big ship of the navy, with the support of the World Government, as long as I use the resources here to develop and become a general, I will definitely live a happy life. And even if Monkey D. Luffy and others overthrow the rule of the World Government through their adventures in the future, a moderate (touch) navy like me can temporarily change camps and become a hero who understands current affairs without any trouble at all.

But what to pursue, this is more serious.

Kizaru thought this as he opened the door to the single dormitory and walked in.

The reason why Kizaru was placed in a single dormitory that ordinary recruits could not live in was partly because, as a rare talent, Colonel Malvern gave him special preferential treatment; partly because ordinary sailors in the collective dormitory couldn't accommodate him – his current height is close to three meters. Although there is a slight difference in height from the three-meter-plus admiral in the original work, it still draws a clear line between him and ordinary sailors.

By the way, I have to say that even in this single dormitory, he has to sleep curled up on the bed here.

After putting away the luggage (actually just a bag), he closed the door gently and sat on the bed. He assumed a cross-legged posture (the posture of an admiral must be cultivated from now on) and began to continue his previous thinking.

What do you want to pursue?

Before time travel, he was a social creature who had just reached middle age. He had a dull life and an ordinary personality, with nothing to boast about. And after time travel, according to the current situation, as long as he doesn't have a big problem in his mind, he will definitely become a big shot that he never dared to think of.

What should a big man in this world do? What can a big shot in this world do? These are questions that Kizaru has never thought about before.

But even if he has never considered these issues at all, one thing is very clear to him – in this world of pirates, strength determines how free a person can be; even as long as the strength is enough, being a person like Eren Yeager won't cause any problems.


Kizaru tentatively raised his right index finger and pointed at the sea outside the window, making the gesture of Admiral Kizaru firing a laser in the original work. However, countless photons shone and gathered at his fingertips for a long time but failed to be stimulated. He tried this several times in a row.

(Sure enough, the development of fruit abilities is still at the most basic stage… It seems that my current goal is very clear. I have to develop my fruit abilities wholeheartedly, and then become stronger… If nothing else, I have to achieve it no matter what. To the extent of caring about those disgusting ordinary Celestial Dragons…)

After clarifying his short-term goals, Kizaru naturally began to think about how to develop Devil Fruit abilities. Combining the body's original knowledge reserve with the information he knew as a time traveler, he concluded four key points – "fit," "understanding," "imagination," and "practice."

"Fit" refers to the compatibility between the Devil Fruit and a person. The higher the compatibility, the easier it is to develop the fruit's ability to a higher level. For example, Donquixote Doflamingo, the former Celestial Dragon who wanted to dominate everyone and stand above everyone, developed the seemingly ordinary String-String Fruit to an outrageous level. Whether it is using strings to control people or hanging strings on clouds to fly – these are all manifestations of some of his "idiosyncrasies."

And "understanding" refers to the awareness of the fruit's ability. For example, Monkey D. Luffy's understanding of rubber is very simple. In his opinion, rubber is elastic, so his third and fourth gears are developed based on this characteristic; another example is Marshall D. Teach, his understanding of darkness means swallowing everything, so his "Dark Water" and "Black Hole" are all such moves.

As for "imagination," the simplest and most direct example is Bartholomew Kuma. Who would have thought that the Paw-Paw Fruit in his hands would even develop such a perverted ability to "bounce away damage and fatigue"? His situation undoubtedly proves that there is no upper limit to the ability of the Devil Fruit itself. What has an upper limit is only the user's imagination.

The last "practice" is easy to understand. No matter what kind of ability you have, you can only exert your greatest power if you are proficient. This is the most basic in developing Devil Fruit abilities, but it is also the most important.

For Kizaru, the compatibility between him and the Glint-Glint Fruit should not be particularly high, but it is definitely not low, as evidenced by Kizaru's strength in the original work.

As for understanding and imagination, these two points should be his biggest advantages as a time traveler. It can be said without humility that in front of him, the original Kizaru's imagination and understanding were really too weak.

What about wave-particle duality, ultraviolet rays… To say too much is simply bullying.

As for "practice," Kizaru feels that's what he should really focus on. After all, before he traveled through time, he was just an ordinary person. His self-discipline and resilience were not very good…

After thinking about this, Kizaru decided to just do it and practice a little first. Anyway, we are in a single dormitory and will not affect others. Moreover, his Glint-Glint Fruit ability is not objectively destructive at this stage. At most, it can damage other people's vision…

Of course, it was just a little practice, but in fact Kizaru was just constantly transforming into elements and then recovering.

There was no way, after all, he was an ordinary person in his previous life, and he had never had such a magical experience. Being able to control himself and only play it a dozen or so times is already considered a great level of self-control.

Moreover, when he was avoiding Colonel Malvern's finger gun just now, because of his haste and the instinctive reaction of his body, Kizaru did not feel the feeling of elementalization in detail. Therefore, these few times during the elementalization process, he slightly consciously controlled the speed and then felt it emphatically.

How to say…

Kizaru could clearly feel that his body was no longer the same body as before, but had turned into countless photons. He didn't know if it was because of the characteristics of light, but he felt that his body was warm.

In addition, the aspect of driving the perception of one's own body is also very different from that of the physical body. If in the physical body, his control and perception of each part of his body were 100 and the difficulty level of an ordinary person was 1, then when he is now elemental, his perception and control are only about 50. The difficulty has been increased to 2.

To put it simply, after becoming an element, he could do the actions easily or even at will, but now he has to concentrate to do them, and he may not be able to do them as well as before.

This also explains why even top masters like the three admirals, their top natural abilities and passive elementalization are mostly used for defense. Even when they attack, the process is not so smooth.

After thinking about this, Kizaru decided that improving elemental defense could be listed as one of his short-term goals.

As we all know, human eyes and animal eyes cannot tolerate too strong bright light, and if Kizaru could control the brightness of his elemental time…

Then not only can he carry out perfect defense, but he can also interfere with the enemy's line of sight to expose flaws. And if the light is bright enough, it is not impossible to destroy the enemy's visual system in an instant…

Kizaru's mind was getting wider and wider, and his thoughts were wandering further and further away. At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the dormitory.