
Sparkling (glowing) fruit and magma (power-enhancing) fruit.


Chapter 12: Sparkling (glowing) fruit and magma (power-enhancing) fruit.


Stone was speechless. He stared at the arrogant Jaeger, his expression becoming extremely ugly.

He didn't mean to attack Jaeger just because he was irritated – although Jaeger's words did provoke him, as an old pirate who had seen strong winds and waves, he still had some patience.

He had already considered causing trouble for Jaeger before the meeting – they were pirates, and it was not impossible to collaborate with the navy, but if word got out, the rest of the pirates would talk.

However, if they showed a tougher attitude towards the navy's people at this time, and even gave the impression of dominating the navy, it would be more conducive to their survival in the North Sea in the future.

As the biological brother of Lieutenant Colonel Jena, the No. 2 figure in the North Sea Navy branch, and a veteran navy soldier who had served for many years, Jaeger couldn't be more perfect as a target for suppression, both in terms of status and strength.

However, Stone did not expect that this Yeager was actually a Devil Fruit user. And judging from his current performance, his fruit ability was very strong.

"I thought it was a piece of meat, but when I tried to take a bite, it turned out to be a tough bone that broke my teeth." This sentence couldn't be more suitable to describe Stone's current situation.

Jaeger ignored Stone's thoughts and smiled to himself. After chuckling, he looked at Stone with a playful expression on his face. "So, do you want to avenge your son?"

Faced with Jaeger's provocative words, Stone took a deep breath, suppressed his anger to refrain from acting, gritted his teeth with red eyes, and squeezed out one word:


Seeing this, Jaeger no longer deliberately teased Stone – mentioning his son three times was enough. If he continued, the old sea dog might really fight for his life.

Pulling a chair from the side, Jaeger sat down casually.

"Captain Stone, you should know that every year our North Sea branch has a recruitment quota, and after the new recruits join, Colonel Malvern, the branch's top leader, will lead them on a patrol mission."

"Because most of the accompanying soldiers are new recruits and their combat effectiveness is not high, the annual patrol mission is planned and timed in secret. We'll definitely avoid those powerful pirate groups along the patrol route for safety reasons."

"I know," Stone frowned and nodded.

"This year's patrol mission will start in two days. I'll send someone to give you the patrol route map tomorrow night. Most of the veterans sailing with the ship this time are my brothers, and I'm among them. I'm telling you this clearly, Captain Stone, do you understand?"

"I understand, but I don't think my men and I can take down that monster Malvern. Even with your group and the new recruits holding him back, I don't think it's possible."

Stone said in a deep voice, "You may not know Malvin's strength. Just the hardened skin you blocked from me just now was like paper in front of Malvin's attacks."

"Don't worry," Jaeger smiled. "After Colonel Malvern is ambushed, the North Sea Naval Branch will send a rescue force. And the person leading this force is my brother, Lieutenant Colonel Yeager. No matter how strong Malvern is, it's hard to fight four enemies with just two fists. Faced with such a situation, the only way out is death."

"Now that you mention it, the plan seems somewhat feasible…but I have a doubt."

"Go ahead."

"You're also going to sail with the patrol ship?"

Stone sneered, "No matter how much I think about it, I can't imagine a situation where you'd put your life in danger just to ensure the smooth progress of the plan."

"You're absolutely right. I value my life very much, hahahaha," Jaeger laughed unabashedly. "But since we're carrying out the plan together, I might as well tell you. The reason I'm putting myself and my little brother on that ship is because I have two enemies among the new recruits on this patrol, and I must personally kill them!"

"Oh? They're new recruits who are also your enemies? Can they actually participate in the patrol? Weren't they dealt with in the North Sea branch?"

Stone sat up straight, as if he had heard something unbelievable, "Did your kid turn vegetarian after eating the rhino fruit?"

"Those two guys are Devil Fruit users!"

Jaeger gave Stone a cold look.

The latter suddenly jumped up from his chair, his eyes becoming extremely fierce. "You actually mentioned such an important thing just now?! That monster Malvin, plus two Devil Fruit users, this is not something we can handle!"

"Humph, rest assured, old sea dog," Jaeger waved his hand dismissively. "I've dealt with them, and neither has particularly powerful Devil Fruit abilities."

"They're both quite tall. One looks like a skinny monkey. He must have eaten some kind of glowing fruit that emits dazzling light. It has no attack power and can only confuse the enemy."

"A glowing fruit?"

Stone scratched his chin. "That's really nothing to worry about. Just prepare some sunglasses then… Where's the other one? What kind of fruit ability does he have?"

"The other one is a big guy, is he..."

Jaeger recalled the scene when Sakaski beat him severely, and his face couldn't help but look quite ugly. "It should be some type of strength enhancement, but the increase shouldn't be significant, and it's not a powerful ability. They fought each other when I was present."

"Then it should be okay to leave this powerful guy to you, right?"

Stone asked. "The power-enhancing fruit's strength is still at the level of ordinary people no matter how much it is increased. It's vulnerable to your rhino fruit."

"Yes, leave this person to me," Jaeger sneered, and a scene of Sakaski kneeling down and begging for mercy flashed before his eyes. "I'll use my indestructible rhino armor to show him how weak his fists are."

"After the success of this plan, we should address you as Lieutenant Colonel Yeager and your brother Colonel Jena in advance," Stone smiled, showing his yellowed teeth, "I hope there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"Naturally," Jaeger's also laughed, "We brothers aren't as stubborn as Malvern. This sea area is vast and far from the Navy headquarters. Why must we fight to the death? Wouldn't it be better to make a fortune and enjoy it together?"

"That's right. Then, I'd like to congratulate Lieutenant Colonel Yeager in advance for taking down those two enemies. I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

"Likewise, I'd like to congratulate Captain Stone in advance for getting Malvern's head. I hope we can have a happy cooperation!"

The two finally reached an agreement and shook hands amicably. However, each had their own calculations in their hearts.


The Jaeger is scarface