
No Matter What, Childhood Sweethearts Are Still Defeated by Fate

### Chapter 9: No Matter What, Childhood Sweethearts Are Still Defeated by Fate

While borusalino and Sakazuki underwent specialized training with Colonel Malvern at the training grounds, in an officer's office at the North Sea Branch, Scarface was speaking respectfully to the mustached man behind the desk.

"...So, this is our plan, Lieutenant Colonel Jena."

"Your plan sounds promising…"

The mustached man leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, his eyes showing a mix of emotions. "But this plan has a fatal flaw: you've underestimated Colonel Malvern's strength too much."

"That's why we need your help, Lieutenant Colonel Jena! Malvern is like a monster, and we can't take him down alone. But with your support…"


Lieutenant Colonel Jena fell silent for a moment and sighed. "Yager, we're part of the Navy, cooperating with pirates…"

"To hell with the Navy!"

Scarface suddenly interrupted angrily, stepping forward, bracing himself against the table with his left hand, and grabbing Lieutenant Colonel Jena's collar with his right. "Tell me, are you really content to let Malvern dominate us forever?"


Gasping for breath, Lieutenant Colonel Jena avoided eye contact and chose silence.

Seeing this, Scarface's anger flared even more. He tightened his grip and lifted Lieutenant Colonel Jena from his chair.

"Malvern snatched your branch colonel position, took away your subordinates – everything that should rightfully be yours!"

"He's transferred here from headquarters, living it up while you serve under him like a lapdog. Talking about 'Colonel Malvern' every day, ready to kneel and lick his boots!"

"You're no man at all – do you know what my friends call you behind your back? They laugh at you, calling you 'Jena the eunuch'!"

Lieutenant Colonel Jena closed his eyes at the insult, lips pursed, his chest rising and falling with pent-up emotions.

Scarface studied him seriously for a moment, then with a smile as if struck by an amusing thought, he shook his head and released his grip.

"I, Jaeger, don't have a spineless brother like you… No wonder Miss Kayla would choose Malvern over you. What? Childhood sweetheart my foot!"

Jaeger's words visibly affected his brother, Lieutenant Colonel Jena – no longer indifferent, he stood up straight, fists clenched, eyes burning red as he stared at Jaeger.

"What's the matter? You think the same?"

Jaeger sneered, unfazed by his brother's intense gaze. "You also believe you're less of a man, inferior to Malvern… ugh!"

Jaeger struggled to finish his sentence as Lieutenant Colonel Jena's fist stopped just an inch from his nose.

Even Jaeger knew mentioning that woman's name was taboo for his brother. As his younger sibling, another word might have landed him a broken nose.

"I've always believed I'm better than Malvern… in strength, family background, looks, even her affection for me, our childhood bond!"

Jena retracted his fist, head lowered, murmuring to himself. "But she chose him – less in every way. Why… why?"

Jaeger swallowed hard, unable to respond.

"I've pondered it long, but still can't understand... My foolish pride, with this opportunity, I'll reject the question itself…"

Jena raised his head, eyes glinting. "I'll prove to Keira I'm a better choice than Malvern!"

"That's it, brother! You'll crush Malvern and win back Miss Kayla!"

Jaeger praised his brother's determination.

But Jena wasn't elated, his brow furrowing. "With my strength, defeating Malvern's certain. But you…"

"Brother, don't fret. We've got this!"

Jaeger grinned sinisterly. "Those two Devil Fruit users are formidable, but they're still green. Experienced Devil Fruit users like us…"

"Well, what about the Rocks Pirates?"

"Don't worry, brother! Most of the stone Pirates' officers have scores to settle with Malvern. They'll support our plan wholeheartedly…"

"As you and the stone Pirates deal with Malvern and his crew, I'll lead the North Sea branch's forces to annihilate the fleeing stone Pirates in one fell swoop. Picture this…"

"Colonel Malvern and his crew were ambushed by the stone Pirates during a patrol, overwhelmed and slain. You and I arrived just in time, intercepting fleeing pirates, wiping them out! Stones, with an 80 million Berries bounty, fell to Lieutenant Colonel Jena! Sacrifices were made, but justice prevailed!"

"You're a real piece of work, Jaeger."

Jena glanced at his brother, who grinned like a fiend. "You dream big for your stomach's appetite."

"Haha, isn't it your fighting strength that emboldens me, brother?"

Jaeger flattered.

"Hmph, words won't do you justice… Instead of sweet nothings and befriending crooks, hone your strength."

"I train hard too, brother,"

Scarface Jaeger mumbled, head bowed. "But I lack your natural gifts. No matter my effort, I stagnate."

Jena pondered, then crouched, unlocking a safe beneath his desk.


Jaeger looked on, puzzled, then eyes widened.

——His brother Jena held a strange fruit covered in spirals.

"A D-Devil Fruit?!"