
Navy Recruit Kizaru—Join the Battle!

Chapter 17: Navy Recruit Kizaru—Join the Battle!

In the next few days, Colonel Malvern's special training for Kizaru and Sakazuki, just as he promised, entered the real stage, and the process was simply brutal.

The daily tragic process could probably be described like this:

"Hahaha… Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!… Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!… Hahaha, you are still far away!"

(Colonel Malvern laughed and taunted, Colonel Malvern pointed the gun and attacked, Colonel Malvern pointed the gun with great power, Colonel Malvern beat the two of them until they lost their strength.)

"Hey, hey… ah!… Huh… Huh… Huh… That won't work, Sakazuki! Wah-huh…"

(Kizaru habitually complained, Kizaru tried his best to avoid, Kizaru panted wildly, Kizaru felt that this was not possible, Kizaru signaled to Sakazuki, Kizaru and Sakazuki launched a counterattack, Kizaru was knocked to the ground, Kizaru gasped for breath.)

"…Drink… uh… huh… huh… huh…"

(Sakazuki desperately evaded, Sakazuki received the message, Sakazuki launched an attack, Sakazuki was beaten to the ground, Sakazuki could only gasp.)

It was tragic, but Kizaru and Sakazuki did learn a lot from this special training. Especially the elemental proficiency and movement skills of the two were completely on par with their original levels—after all, they had suffered so many beatings.

If Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp, the number one educator in the pirate world, were here, he would definitely give Colonel Malvern a thumbs up with a smile on his face, expressing his approval of his educational methods—"Training is just a matter of beating!"

Colonel Malvern was quite happy to see that Kizaru and Sakazuki had actually grown. After all, there were still a few days before his old leader, the Warring States General, would come to take these two people in. And if the two of them performed well and kept themselves proud, it would be much easier for him to ask for supplies from the headquarters in the future.

As for Kizaru himself, the current situation of his development of the Shining Fruit ability in the Dream Laboratory is as follows:

"You may not know what it is to be able to kick away a supernova with just one kick. We usually only use four words to describe this person—General Kizaru!"

"I often say that Kobe, who worked for Alita back then, could go from being a handyman to a rear admiral at the Navy Headquarters in two years! It's not a problem for me, Kizaru, to develop a laser in a few days!"

"If you tolerate it a little, you can't fight this dream Baltan that was shaped by my will. You don't need to fight this Baltan, it's dead."

"Backhand, a special training and laser development, making a fortune in silence, he also destroys the light? But don't be afraid, it can't defeat me. The elementalization of the Shining Fruit and the laser, these two abilities are very awesome. If I can add a flash kick, I will definitely kill it, but if I can't add it, I haven't developed it yet."

"Did the destructive light get avoided by my elementalization? You idiot, just blind its eyes, and practice using the laser to do it on the side!"

"Hurry up, Shining Fruit, Shining Fruit, you can't even use lasers on Shining Fruit? Hurry up, Shining Fruit! Don't wait too long for Shining Fruit! Sensing the modified photon… It's over, you made a mistake, you should practice the flash kick first."

"Give me a thumbs up for Shining Fruit. I'll give you a thumbs up for Shining Fruit."

"A thumbs up for the Shining Fruit! Cooperate with me to start the laser show, shoot it, shoot it, it's beautiful!"

"Baltan, can you stand up? Can you stand up?! How can you stand up after being hit by so many lasers from me, Kizaru, today? I woke up from my dream on the spot!!"

All the above thoughts can be translated into normal words: Kizaru endured it for a few days, worked hard to develop a laser, and finally succeeded in the laser. Then he created the loyal monster Baltan in the dream laboratory as his practice object. But what he didn't expect was that he overlooked a very serious problem.

The general Kizaru in the original plot of One Piece has two types of lasers: one that explodes after being shot, and another that penetrates in the form of light. The former is extremely powerful. When Kizaru, a general, uses it, he can easily destroy a giant Argman tree in the Sabaody Archipelago in one go. Even if the power is reduced and assembled on the Pacifist developed by Dr. Vegapunk, it is still very destructive; the latter more shows the unparalleled speed and penetration of the laser, such as instantly defeating Supernova Hawkins or severely wounding Phoenix Marco in an instant.

The type of laser that Kizaru can currently release is naturally the latter, and he will not be able to do the former in a short time. And if the latter type of laser is used to deal with ordinary humanoid creatures, its power is naturally overwhelming, and the effect is unparalleled. But the Baltans he manifested in his dream were notoriously rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and they also had "chest reflectors" and "light wave barriers" to specifically fight against light…

Kizaru has really worked hard. Not only has he maximized the combat awareness he has cultivated in special training these days, dodging Baltan's many attacks, but he also took advantage of Baltan's inattention to use the laser to make several sneak attacks on it.

But those few chopstick-thick penetrating wounds that Kizaru had worked so hard to inflict could not have much impact on Baltan. The high-temperature burn caused by the laser can only make it more violent because of the pain.

By the way, Baltan's super regenerative ability also allowed the few wounds on its body to completely recover in an instant.

Therefore, Kizaru, unable to defeat him, had no choice but to give up strategically—which was actually not shameful at all. After all, who made Baltan such a powerful enemy that even the Ultra Warriors found it difficult?

That night, Kizaru and Sakazuki, who had been trained like dead dogs by Colonel Malvern, returned to the dormitory. The two of them planned to go to bed as before and rest for a while before eating. Kizaru also planned to continue practicing his laser power in his dream.

But just when Kizaru's head made contact with the pillow and his body hadn't completely lied down yet—


The door to the dormitory was violently opened.

The grumpy old Sakazuki sat up and was about to curse when he unexpectedly discovered that the person coming was—

"Colonel Malvern?"

Colonel Malvern grinned at the two of them and said, "I'll give you five minutes to prepare. Then we'll gather at Port 1. We have work to do."

When Kizaru and Sakazuki arrived at Port No. 1, the usually quiet port at this point was already very lively.

Dozens of sailors in recruit uniforms were constantly carrying ammunition and supplies to the warship that had already deployed its sails, while other veteran sailors were busy and nervous conducting final inspections of the warship.

Colonel Malvern, who was fully armed and even had a saber on his waist, was talking to Lieutenant Colonel Jena. When he saw Kizaru and Sakazuki approaching, he nodded to them, then turned around and said: "Then the base will be entirely handed over to you, Jena."

"I'll do my job well, Colonel."

After handing over to Lieutenant Colonel Jena, Colonel Malvern walked towards Kizaru and Sakazuki.

"How's it going? How do you feel?"

"A little excited."

Kizaru looked at the huge word "MARINE" on the battleship's sail and said truthfully.

Although Sakazuki said nothing, his eyes were also attracted by this huge navy logo.

"Hahaha, I'm so excited, just don't fall into the sea, you two." Colonel Malvern laughed, and took the two of them to board the ship.

As soon as the three of them stepped onto the deck, a messenger ran towards Colonel Malvern. He stood next to Colonel Malvern and saluted:

"Report to the Colonel! All preparations have been completed and we are ready to sail at any time!"

"Very good, pass on my order, in the name of justice—pull up anchor and set sail!"
