
Kizaru wants to be a scientist!


Chapter 14: Kizaru wants to be a scientist!

On Earth before Kizaru's time travel, the world's first laser was produced in 1960. The scientist at that time used a high-intensity flash tube to excite the ruby. Due to the properties of ruby itself, when it is stimulated, it emits a red light.

The scientist then drilled a hole in the surface of a ruby that was coated with a reflector, allowing red light to escape from the hole, creating a rather concentrated, slender red light beam that, when directed at a certain point, could cause temperatures higher than those on the surface of the sun.

This scientist is called Theodore Maiman, and Kizaru, who now calls himself a scientist in the pirate world, also plans to adopt a similar approach to him.

For Kizaru, a powerful light source is his advantage. Compared with scientists who can only create luminous objects, with the Sparkling Fruit, he can become the best light source himself – not only powerful but also very controllable.

But when it comes to the next question, Kizaru has a headache – how can he prevent the light he emits from diverging and then concentrate it highly?

This is actually more difficult than it sounds – Kizaru tried it in his dormitory on the first day of crossing.

To give a more vivid example: after Kizaru ate the Shining Fruit, the countless photons he could control were like a bunch of stragglers. If they encounter a physical attack, these wandering soldiers will flee on their own without him giving orders. This is the passive elementalization of the Shining Fruit.

And once he activates the ability of the Shining Fruit, he will give orders to these wandering soldiers. If the content of the order is relatively rough, such as "shine" or "send strong light", then these stragglers can understand his meaning well and give him enough face – isn't it just to shine? We do it, we are smart.

But if he wants to try to use his fingers to emit lasers, then his instructions will become incomprehensible and quite unreasonable to these photons.

"Go to my finger, a part of it emits a strong light and is not allowed to spread!" – Commander Kizaru

"Where are you going? Why did you remove your finger?" Photon Soldier A with a spiked head.

"Why are only some parts allowed to shine? You are discriminating against photons!" He punched Photon Soldier B hard.

"What? What do you want us to do?" Photon Soldier C was confused.

"I want to shine! I want to shine!" Ordinary photon soldier D.


Although this description is a bit exaggerated and abstract, it does reflect the difficulties that Kizaru faced when he wanted to release the laser. To solve this difficulty, he must start with the photons themselves.

So how do we start with the photons themselves?

Kizaru thought about it carefully and came up with something like this:

——Prickly Photon? Peel it.

——Confused about Photon? Education guides it.

——Ordinary photons? Train it a lot.

——Punch photon? Light doctrine destroys it.

After determining these basic principles, Kizaru closed his eyes, controlled himself to enter the elemental state, and began to try to use his mind to perceive and transform the countless photons he had turned into.

Kizaru didn't know that when he was developing his fruit abilities in the "Ability Development Laboratory" in his dream, sakaslzuki carefully put clothes him, kizaru was still asleep in bed. After looking at him, kizaru who was still asleep, walked out lightly.

It was about one o'clock in the morning, two hours away from the three o'clock time they agreed to have supper. The reason why Sakazuki got up early and came out alone was not because he was too hungry and wanted to eat alone, but because some pictures in his mind made him unintentionally continue sleeping.

The scenes at the training ground during the day flashed back in his mind like a movie – the overwhelming strength of Colonel Malvern, the flexibility and physical strength of Kizaru, who far exceeded him…

In fact, Sakazuki, who had always been very proud, took a deep breath and clenched his fists involuntarily.

"Sakazuki? What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a voice from behind interrupted Sakazuki's thinking. He turned his head following the voice and found that Colonel Malvern, who was wearing black casual clothes, was looking at him unexpectedly.

"Colonel Malvern."

Sakazuki greeted him somewhat unfamiliarly.

"What are you doing here? It's already midnight, haven't you slept yet?"

"After sleeping for a while, I felt like I couldn't sleep, so I got up."

Sakazuki replied concisely and concisely – only then did he realize that he had unintentionally walked outside the branch base while thinking.

"Can't sleep?" Colonel Malvern smiled, "Is it because of the training during the day?"

"…Almost. What about you? Colonel Malvern, why are you here in the middle of the night?"

"night run,"

Colonel Malvern shrugged, "I am an old man and I need to exercise more."


Sakazuki said nothing. Colonel Malvern's sense of humor showed little interest in him.

Malvin was not embarrassed at all, he still had a smile on his face: "How about it? Do you want to go for a night run together?"


Considering that he had nothing to do, Sakaski nodded.

The two of them started jogging along the perimeter of the branch base in tandem. However, although they were said to be in tandem, they were actually half-way out of position. Colonel Malvern was in front, Sakazuki behind.

"Do you know why I left the training ground unused and came here for a night run?"


"Look to your right."

Sakazuki looked to his right, a little confused, "Is there anything wrong with this sea?"

"Hahaha, no, this sea is normal,"

Colonel Malvern smiled and said, "But running at night in the sea breeze, don't you think it's ten thousand times better than running on the training ground? I often exercise my physical fitness here."

"It's pretty cool,"

Sakazuki seriously affirmed, "But it's not ten thousand times."

"Hey, hey, you guy, you have a little sense of humor." Malvin rolled his eyes at Sakazuki, who was running diagonally behind him, "Speaking of which, I haven't even asked you how you feel about today's special training. how?"

Sakazuki was silent for a while: "Colonel, you are very strong, and so is Kizaru."

"Ha ha ha ha,"

Colonel Malvern in front seemed to have heard something extremely funny and laughed loudly, "I am very strong? Sakazuki, do you know where I used to be a sailor?"

"have no idea."

"You should know the Sengoku Admiral of our naval headquarters. I was on his ship when he was only a rear admiral."

Colonel Malvern said, reminiscing, "I was vice admiral on his ship at that time."

"Vice admiral?"