
How Can a Miscellaneous Fish Be Called a Miscellaneous Fish If It Doesn’t Have Some Intrigues?

### Chapter 7: How Can a Miscellaneous Fish Be Called a Miscellaneous Fish If It Doesn't Have Some Intrigues?!

Brother Xun summed it up well, "Ideals are lofty, reality is harsh" – before going to bed, Kizaru was still contemplating how diligent he would be the next day. However, when he woke up, it was already noon.

In stark contrast, Sakazuki, who slept on the bed opposite him, seemed to have already risen, with neatly folded blankets.

Lamenting his own laziness and Sakazuki's diligence, Kizaru hummed a tune and began to freshen up.

While Kizaru was brushing his teeth, Sakazuki opened the door and returned, carrying two blue bags with "MARINE" printed on them.

"Are you up?"

Sakazuki frowned, looking at Kizaru. "These are the navy uniforms Colonel Malvern asked me to bring you. He said we should wear them this afternoon and go to his office to find him for special training."

"Special training?"

Kizaru spat out the toothpaste foam. "Did he mention what kind of special training?"


Sakazuki's answer was concise and to the point, refraining from speculating like most people would.

"He didn't say, huh? Well, personally, I hope it's training in Marine Type 6," Kizaru wiped his hands with a towel, taking the uniform bag from Sakazuki. "Thanks."

"...What's Navy Type Six?"

Sakazuki frowned.

"It's the styles Colonel Malvern uses... Oh, right, Sakazuki, you haven't seen it," Kizaru continued, realizing Sakazuki hadn't witnessed Colonel Malvern's "finger gun" like he had. "Well... the Navy Type Six refers to six major combat styles that only some senior generals in the navy can learn, hence they're called the Six Naval Styles."

"Shave, Iron Body, Paper Art, Moonwalk, Blue Fist, Finger Gun... These styles require rigorous training to master but enable practitioners to surpass human physical limits and are extremely potent. Mastering any one can make you a formidable fighter, and mastering all can rival those with Devil Fruit abilities."

"I see, the Six Styles..."

Sakazuki's eyes brightened with keen interest.

"Indeed, even for us natural Devil Fruit users, we may not use these Styles frequently in the future. But learning them aids in developing our Devil Fruit powers," Kizaru said, eyeing the Marine uniforms thoughtfully. "After all, these techniques demand intense practice, strong physical conditioning, and strategic thinking, all of which complement the development of Devil Fruit abilities."


Sakazuki nodded, showing his agreement. He then looked at Kizaru with a hint of something unusual in his eyes – despite knowing each other for less than a day, Sakazuki's impression of Kizaru had fluctuated significantly.

Their first meeting left Sakazuki indifferent. However, witnessing Kizaru's handling of a gang of extortionists yesterday improved Sakazuki's opinion. Discovering Kizaru slept in until noon today dampened it again. Now, seeing Kizaru's insightful remarks, Sakazuki's impression rose once more...

(This guy has something...)

Sakazuki thought privately.

Unperturbed by Sakazuki's thoughts, Kizaru continued, "Colonel Malvern in our branch is quite unique among the branch colonels of the Four Blues. I've seen him wield the 'finger gun' with great skill. Logically, a branch colonel shouldn't have exposure to such advanced martial arts, let alone master them... So I'm eager to see what surprises Colonel Malvern has in store for us, but..."

"But what?"

Sakazuki looked at Kizaru curiously as he paused mid-sentence.

"I'm hungry now. Want to grab a meal together?"

Kizaru shrugged helplessly. "An army marches on its stomach. We can talk on the way?"


In the end, Sakazuki declined Kizaru's invitation for dinner. It wasn't because he disliked Kizaru – after all, the latter was too handsome – but because it was already late afternoon.

Thus, Kizaru reluctantly donned his recruit uniform and headed to the cafeteria alone.

Interestingly, Kizaru encountered Scarface and his gang from yesterday in the cafeteria. However, unlike their arrogant demeanor yesterday, they now sported large sunglasses, clearly still affected by Kizaru's blinding flash.

Spotting Kizaru, their excitement was palpable. Scarface, in particular, trembled uncontrollably from the aftermath of Kizaru's flash and Sakazuki's fists, unable even to hold his soup bowl steady, which crashed loudly to the floor.

Onlookers, including veteran sailors, exchanged bewildered glances between Scarface's group and Kizaru, unable to fathom what transpired between them to elicit such reactions.

You know, Scarface and his crew had long been notorious in the North Sea branch. Many current veterans were once bullied by them during their early days. When these veterans later planned to band together and confront Scarface, they realized his audacity stemmed not only from his strength and cronies but also from influential backers.

Unable to contend with both their might and connections, these sailors reluctantly tolerated Scarface's antics during daily training and life.

Yet now, this feared crew, with their scarred faces, behaved this way before a seemingly ordinary recruit...

Who was this guy? Where did he come from? His aura was terrifying!

Of course, some Navy personnel knew details about Kizaru – like Brother Aton, who handled recruit recruitment. With a smile over his seafood ramen, he glanced toward Scarface and Kizaru.

A former victim of Scarface's gang, Brother Aton had long abandoned thoughts of revenge upon learning the truth. Little did he expect Scarface's group would provoke and suffer at the hands of a natural Devil Fruit user. Just deserts!

Though unaware of these dynamics, Kizaru found Scarface and his crew rather amusing. His flash technique indeed proved effective.

Without sparing them a second glance, Kizaru exited the cafeteria promptly.

Behind him, Scarface momentarily froze at Kizaru's dismissive demeanor, then ground his teeth in frustration.

Expecting Kizaru to taunt or mock him, Scarface had steeled himself. But Kizaru's indifference stung...

Could he tolerate this? No! It was unbearable, enraging even!

"You... damn, damn newcomer! Who do you think I am?!"

Scarface gasped, fists clenched, eyes bloodshot.

"Brother, calm down!"

A youth, usually the group's tactician, stepped forward tentatively, under the watchful eyes of others, and tried to reason, "Have you forgotten? This guy and the big guy from yesterday are both Devil Fruit users. We... ah!"

Before the tactician could finish, Scarface slapped him to the ground – so hard the table overturned.

The remaining boys and surrounding sailors exchanged uneasy glances, lowering their heads in silence to avoid being the next target.

"What about Devil Fruit users..."

Scarface glared fiercely at his underlings, teeth gritted. "Do we have to swallow our pride just because they have Devil Fruit powers?!"

"Sigh... even with Devil Fruit powers, even with Devil Fruit powers... sigh!"

As Scarface ranted, his anger grew palpable. He released a heavy breath.

"Brother, brother!"

The tactician, now up from the ground, approached Scarface's ear cautiously.

"Brother, you're a Devil Fruit user too. We can..."

As the tactician whispered, Scarface's demeanor gradually softened, his clenched fists loosening. By the time the tactician finished, Scarface's anger had subsided, replaced by a mix of complexity and hesitation in his eyes.

"Is that... possible?"

"Of course not, brother!"

Seeing Scarface wavering, the tactician hastened to whisper, "Think about it, brother. Once it's done, we..."

The tactician's voice grew more urgent, excitement building. When he finished, he stood back, awaiting Scarface's decision eagerly.

After a long pause, Scarface nodded decisively.

"Alright, let's do it this way. You're sharper than I thought!"

"Hey, thanks for the praise, brother~"