
Chapter 1 - A Sailor Sailing

In the middle of nowhere where the only thing that could be seen in the distance were water, the sky and sometimes the occasional birds and fishes. A small floating structure could be seen gently swaying with the waves.

The structure itself could be identified as a boat, but due to its rubbish and utterly crude appearance. This structure just appears to be a pathetic excuse for such a great vehicle called a Boat.

The wood that made the deck of the "Rubbish boat" are decayed, withering, and rotten, the small cabin which serves as the sleeping and storage area in the whole boat has a broken roof and a window with no glass. Most importantly, the foundation and life of a ship, the keel. Appears to be in such deplorable condition that it might just break off into pieces if one violent wave would even do so much as graze it, the only salvageable thing is the mast. The mast's wood is also withering but is the most stable part of this ship, even though the sail looked like it was made by a 5 year old child, it still can serve its purpose to take it's sailor on a journey.

The Sailor in question appears to be unconscious, at least until a seagull perched on his face and pecked his nose. The Sailor looked around both the ship and the ocean and was already looking like he's going to fall unconscious any second now, unfortunately he managed to gather his self and began assessing the situation.

"Let's see... I can still remember who I am, Ame L. Jelk. I don't remember where I came from, how I got here, and especially who created this ship here? I don't think I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that it might break apart overnight." Ame quickly calmed himself soon after, he stood up and entered the only cabin in the tiny ship, hoping to find food, water, or better yet, materials and tools

Inside the cabin, Ame found a single small container containing 12 canned food and 6 bottles of water, a thatch bed and a lantern, a lighter, a small hammer, a tiny box of nails, some planks, a fishing rod and a tiny container of worms, 1 book named "Noland the Liar", papers and a pen with a bottle of ink, a pair of goggles, a fishing net, a pair of paddles. Meanwhile on a barrel there was a deck of cards, a tiny plastic bottle named "Antibiotics" With a roll of bandages, and a small metallic object that seemed to be shining.

"What is this? It looks familiar but then again, I can't remember anything." Ame grabbed the shining object and stared at the place where the light was coming from. A part made out of glass that seemed to display several words and things that could be interacted with.

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[ Hello Sailor, this is the Instructions! ]

Sailor Points/SP: 0

- Sailor points are used to upgrade, enhance, strengthen and overall improve the entire ship's parts. Can also be used to construct new parts, compartments, and use schematics to build special structures on the Ship.

- Sailor points are gathered by generally doing Sailor things. Fishing, Diving, Treasurs hunting, Sailing, Recruiting Crews, "Friendly battles", Selling fishes or treasures, and Monster hunting!

- Sometimes special non-sailor events can even yield Sailor points! Keep watching the Event section!

[ Ship ]

- This section is where you can Improve, strengthen, modify, and repair existing compartments or structure on your ship!

- This is also where you can keep in check the condition and durability of your ship or some parts of like the hull or the keel.

[ Construction ] - Locked (No Schematic)

- This section is where you can Build and Create some new special parts, structures, and compartments. Only usable when your ship isn't close to disintegrating into dust!

[ Crew ]

- This section shows your crewmates, alliance, and if you're lucky... Your lovers! Good luck with the latter!

[ Quests ]

- This section is where your missions are located. You can check their description, rewards, and requirements here!

- Quests given are mostly related with sailing, but sometimes fighting sea monsters, subduing hostile people and throwing them back to the marines, and helping an entire country!

[ Luck of the Sea ]

- One word to describe this section. GAMBLING! We can't have a Sailor that get's blown off by the slightest of winds right? This section can help you get stronger! but we can't make it too easy so that's why we made it into a ROULETTE! Fun! You should definitely spend all your SP here! You can even have a free addiction passive skill for free!

[ Status ]

- Here you can watch yourself visibly improve through LETTERS and NUMBERS! Very satisfying! Very fun! (Not) It is only good to see if you yourself is putting the work to improve! Train! Lift weights! Run! Do planks! Swim! even Spar!

- That's all! Goodluck! Don't lose this thing, okay?! Keep it somewhere secured, hell even screw or nail it to a wall, just don't lose it. (P.S. don't even think of using it as a weapon, it will break immediately.)

{ }

"Ah..... That explains nothing about my current situation. At least I'm alive, I got all the things I need to survive, even if its barely the minimum, I guess I should thank the owner of this strange plank for helping me. Now unto nailing it to the wall." Ame grabbed the tiny hammer and a nail to hammer the "Plank" on the wall.

Ame eventually laid down on the bed and closed his eyes, "There's nothing I can do about my current situation anyways so I might as well try to live as best as I can, like the plank said, As a sailor sailing peacefully and exploring the world, one wave at a time."

Deep inside, Ame thanked whoever saved him simcerely, and that they were kind enough to put him on a boat for his safety, despite it being in a very very VERY sorry state, it's a boat nonetheless.


{The next day}


Ame woke up early and heard the "Plank" made a sound and so he immediately checked what happened with it.

[ Day 1 of your Sailing! ]

[ You have earned 1 SP for sailing with a (Rubbish Ship) ]

- Your SP gained everyday will increase the more you and your crew's sailing living condition improves!

- An example of the following is; Upgrading/Improving/Repairing/Reinforcing your Boat! Another is gathering supplies like food, building/repairing materials, medicine, items than can help you while sailing, and even devil fruits!

[ Reminder: You have a free 1x Luck of the Sea Fate! ]

[ Quest alert: Help a tiny village! ]

Description: While sailing the seas and exploring the world, A sailor's number one friend will always be villages, towns, cities, countries, or kingdoms! Whether it is restocking, entertainment, comfort, and especially resupplying! As a Sailor, we should never let our friends suffer. Help the village!

Tip: Use your 1x Luck of the Sea Fate, you might or might not get something that'll help you, you have nothing to lose after all!

Rewards: 25 SP, 1x Luck of the Sea Fate.

Ame read the quest and immediately came into terms with it. Being him, he was willing to help other people just like how someone saved him. Of course if it wasn't anything bad.

"It mentioned something about using the luck of the sea fate I got? Based on the name, I think I can safely assume that it should be used on the [ Luck of the Sea ] section." Ame found the icon for the Luck of the Sea section and pressed it.

[ Luck of the Sea ]

- Where a Sailor's dream can come true! Or not. Gamble responsibly, Sailor!

Luck of the Sea Fate: 1

[ How many times would you like to test your fate, Sailor? ]

A slider then popped up on the screen, it enables one to only scale the slider to the desired number of times you want to use. Seeing as he only had one chance at this, and the slider was already on one so the only thing left to do was press the OK button bells the slider.

The display immediately changed to a huge circle filled various colors in each panel with their own assigned rewards, however everything remained dark which could only leave one guessing and hoping for the best.

The thing called a "Roulette" Evident from its name above the circle called "Roulette of Fate" Was now spinning faster and faster by the moment until it slowly stopped upon a Green colored panel.

Ame doesn't know what these colors represent and what they might bring, nor did he bother guessing. All he knew was that there was a color Brown, White, Green, Blue, Purple, Gold, Orange, Red, Silver, Black and one with a special blend of Gold and Red, and one with a Black and Silver, however the latter had a panel so small it looked impossible to get.

[ Congratulations! You have received a Green rarity reward: [ Skill: Side-step Lv. 1 - 0/100 ]

[ Assessment: For you my friend, it may be a bit useful. For me? I'd probably be crying on my sleep at night, calling for my mother to comfort me as I drank a bottle of milk. ]

• Side-step Lv.1: 0/100 - Enables the user to step to the side a bit faster than a normal adult human. The speed depends on the level of the skill. Speed: 1.2x Faster.

Note: While brown and white may be the lowest rarity. The lowest rarity at which you can obtain skills starts at Green rarity. It is trash.

[ ]

"Well, despite it being the lowest rarity of skill im still quite happy, after all it is better than nothing." Ame just shrugged and looked unto the distant seas, he immediately managed to make out a silhouette of an island on the distant.

He grabbed the paddles from the cabin and immediately paddling towards the island, trying to get there sooner in order to help.

Although Ame isn't sure if he is strong enough but he wanted to atleast try. There's a reason the "Plank" Requested him to do it after all.


{At the island}


Several people are gathering and surrounding a Man holding a child hostage while wielding a knife, he said, "If you don't give me money and food right now I will hurt this kid! You better best believe it!" Although the man was visibly shaking, afraid of what he is doing. The villagers can't see that due to their frightened state.

"O-okay! J-just wait there okay? Don't hurt that kid, I'll be back! " An elderly man quickly said as he ran towards his house to get money.

The mother of the child despaired, crying, and blaming herself for letting that happened to her kid, but what can she do right now? She doesn't have the strength to do it.

Everyone was gossping, nervous, scared, anxious, and above all wishing for someone to save that kid. Everyone on this village were close knitted, they treated each other as family. That's why even if it mean that they'd have to starve from losing money, it was better than lose one of them.

That was until they could see a boat docking right in front of the whole ordeal, they saw the kid on the boat gestured to be quiet as they witnessed him quietly sneaking behind the Thug.

The man, holding a paddle swiftly and forcefully smacked the Thug on his head. Making the Thug let go of the child successfully saving it and but not enough to knock the Thug unconscious.

"OW, FUCK! WHO DID THAT?! IM GONNA SLICE YOU UP!" The Thug wincing in pain while holding his head didn't look quite convincing but the villagers warned the kid that saved the child.

"Watch out kid! That Thug has a knife! Quickly, dodge!" They warned, they were rooting for the kid but from how he looked, they doubted whether the kid could really win, but he was already successful at saving the child as it ran towards he crying mother.


{ Back to Ame }


"Hahaha... Crap, I didn't think through this enough. I prayed that the Thug would get unconscious from his paddle strike, but the current turn of events said otherwise.

The thug immediately lunged at Ame, swinging his knife in an attempt to hit ame. Ame was able to dodge the swings by walking back, however he was immediately cornered by a stack of Barrels just sitting near the dock.

The man saw the opportunity and thrusted his knife towards him. Ame panicked, in an attempt to dodge the thug's attack. He remembered his skill and stepped to the side, because of it his side-step was fast enough to narrowly dodge the thug's attack even though he was just a few inches away from him.

If Ame had been a millisecond slower, he would've been grazed, and if he was a few millisecond slower he would've gotten hit. But in the end, his Side-step skill did wonders to this fight.

The thug's weapon was stuck inside the barrel, he tried to pull it out but Ame didn't waste anymore time and paddled the thug's face. Successfully, knocking and defeating the thug.

"I... I won, I saved the child... YEEESSS!!" Ame screamed in celebration with the villagers screaming along with him. The villagers thanked Ame profusely and the village elder who came back in time only to see the thug already unconscious, gave the money to Ame.

Ame however, declined. Saying that he wouldn't take the money and that they can keep it. It didn't feel good to him taking the money of these villagers when they themselves are struggling making a living.

The village elder still persisted giving Ame a reward, on which Ame just said the he would take food as a reward instead of the money, just so the villagers would be satisfied.

The villagers agreed and gathered some of the food they have in stock, eventually totalling to 200kg worth of bread, vegetables and fruits. The villagers tried to give more but Ame refused saying that it would be too much for him too finish before they spoil and that they should keep it for themselves.

The villagers were touched by Ame's act of kindness, thanking him again for saving one of their kin.

Ame smiled and said, "Oh, Its fine! I just couldn't stand these wicked acts, that's all!" It felt really good helping others for Ame, the act of helping and being thanked felt satisfying for him.

The child that he saved eventually came up to him, Ame saw this and crouched so he could be in the same level as the child. The child said, "Thank you mister! I wanna be like you when I grow up!"

Ame felt like a tear would fall from this, a child wanting to be like him filled him up with pride, meaning that he was worthy of being a role model to a young kid, even if he was just 16 years old himself.

He patted the kid on the head and said, "Well if you want to be like me then be a Sailor! A kind, helpful, compassionate, and always help the opressed and persecuted kind of a Sailor."

The child nodded, seemingly looking up to Ame with utmost respect and gratitude. "Yes! I'll be a Sailor like you big brother!" The child then ran back towards his mother, hugging her.

Ame smiled began walking back towards his boat. Before he left, he turned to look back on the villagers and waved at them before beginning to paddle towards the the distant sun.

[ Quest completed! (Help a tiny village) ]

Rating: Flawless!

Rewards: 25 SP, 2x Luck of the Sea Fate. (Bonus Reward applied for a Flawless work!)

Note: Hey kid, never doubted you. Not one bit! The skill was still hot garbage though!

[ ]

Ame looked at the Plank inside the cabin and just smiled, this was one of the most memorable day for him, in his entire life. At least on his existing memory.

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{Chapter 1 - Fin}