
defeating Morgan and leaving shells town

On the roof of a navy building, Captain Morgan gathered all the marines of the island to raise a golden statue of himself, in front of him, hemelpo was full of anger and indignation because Luffy had hit him.

"Father, you have to avenge me!" Hemelpo shouted with a bad expression.

"He hit me in the face, father! Even you haven't hit me before," he shouted angrily.

" And do you know why?" Morgan interrupted in a cold voice.

"Because you're a inept son and it's not worth hitting you!" Morgan shouted when he hit Hemelpo and threw him several meters away.

"Why should I fight for you?" Morgan questioned him

"You can do whatever you want in my name, but I will only punish those who oppose me. You are nobody, do you understand? The only one important here is me," Morgan said with an emotionless look.

"Yes father," hemelpo replied with terror.

"I heard that a rat got into the execution field, did you take care of that??"

Morgan questioned.

"Do you talk about the girl?" Hemelpo asked

"Have you killed her?" Morgan asked with a murderous look.

"But she was just a child, she didn't know what was doing" Hemelpo begged

"I don't care how old se is, whoever opposes me should die," Morgan shouted furiously, then ordered a soldier to finish the job, the soldier tried to refuse to obey but Morgan killed him.

Seeing this, all the other Marines were terrified while still erecting Morgan's statue. Suddenly, a soldier was neglected and one of the statue's hands was damaged when he hit a wall, Morgan was angry about it and was about to kill him.


At that moment, Luffy arrived at the navy building in search of hemelpo, but found it completely empty.

"So strange, will they be in a meeting?" Luffy thought out loud.

"It doesn't matter, I just have to find that guy."

While Luffy thought about what to do next, he realized that there was a big group of Marines on the roof of the building.

"is anyone up there? Its better if I go up to see" Luffy said before moving his arm back and throwing him in the direction of the ceiling

[GOMU GOMU NO ... ROCKETO] Luffy shouted as he used his rubber arm to propel himself to the ceiling, unfortunately, he doesn't control the force he uses and ends up rising more than necessary. He quickly held on to the ropes that the Marines used to pull on the statue, causing them to lose control and the statue ended up falling and breaking into pieces when it crash the ground.

"Sorry" Luffy said embarrassed.

Morgan and the Marines stayed with their mouths open before exploding in an attack of anger.

"Catch him, I want him dead," Captain Morgan shouted, pointing at Luffy.

"FATHER HE IS THE ONE THAT HIT ME," Hemelppo shouted at the same time.

" I found you!" Luffy smiled to see hemelpo, then ran to him and grabbed hemelpo by the neck and go down the stairs while asking about Zoro's swords.

At the same time, Nami was infiltrating the Navy base in search of a map of the grad line.

*** in the meantime ***

Adam and Zoro were still in the execution plaza when a boy with pink hair jumped down the wall and headed towards them.

"Where is Luffy?" Coby asked Zoro while ignoring Adam.

"He went to the naval base," Zoro said.

"What? !!!, Luffy has entered the base? Is he crazy?" shout Coby alarmed

"By the way, who are you?" Zoro asked.

Coby hesitated a moment and seemed to make a difficult decision, suddenly approached Zoro and began to untie him.

"You have to run away, Mr. Zoro," he said in a firm tone.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Adam said as he watched the roof of the building where Captain Morgan was.

"He's right, stop now or you'll be killed. Besides, I can't escape, I made a deal and I have to stay here for ten more days ..." Zoro explained.

"You can't do it, they plan to execute you tomorrow," Coby interrupted.

" what did you say ??" Zoro asked upon learning his execution, he had agreed with hemelpo that he will be released if he managed to survive for a month, but now it seemed that this miserable man did not plan to keep his word.

"That's right, we hear Hemelpo say that he will execute you tomorrow, then Luffy got angry and hit him in the face, now that Luffy is at the base of the navy you have to help him," Coby said in a pleading voice.

"I know he may seem annoying but he is a good person, he saved me from that evil pirate and gave me the courage I needed to fulfill my dream of turn me into a marine, and now that I finally got here I have seen so much injustice, now, I'm not sure I still want to continue with this "Coby said tearfully

"I'm sick of this, I can't keep seeing this kind of marines, I want ... to become a good marine," Coby explained.

At that time, Adam was standing watching the movement on the roof, since Luffy went to recover the Zoro sword, Adam had felt that something bad was about to happen so he decided to stay alert to any movement on the building roof where the marines were, suddenly, Adam saw a flash on the roof.

* bam bam bam !! *

The sound of multiple shots was heard when a flurry of bullets headed towards Coby who was unleashing Zoro.

Without any thinking about it, Adam's body moved by itself and got in the way to save the boy, Coby and Zoro looked surprised as he was injured by multiple bullets that rained on him while a large spot of blood appeared on his clothing.

When the rain of bullets ended, Adam collapsed on the ground moaning in pain when a sense of crisis invaded his mind, a couple of days ago when he met Nami and knew he was in one piece world, Adam thought he would be fine no matter how many dangers he faced, but now, before his adventure began, he had been shot and was about to lose his life.

just when Adam thought his life hung by a thread, a strange sensation of heat spread throughout his body and concentrated on the places of his wounds, out of nowhere, the flesh around it began to contract throwing out the bullets and healing his wounds quickly.

Coby and Zoro were stunned while they saw this, when they saw Adam's body lying on the ground, they both believed that Adam was surely dead, filled with sadness and regret believing he had given his life to save them.

however, out of nowhere, sounds like bells came out of where he was pulled and then the bullets began to fall to the ground after being ejected from its body; A few moments later, Adam sat with a pale face due to the terrible pain he had just experienced.

"Holy shit! That was really painful," Adam complained as he tried to stand up; When he finally get it, Adam notice the inquisitive eyes of Coby and Zoro but could only smile embarrassed as he also did not know how his body had healed so quickly allowing him to survive.

Only then, the three men kept an awkward silence before realizing that they were surrounded by the Marines.

"Stay there, don't move," the Marines said as they aimed their weapons.

Seeing this, Adam's face paled even more, even though he had survived the first round of shots and knew that he would surely be fine after this, he definitely didn't want to feel the terrible suffering of being hurt by multiple bullets at the same time.

"Roronoa Zoro! Even though your name is well known, don't underestimate me ... before my power, you're crap!" Morgan said arrogantly as he made his way through the Marines.

"attention marines !! ready !! ... fire !!!" Morgan ordered the execution of the trio.

Seeing the Marines opening fire on them, Coby Zoro and Adam thought they were ending, Adam was afraid of the pain of bullets, Coby had soft legs for fear of death and Zoro was reluctant to die without fulfilling his promise with his friend Kuina .

*** A few moments before ***

Luffy had escaped while dragging Helmelpo to question him about where Zoro's sword was, after running for a while, Helmelpo agreed to tell him and took him to his room where they found three swords.

"Hey you, here are three swords, which one is Zoro's?" Luffy asked, but Hemelpo had already passed out; Not knowing what to do, Luffy decided to take all three together and take them to Zoro.

Just as he was preparing to leave the room, Luffy heard a shot and quickly peeked out the window just to see how Adam sacrificed himself to protect Zoro and Coby, a sense of loss invaded him and then he became angry to see how the Marines killed one of his friends.

However, in the next moment his eyes shone with emotion when he saw Adam rise as if nothing passed him, just a little pale.

"Hahahaha" Luffy laughed in amazement to see how Adam was still alive after so many shots.

Unfortunately, his happiness did not last long since his friends were soon surrounded by the Marines, seeing that they were in trouble, Luffy decided to hurry to where they were, so he clung tightly to the window frame as he backed away stretching his arms


Luffy shouted before using his arms as springs to get out fired up Zoro and the others, arriving just in time to intercept the marine's bullets.

"Luffy ..." Coby yelled scared

"YOU ..." said Zoro surprised

"Straw hat ..." said Captain Morgan furiously.

"Thank God ..." Adam prayed silently as he was glad cause he didn't have to receive more bullets.

Unfortunately for him, Luffy only protected Zoro and Coby while letting the bullets hurt him again, Adam could only cover his face with his arms while several bullets pierced his body again.

Just when everyone thought Luffy and Adam were dead, Luffy bounced all the bullets using his rubber body, while Adam only grunted in pain before his wounds began to heal.

"HAHAHAHA! It doesn't work," Luffy said completely intact while all the Marines saw him scared.

"You, what are you? ..." Zoro asked confused

"I am Monkey D. Luffy ... AND I WILL BE THE KING PIRATE!" Luffy said with a smile as he stood in front of Zoro.

"Here," Luffy said, offering Zoro the swords.

"I found these three swords, I didn't know which one was yours, so I brought them all," Luffy said cheerfully.

"all the three are mine, I fight with all they together," Zoro replied proudly.

"Good," Luffy said before turning to Adam, who was sweating because of the pain.

"Join my crew, in any case we will become enemies of the army so they will not leave us alone, so what do you prefer, fight or die here?" Luffy said looking at Adam and Zoro.

"Heee ... you're like the devil" Zoro sighed.

"But you're right, I'd rather join you than die here. WELL, I'LL BE A PIRATE !!!" said Zoro decided

"I already told you that I cannot join you, but I will work with you for the moment," Adam said with a resigned sigh while he was still pale from the loss of blood.

"it's Okay, I'll accept it for now but I will make you join me" Luffy shouted giving Adam a big smile.

"Anyway, now untie me fast, we don't have all day" Zoro hurried

Meanwhile, the Marines were terrified to see that their bullets did not harm either Luffy or Adam.

"Both are very strange, they must have eaten a devil fruit," said Captain Morgan.

"That's where their skills come from ... so it doesn't matter, if the bullets don't work, use your swords to kill them," he ordered.

the Marines unsheathed their swords and attacked against them.

Seeing that the Marines were approaching and Luffy still couldn't unleash Zoro, Adam took out his saber and cut the ropes with a movement, Zoro quickly took his swords and blocked the swords of the Marines who attacked them, seeing how easily he could stop them, the Marines were paralyzed by fear.

"Although I have agreed to join you, I warn you that I have my own plans," Zoro said, taking advantage of the small pause.

"I will become the best swordsman in the world," he said firmly.

"And if you do something that gets in my way, I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS!" Zoro warned.

"Well, as a member of the pirate king's crew, I will be very disappointed if you don't succeed" Luffy said with a smile as he backed his leg.

"Crouch Zoro" Luffy warned

[GOMU GOMU NO ... ZUCHI] shouted before using his leg to sweep the marines with a circular kick.

"How did you do that?" Zoro asked.

"I ate the GOMU GOMU NO MI I am a rubber man" Luffy explained

Hearing this, all Marines were discouraged even more.

"Captain, we can't fight him, he's very strong," said someone

"Besides, there are still those two," added another looking at Adam and Zoro.

"All those who want to surrender, I order them to commit suicide now, I don't need slags like you," said Captain Morgan mercilessly

Hearing it, all the Marines hesitated a moment before aiming their rifles at their own heads.

"What the hell are those guys doing?" Zoro asked confusedly looking at Adam.

However, before they knew it, Luffy had run to Captain Morgan hitting him.

"I am the enemy of the navy" shouts luffy "why don't you try to kill me"

* BAAAM * a metallic sound was heard when Captain Morgan stopped Luffy's blow with his ax

"People like you have no right to oppose me," Captain Morgan growled.

"I am the captain of the army, AX ARM MORGAN!" he shouted as he swept his ax in Luffy's direction in an attempt to cut it.

"I am luffy, nice to meet you" Luffy said with a serious expression dodging his attack with a jump.

Morgan's ax lost its objective but still cut the fence in half and destroyed part of the wall.

Luffy still in the air, kicked Morgan in the face, throwing him through the air and crashed him to the ground, after landing, Luffy quickly approached Morgan but lifted him out of nowhere and cut the ax.

"Die" Morgan shouted burning with anger.

"I don't want to," Luffy said as he spun in the air to dodge the attack by little, Morgan's ax once again could not leave a large crack in the ground, Luffy, still in the air, used his impulse to hit Morgan down with a kick in the face.

"What kind of Marin are you, breaking Coby's dream?" Luffy stood over him and prepared to give him the final blow.

" stop!!!" At that moment Hemelpo appeared with a gun and aimed at Coby.

"Stop now if you don't want me to die," said Hemelpo trembling with fear.

"Bam *

Before hemelpo could continue, Adam had already taken action and threw a rock at his hand causing him to drop the weapon. At that time, Adam glimpsed Nami who quietly left the base of the marina, when he saw her run towards the dock, Adam decided to reach her so he left the place quietly.

once without the weapon, hemelpo collapsed on the ground in terror, luffy threw his arm back before throwing it at him.

[GOMU GOMU NO PISUTORU] luffy hit him in the face leaving him unconscious.

Captain Morgan took advantage of this moment to launch a surprise attack on Luffy, however, before he could continue, Zoro took his swords and attacked him, seriously injured him and knocked him out of play.

"Thank you, guys" Luffy told his new teammates.

"I got it, Captain," Zoro said before collapsing unconsciously, Luffy and Coby ran towards him and quickly took Zoro to a doctor.

"Ehh? Where is Adam?" Luffy asked.

"I don't know, he was here just now," Coby replied as surprised as Luffy.

After the Morgan's defeat, everyone at the Navy base was very happy because they finally managed to get rid of that tyrant.

A few hours later, Luffy and his friends were in the restaurant of the girl that Zoro had saved, after seeing the doctor, it turned out that Zoro was only dehydrated and hungry, so they decided to hold a banquet to celebrate that Zoro joined luffy's crew

*** Meanwhile, near the pier ***

After escaping from the base of the navy, Adam ran behind Nami trying to reach her, just when they were a few streets from the dock finally he got close to her.

"Nami! Wait!" Adam shouted making Nami slow down.

"Adam! What are you doing here? I thought you were on the ship," she said as she waiting from him

"After buying the provisions for the trip, I returned to the ship and I realized that you still had not returned, I put the things in the warehouse and decided to go out to tour the city" explained Adam

"Really, what did you think about it?" asked Nami as they walked side by side.

"Let's say it's pretty interesting" Adam replied with a smile.

"By the way Nami, what were you doing at the navy base?" Adam asked making Nami nervous.

"I was just passing through," she replied quickly trying to hide what she was doing.

"Come on Nami, we are partners, I also saw you running away from there" Adam said with a playful smile.

"Okay, you caught me, it was because I knew that Captain Morgan had a map of the grand line so I tried to steal it, unfortunately I was late, those damn pirates had already taken it," Nami explained, pouting.

"It's a shame, it will be difficult for us to go to the grand line without a map," Adam said with a thoughtful face.

"Do not worry, I know where the map is, it´s with a pirate who called buggy the clown who is on an island near here, the only problem is that this guy is quite dangerous," explained Nami

"That is excellent, we just have to steal it, end about that buggy, you don't have to worry, I'll take care of him," said Adam as he pounded his fist against his palm making Nami laugh at him.

"Why do you laugh, I told you that I am strong," Adam said before remember what had happened at the navy base.

* calm down Adam, this was just an oversight, I am sure that if I plan it well, I can defeat Buggy and his crew * Adam though.

"By the way Adam, what were you doing in the navy base?" Nami asked when she realized that Adam was there too.

"I was walking and I saw a guy with green hair tied on a cross, as I was curious, I decided to jump the wall and ask him why he was there," said Adam

"Do you talk about pirate hunter Zoro? I heard he is an evil person who kills for pleasure" asked curious Nami.

"but I thought he was a good person, although he is a little grumpy," Adam said, making Nami look at him like a weirdo.

"Are you sure it was him?" asked Nami

"Well, he said he was the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro and the Marines also called him that, so I guess so," Adam said.

"The point is that while I was there, a guy in a straw hat came over and asked us to join his crew and become pirates."

"did you become a pirate?" Shout Nami upset interrupting him.

"Of course not, after all I already promised you that I would be your partner, I'll do it only if you become a pirate too" Adam explained.

"I'll never be a pirate," said Nami, still annoyed.

"Okay, okay, I know you hate pirates so you don't have to say it," Adam said as he stroked his head, when Nami realized this, her face turned red and she hit him on the head before starting to walk faster.

"ouch, that hurts," Adam complained as he rubbed his forehead and ran to catch up.

"As I was telling you, that guy in the hat told Zoro that if he take back his sword he would have to join him, then he started walking to the base of the navy ignoring Zoro words ..." Adam kept talking about what happened before, at the same time they both walked toward the ship making Nami tease him for being so dumb.


"Then I saw you leaving the navy base so I came to catch you," Adam said just as they both reached the dock.

"That guy in the hat seems to be very dumb," said Nami laughing.

"I know, but he's a good guy, he's also quite strong, after all he defeat Captain Morgan," Adam said as they boarded the ship.

"I suppose you're right, but It's a shame that he wants to become a pirate," Nami complained.

"Well, nobody in the world is perfect," Adam replied.

A few moments later, Adam had enlisted the ship and now they were heading to the sea.

"So, what is our next stop?" Adam asked.

"We are going to recover the grand line map from the hands of that buggy, so we headed to Orange Town, that's where his crew is " replied Nami with a determined face.

"keep calm Nami, I'm sure we'll make it, "said Sam, stroking her head, just like before, when Nami realized this, her face turned red and then hit Adam with his fist.

"You're a fool," she yelled as she walked away toward the kitchen.