
One & Only

Hiro is a 19-year-old college student. He and Robin have been dating since they were 16 years old in 2025. Prior to Robin going away to college, they had a happy relationship. During one of the holidays he takes part in every year, Hiro traveled to his parents' home. During his visit, he tried to figure out what had been happening between him and Robin. While they've been together for a long time, they've lost touch ever since Robin started college. Despite their efforts to improve their relationship, they face many challenges. In the end, will they be able to make everything ok again, or is it too late? (I'll try to post every 1st, 10th, and 22nd of the month, but there is no set schedule (Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I make, English isn't my first language)

Robin_man · Politique et sciences sociales
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26 Chs

Chapter 15

For some reason, I had this sinking feeling that Robin's roommates wouldn't like me. That would make a bad first impression. I also was scared that something bad would happen. Something like what happened with Omar.

There was a lot of traffic, so they got to the house in around 26 minutes. Hiro was sleeping the whole way, to stop himself from thinking about the bad things that could happen.

"Alright!" Robin turns to Hiro while in the car. "We're here. What do you think?"

"Think about what?" Hiro exclaimed jokingly. "The house, or having to meet everyone?"

"Hiroo, I meant the house, and you know that!"

"Haha! It's pretty. I really like the color of the house and the landscaping."

"Really, you do?! I did it myself! All of it was dying when I moved in. It was sad. Not gonna lie." Robin looked around, amused and proud of himself. "I felt bad about it, so I wanted to do something. It's not the best, but it's better than where it was before. Anyway, let's go meet everyone!"

I totally stiffened with that sentence. I don't wanna go meet everyone. There will be too many people, it'll be too much change at one time. I wanna go home! "Alright!" I feel like I'm going to cry if I keep this up. Please stop this.

"Are you sure?" Robin looked into His eyes. "You look a little stiff and like you're going to cry."

"Huh? Yeah, I'm good. You don't need to worry."

"Alright... if you say so." Robin seemed a bit skeptical, but kept going. "I'll hold your stuff for you"

"That'd be nice, thank you"

"No problem, my love." Robin smiles at Hiro.

Alright! Time to do this, I got this. If it gets too much, I'll just tell him. All I've got to do is walk. I don't have to talk if I don't want to.

I feel bad for Hiro

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