
One Night Stand With The Unforgettable Stranger

Since she could remember, Cassie Smith had been in love with Nathan Greg. When she left home to attend a university two states away, they transitioned from being best friends in school to friends with benefits. Their once-a-month weekends were the pinnacle of her life, when he would fly in to see her and she would have him all to herself for the whole, uninterrupted weekend. Then he announced his impending marriage to her. Cassie had to take action to restore order since her idealized world was in danger of collapsing. She wanted to be the woman Nathan married and had a happy life with because she needed him in her life. She thus devised a scheme to interrupt the wedding and kidnap the groom. She later met Brian. In order to make the groom envious and aid her in calling off the wedding, Brian Colleen, the reclusive aviation Billionaire, promised to pose as her lover. She began to doubt her allegiance to Nathan as a result of his stunning green eyes and the way he made her feel when he touched her. He's also Nathan's stepbrother, incidentally. She couldn't deny that she felt something for Brian, but what would it indicate for her relationship with Nathan going forward? Should she continue on her current path and work for the happily ever after she had always envisioned with Nathan, or take a risk on a new relationship with Brian? Please dear readers, I want to inform you all that this story is in series and I will be uploading all of them in the story, thank you all.

Jay Kings · Urbain
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40 Chs

Chapter 16

Yet Madame Hilda only grinned. "Come, let us see how the others are getting on."

After gathering her skirts, Cassie trailed behind Madam Hilda into the lounge area, where the other bridesmaids were waiting in identical dresses to her own. Ainsley seems ready for marriage.

"These are not the dresses that I ordered," she said sourly.

"No," in response to Madam Hilda, "but these are the dresses you're getting."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Ainsley remarked, "That's not how this works. "I'm the bride, I get to decide what my bridesmaids wear."

"That may be how it usually works," Madam Hilda remarked with a smile, "but when you walked into my shop and demanded I make dresses for you, you agreed to my stipulations."

Ainsley's mouth curled into a scowl, but Madam Hilda didn't seem to mind.

"You acknowledged having signed the contract," the elderly woman said. "Shall I have Annette read you the clause you agreed to?"

Annette didn't wait for Ainsley to respond before beginning to read. "Madam Hilda reserves the right to change the design of the dress as she sees fit in the event of, but not limited to, the client's bad taste, lack of foresight, or abominable fashion sense."

"You signed the contract and agreed to my terms."

Ainsley's adorable face contorted into the expression of a child about to have a complete tantrum.

"The dresses do look really nice," Bridesmaid One said in a comforting voice.

Adding, "They really do," was Bridesmaid Two. "Much better than Felicia's bridesmaids."

Ainsley pivoted to face her bridesmaids, scrutinizing each one closely.

"They do look better than the ones Felicia made her bridesmaids wear," she said thoughtfully.

"They'll look fantastic in the pictures," Bridesmaid Three continued. "Very refined and beautiful. If you were given a two-page feature in "Weekend Brides," I wouldn't be shocked."

Ainsley kept his scrutinizing eye around the four of them. "Hmmm."

Helpfully, Cassie added, "And my hair doesn't clash, so that's a bonus."

With a scathing glance, Ainsley turned back to Madam Hilda. "All right," she said, "I agree." Where's my dress now?"

Madam Hilda and Ainsley spent the next several hours in the suite together while Ainsley tried on her dress (which was precisely what she wanted, but a tad too extravagant for Cassie), and Madam Hilda made alterations. It was a bit confusing because Cassie had been a last-minute addition and no one had measured her for the dress in the first place, but hers was the only one that didn't need to be adjusted.

Following their satisfaction with the fit, Ainsley and Madam Hilda proceeded to select their footwear, accessories, and even undergarments. Everything came from Madam Hilda. Cassie was worn out by the time it was all over. She was just as fond of putting on new outfits and footwear as everyone else, but Ainsley had turned it into an Olympic competition.

At last, she was led back into the bedroom to change out of her gown. While Madam Hilda assisted her in doing so, she became aware of the other woman's gaze, as if debating whether or not to make a comment.

"What is it?" Terrified, Cassie enquired.

With a smile, Madam Hilda shrugged. "It's right under your nose, you know," she remarked in a mysterious manner.

"What is?" Cassie enquired.

"Anything you desire. It is waiting for you to notice it right there."

Feeling a little uneasy, Cassie remarked, "I don't understand."

She replied, "But he's not going to wait for you forever," and then she walked out of the room, leaving Cassie to consider her words.

Although the woman was unusual, Cassie found resonance in her words. Was Brian being discussed by the woman? Is he really all she was searching for? How could she know, though? How could she possibly understand the disarray and bewilderment inside Cassie's mind? Nathan had been her main want for the last five years. She had always seen herself next to Nathan in her dreams. That future appeared differently now. She wasn't ready to have only a portion of Nathan, but she still loved him. She wasn't sure she wanted him at all if she couldn't have him entirely.

What about Brian, too? She was so confused by the man's aggressive entrance into her life that she was unsure of which way was up. He also caused her body to sing. Although she had enjoyed her sex with Nathan, it was nothing compared to the night she had spent with Brian. She had dismissed it as something fresh and odd at the time, but now she began to wonder if there was more to it. Her body reacts instinctively and carnally to him being in the same airspace as her. While her head and emotions were at odds with Nathan, her body was craving Brian.

Though she was aware that what Nathan offered would regress women by centuries, and she was disgusted that she would even entertain the idea of being Nathan's mistress, her heart refused to let go of him. At least not without a struggle.

Cassie was therefore a jumble of confusion, her body desiring Brian, her head telling her Nathan had to pick, and her heart telling her it had always been Nathan and would always be Nathan.

As they bid farewell to Madam Hilda and made their way into the hallway, she was in a trance. Since her room was only a few floors below, Cassie begged to skip the early afternoon drinks that the other women had planned and claimed she would simply go to her room for a night of sleep. When Brian came out, the other lady waived her off and went into the elevator, making her knees go numb at his sight.

"Cassie, were you looking for me?" he said in a worried tone.

She bit her lip and shook her head. She pointed to the other door and replied, "No, ah, I mean, we were just in there for the dress fitting."

He stopped in front of her and fidgeted with his hands, saying, "Oh."

She turned to face him and remarked, "You're back early." "You can't possibly be done with eighteen holes already."

He smiled. "No, but I've had enough of this asshole," he said.

She shook her head, grinning.

He said, "Do you want to come in for a drink?"

She glanced at the floor before glancing up at him because she wanted to but wasn't sure if she should. He had shown her such coldness this morning, but he had shown her tenderness over breakfast. She was genuinely unsure of how to react to him now that he was being pleasant.

He took a step toward her, tucking a curl behind her ear. "I swear not to bite," he muttered. "Not unless I ask to," I said.

After looking into his eyes, she made the decision that she wanted to spend some more time with him, free from interruptions, demands, and the desire to act more than they actually were. She was eager to learn more about him, to hear his tale, and to understand what had shaped Brian into the man he was.

Well, she replied.

Grinning, he took out the keycard to open the door. Cassie trailed behind him inside the suite, gazing around the luxurious decor. With the exception of Brian's view being in the opposite direction, it was every bit as luxurious as Madam Hilda's apartment. While Brian's windows faced south, Madam Hilda's faced north, yet both were exquisite.

Brian took a seat at the kitchen table. He enquired, "What can I get you?" "I have a great assortment of my favorite minibars."

She stated, "To be honest, I could really go for a beer."

Her stomach turned over as he arched his eyebrow in the way he had. He answered, "I don't think I've ever seen you drink beer." In fact, I would have bet a sizable amount of money that you didn't consume the substance.

She laughed. "Irish, you hardly know me," she remarked. "We've never even gone on a date."

"A mistake I aim to fix. However, I currently have Hahn Light or Corona.

She slumped onto the couch and gazed out over the water, replying, "Corona."

A minute later, he sat down next to her, not quite touching but yet near. Before taking a taste of his beer, he placed his bare feet up on the coffee table in front of them and offered her the Corona.

She told him, "The only thing I miss about living in Melbourne is this."

"Oh?" he asked, nodding thereafter. You did indeed grow up here.

Yes, she answered. "I miss the view, but I don't miss the small-town atmosphere or the humidity."

He questioned, "No plans to move back here then?"

with a shrug. "I thought about it, but coming back here makes me realize why I left."

Brian remarked, "I wouldn't want to do business here, but it's a beautiful place to visit."

She turned to face him and inquired, "Where did you grow up?" He looked directly ahead, into the late afternoon sunlight coming in through the window.

"Carly," he answered. "There, I still reside."

Oh, she enquired. "In the same residence?"

With a nod. "My mother bought it for me when she realized she wanted a change of scenery. Although it's an ancient house, I've given it a lot of substantial remodeling.

She questioned, "So why the hotel room in the city?"

He turned to face her and said, "They were working on the bathrooms and the water was turned off." Since I would only be in the city for a few nights, I reasoned that booking a hotel room would be simple enough. In addition, I know the owner, and he consistently offers me a fair price.

"You know who owns The Mayfield?" she questioned, looking shocked. She shook her head, and he nodded. She said, "Of course you do—you're a freaking billionaire."

He laughed loudly. Since college, I've known Declan. I enjoy his hotels, and we're great friends. I'm delighted I spent that night there.

He looked at her, his eyes growing hot.

She gave him a quick blink, radiating warmth and a subtle buzzing sensation.

"Yes, me too," she said.

Just a little, he leaned in her direction before appearing to catch himself. He sat back, turned his back on her, and swigged from his bottle while gritting his teeth and tensing up his jaw.

Not quite sure what was going on with him, she cleared her throat. alongside them.

"So, how often do you travel?" She enquired. "I am aware that you have a Canberra office."

He gave a strong nod. I do divide my time between the two offices, yes. I go with Madeline and a few other important staff members. I think it's more effective if we go together.

She remarked, "I don't think I could live there, but Canberra is pretty."

"No," he said. "It's more of a place to sleep than an apartment." Even though I don't spend much time there, my Carlton home is home.

"Are you a pilot then?" She inquired, eager to learn more about him and to ask the things that had been bothering her. "Is that how you became involved in the aviation industry?"

"It was my dad," he added. "He flew charters and founded the firm with a single aircraft. When I was old enough, I obtained my pilot's license, and I flew with him, but I wasn't as passionate about it as he was. My interest was in the commercial aspect of it. I began implementing modifications to the company, and before we knew it, we had many aircraft, pilots, and enough revenue to retire Dad from flying.

"Are you still flying?" she inquired.

With a melancholy smile, he replied, "On occasion, mostly to keep my certification current, but also as a way to stay close to my dad."

Her hand snaked out to coil around his as it rested on the couch between them, asking quietly, "What happened to him?"

"Cancer," he answered. He attempted to quit smoking but was unable to break the habit. My mother found it difficult to witness him die in that manner. He placed his hand over hers palm-to-palm and threaded his fingers through hers, giving her a little squeeze.

"When was that?" she inquired.

"Five years," he said back. Eighteen months later, Mum relocated to the Sunny Coast, where she met Patrick within the first six months. They have been together for over three years.

With her other hand making a pattern on the back of his hand, Cassie said, "She seems happy."

He grinned. It's her. Despite all of his flaws, Patrick loves my mum and looks after her. He turned his body so that it was slanted in her direction. "How about you?" he inquired. "How did you come to be employed and reside in Melbourne?"

She let out a sigh. Yes, this is where I grew up. In actuality, my parents still reside here. I kind of detested my typical upbringing and middle-class background. She grinned. "I desired more." I applied to colleges in every big city as soon as I finished high school since I adored the city. I packed up my life and left the Sunny Coast behind in my dust once I was finally admitted to Monash. Since then, I haven't turned around.

He questioned, "You don't miss your family?"

"I have fairly regular communication with my sister," she answered, "but I have a somewhat tense relationship with my parents."

He surmised, "They didn't like you moving to Melbourne?"

Cassie gave a headshake. They failed to comprehend my need to depart. If it makes any sense, my parents are really uninteresting. Instead of upsetting the existing quo, they prefer to maintain it. These are the parents who discourage their children from setting unrealistic goals or expectations in case they don't succeed.

"Whoa," he said, tossing his head. "I believe that if my parents hadn't supported me and given me chances to grow up," I would have gone nuts.

Yes, it explains why I had to go. Feeling the old rage again, she continued, "I don't even get points for making a success of my life either." "It seems as though they are simply waiting for the other shoe to drop and for everything in my world to come crashing down so they can tell me I told you so."

Raising his hand to her hair, he plucked a tendril and let it slither between his fingers.

"I'm relieved they didn't break your spirit, Blue," he remarked in a quiet, low voice. "It would have been very unfortunate if you had lost that spark in your eye."

How could she respond to that, God? Even though they were still getting to know one another, Brian had a thing for her. More than anybody else, he understood her. She wanted something as she looked up at him. She could picture herself falling into Nathan's overpowering presence if it weren't for their palpable connection.

Abruptly, he sprang up, and the instant vanished.

He enquired, "Should we order room service?"