
One Kiss Less

Imagine a world composed of mainly werewolves. Not hiding in caves or packs that are invisible to the human race. Now, imagine their future. The picture is owned by MKA photography. Important: this is not a bl story

rotten_cabbages · Romance
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2 Chs

on full exposure

Maverick put on his uniform. To be honest, it was just a full body leotard with a belt and bage attached to it. So his body is on full exposure for twenty-four hours a day. Not that he minded. He had nothing to hide. (Nothing to show either)

The synthetic fiber of the uniform is arranged into cells. These cells are designed to adjust to the wearer's skin type. They protect against radiation and kept the skin feeling fresh and one hundred percent free of any germs. So that when found in a situation without water, one can last for weeks on end without having to take a shower. (A/N; I know this is a dream to some people)

It covers his entire body except for his face. On the side of it is an orange strip that shows the section he is from. The utility belt carries small quantities of emergency supplies. On his badge is his name, age and number.

He followed his roommates out of the dormitory in a straight line. They joined a longer line in the hall. At both ends of the hall were large metallic doors with serious locks on them. As long as everyone was inside, these doors were kept tightly locked. No one could get in or out.

If one wanted to leave without proper authorization, they had to crack a series of complex locks. By the time they even touched it, security would have already up apprehended them. What would follow was restricted access, psychological sessions. No one wanted to be bothered with that. In case of an emergency, only one door would open.

Unlike normal noisy circumstances, there was pin drop silence in the hallway.

"Good Morning," the warden stepped forward. He stood at the commonly used door. On both sides of him were two fully equipped bionic guards. Their small number didn't fool anyone, those two could pack some mighty wallop.

He continued without waiting for a response, "As you all know, we have a selection coming soon. You all know the drill- stand at your stations and if you feel something press the distress button on your right hand. Moon pearl pack was the last to sign up to our base. As of now can we only have a few only have towers coming-"

"Arghh!" groans erupted from nearly everyone.

"SILENCE!" The warden ordered. The hall quietened immediately. He continued, "High rankers will be the top priority. Low rankers will have to wait a while and may or may not get a chance. Stand at your stations. And I repeat this with utmost urgency, do not hesitate to attack when threatened. Deflecting attacks is a wrong move. Press the distress signal as many times as you can. Be on guard at all times. The selection from the towers will be in three days time. That's all."

He concluded then announced loudly, "Prepare for exit!"

The two guards stepped aside and the warden placed his eyes next to the retina scanner. Once it turned green, the series of locks started to move and the door slowly opened.

The warden held out his hand scanner and the first person stepped forward. Since the first person kept her hair long, it was tied up in a tight neat bun. She bent her neck so that a small silver metallic plate with a code was exposed. The warden then put the scanner over it. An affirmation ding sounded. She walked out after that.

Maverick got out a small disinfecting swab and cleaned the plate at the back of his neck. The warden scanned his code and he walked out into another hallway. Like before, there were only two guards at the next door, although that door was less complicated.

They went out that door, up a series of stairs and out into the sun. They then rearranged themselves according to their sections.

Maverick was in the orange section with mostly youngsters. He had managed to graduate to darker shades of his grade but he was still a far cry from the legendary black and blue sections.

Combat training was the first order of the day. Combat only contributed little to their general scores but it was still required of everyone of them, especially the weaker ones.

Maverick's teacher was a massive man whom he really hated. If he wasn't screaming, "Maverick pick up the pace!" He was screaming something else like, "Maverick you're the oldest in the class, why are you still falling behind?" When clearly Maverick was doing a good job.

His combat skills were above average. He had never liked fighting at close range but he still wasn't bad at it. What he hated was his teacher's complaints. All he could do was grumble and continue doing what he was doing. Besides, the older man would never stop calling out Maverick's name.

After combat, it was off to the mess hall for breakfast which consisted mostly of manufactured protein. After that it was back to training, using small hand weapons.