
One Kiss Less

Imagine a world composed of mainly werewolves. Not hiding in caves or packs that are invisible to the human race. Now, imagine their future. The picture is owned by MKA photography. Important: this is not a bl story

rotten_cabbages · Romance
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2 Chs

desperation’s call

Maverick pressed his swollen eye lids together. His eyes were so red that they almost dripped blood.

Maverick was never envious of transmigrators. He was perfectly happy in a world where he didn't have to apply any martial art or mind breaking literary skills. A plain, simple world were the most important thing was being able to afford something comfortable.

But who knew? Before he could even argue, he was whisked away to another dimension.

Which god did I anger? Which god did this brother slight?

He really wanted to know.

He squeezed his eyes some more. He had just stopped crying but if he thought about his situation some more, rivers would flow out of his eyes.

"Maverick! Don't cry anymore. You'll also get a chance," Rachel said to him.

Maverick gave her a pale smile and shook his head. In a lifeless voice, he said, "I'm just so happy for you."

Maverick; Let a man cry when he is crying.

Rachel's sympathetic eyes turned to touched. "Awww! Maverick," she reached out to pat his back.

Before she could even touch him, a short menacing growl came from behind her. Rachel immediately stood up straight like she had just touched burning iron.

Maverick felt his eyes burn at the sight of the man behind Rachel. The man even wrapped a hand around Rachel's waist and pulled her close to him. He proceeded to glare at Maverick. The famous oppressive character of some sort of male god.

That kind of innate possessiveness, he also wanted it. But he could only scratch his claw like a kitten craving for cream behind a glass wall.

Maverick; Master, this brother isn't planning on stealing your woman. wuwuwu

He really wasn't planning on stealing the woman. He would have been caught trying to steal the man a dozen times before he even touched the woman.

But the thing was that he didn't have that sexy, charismatic appeal that seemed to attract men from east, west and south. He wasn't famed for innocence, or uniqueness. Maverick Dover was just an ordinary man.

And he felt that it was his curse. Maybe if he stood out a little in this way or that, it wouldn't be that hard to attract someone- anyone. He was at the end of his wits. He was so desperate that he was willing to accept even the leg of a person instead of the whole body.

The man tagged on Rachel to tell her that they needed to go. Rachel gave Maverick an apologetic smile and waved lightly towards him. Her belongings had long been taken out. The spot next to Maverick's bed was left empty.

With a wobble in his lower lip and a low spirit, Maverick raised his hand and waved bye to Rachel. For some odd reason, as he watched her walk off, he felt as though he was saying bye to lol his dreams and hopes.

Just as the two faded into the light of the door way, he saw his future turn from ash gray to black. He turned around and slammed his head into his pillow and wailed some more.

The people around simply ignored. They used to be as concerned as Rachel but after getting used to his constant crying, they could care less. He would always be seen with swollen eyes and a constant gloomy aura hugging over him. No one wanted to get involved in that.

Since no one tried to stop him, Maverick indulged himself.

For over eight years, he had played the role of 'always the bridesmaid but never the bride' so well. In fact, he deserved an award. All the people around him had found their significant others and he was still the old bachelor.

Finally everyone he had come with to the base had left. Those he found there were long gone. Yet, he was still as single as the newcomers. He had this annoying intuition that even in his past life, he was a single old goat. It made him wail even more.

He didn't have a clear memory of his past life. It was like something from a dream. He didn't know his name, where he lived or how he knew that he wasn't originally from his current world.

All he knew was that one day he woke up as Maverick. He fully understood the world he had inhabited. He didn't feel out of place. Instead, he felt he had too much information on a place (wherever he came from) whose existence was as questionable as Heaven.

He didn't feel any special attachment to that place. If he did have any then it was unfortunate because he would focus only on the world he had and how to make that life better.