
Chapter 06: FEB 14 2010

it was the day of roses, Valentine's Day. I went to meet her. You know, SAM. The one and only, my beloved. I loved her so much but I felt something was wrong. I just knew it. I wanted to surprise her. I just got 100 odd candles and arranged it on the 1st floor of my house, in a small room which had lot of shelves. The candles were everywhere. And I had chosen a song called, expressions by Helen Jane so that it would be romantic. And then she came, her face was glowing more than it usually did, fair than usual she had become thin, since she was going to gym. I said "I am not going to compare you with the moon because moon has scars etc is an old line, in one line if I have to describe you I would say you are the most beautiful girl in this planet, in one WORD if I had to say it would be "PURE"". She smiled at me. She said "thanks a lot, this is the best thing anyone has ever done for me, you are the best." saying this she held my hand and gave me a silver chain. It was so good and I hugged her and looked into her eyes. but I saw that she was not happy.

So I asked her

Me: You still like him dont you.

Her: please its valentine's day and after this beautiful thing why are you at it again?

Me: if you thought it was beautiful then you wouldn't be so dull. If you don't like me just say so.

Her: oh come on, you know I loved it please don't be angry. That anger doesn't go well with your face.

me: okay m sorry too. By the way I have got us tickets for tomorrow. Morning movie then afternoon rain tree then at night a really nice play.

Her: m sorry ad I can't make it. I have to go to vishal's house remember? I told you his cousin is getting married. I got to go to Trivandrum.

me: Go day after tomorrow Na, please stay for tomorrow I made all the arrangements.

Her: sorry da cant. I skipped today cos I know I have the best guy in the world.

Me: please please tomorrow please.

Her: sorry da pleaase understand.

Me: so you like vishal more than me? Fine!!

Her: oh come on you know that's not true

me: then stay and prove it

her: stop it, now

me: why should I? You don't like me anymore.

AFTER A WHILE OF SIMILAR FIGHTS her: That's it I cannot take any more of your ignorance. This is no longer a relationship. It's always about you and you just seem to be interested about yourself. It's as if you never wanted me here. And it's me who is always pushing things and taking initiatives to keep this relationship healthy. That's it, I quit, FOR GOOD!

Me: Fine I am not dying for you, one day you ll die for me and then you ll know.