

What lurks in darkness behind the vail. The void that hold nothing. Words have no meaning.

Today is like any other day. Except something feels off..

You feel like something is missing. A hole in your heart that has never been there before, yet always has been.

Today is your birthday. How old are you? you don't remember and you don't care. Why would you. Time doesn't matter. You don't matter. Nothing matters.

Life for you is the same every day. You get up out of bed and get ready. Then you try your best to remember what happened yesterday and always fail. Then almost like clock work you walk to the bathroom and brush your teeth and proceed in an almost preordained routine.

You know it is the same because you see the calendar mark another day off. You feel like everything has happened already, because it already has.

Do you fear the lack of meaning to your life as you make breakfast of 2 eggs, 1 biscuit, and a single donut.

No. This is because you know that your life will never end. It never started to begin with.

You hold your breath to listen to what is not their.

* silence*

You hear and feel nothing as time stops. Your heart beats not. Your lungs hold nothing as your reality slips away..

You finish your breakfast and wash the pan along with your plate.

You go sit at your desk and stare at the paper you have been writing on for who know how long. you surely don't.

It reads, "Life with live on beyond death.".

This means nothing to you and it never will as you add a sentence.

"Endless meaning means nothing more."

This means everything to you, but you don't know why.

You stand back up as the first line on the page fades away and is replaced with the new one.

You go lay down on the couch to laugh at your own life because you are the joke today.

And yesterday and the day before!

You feel like a madman because you are one.

You go to end your life once more.

You stop holding your breath.

This is my first published story on here. One Empty day will most likely be over here unless people want to hear more of nothing.

Good Bye.

Colt_Mirrocreators' thoughts