
One day You will be mine

Ammie_gladiolus · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

You pervert

"Grandpa, you know I can't do it, you know I haven't done it in my whole life" Sumit mumbled, he was scratching his head, he didn't know what else he could say.

"Oh! I remembered I have something to do urgently. I get to go now," After saying this Sumit rushed towards the door. 'What will have happened if I had stayed here for one more moment ' he hmphed and didn't look back and ran off out of the room.

Veer was smiling at Mr Bhatia, they shared a look but didn't say a word and looked at the retreating figure of Sumit.

The next day, Mr Bhatia announced in the conference hall, that, he will leave his position in the company to Veer. After hearing this, everyone in the meeting hall was astonished. Murmurs started in the room.

"It seems, there are some people who don't agree with my decision. Can I ask? is there anyone in your eyes who can be the right candidate for this position?" Mr Bhatia asked authoritatively.

Everyone started looking at each other, they weren't sure if they can say the name. They knew Veer is a very competitive man, however, he isn't as mature as the man in their mind and even though they ignore this fact, Veer wasn't the person they can trust truly. He was exceptionally introverted, he never tried to initiate any conversation with anyone in the company. In the company, he solely converses with Mr Bhatia, there is no way for anyone else to trust him but they can't say that out loud.

They all glanced at Mr Mehta to see if he can say something and resolve this issue for them. Mr Mehta can feel the eyes on him, he wanted to say, what everybody else wanted. ' What can I do? should I say what is in my mind' Mr Mehta was thinking. However, he was under Mr Bhatia's piercing gaze, he knew if he said anything that can provoke Mr Bhatia he will be doomed. Mr Mehta was one of the trusted people for Mr Bhatia, he was the general manager of the company and always did his job with the utmost respect.

He never doubted Mr Bhatia's judgment about people, still, he can't agree with him about Veer. Though, he knew who is in other people's minds so he couldn't agree with them too. Because they were on Mr Verma's side and he knew Mr Verma is an avaricious man and he can't keep the company as well as Mr Bhatia.

He was in turmoil, and after taking some time to think it through, he decided not to say a word and go with Mr Bhatia's decision.

Whilst Mr Mehta was contemplating all this, there was another person who was pondering on this too. He has been thinking to say something, ' he can't lose his position to a kid'. He made up his mind and cleared his throat.

" Sorry to interject Mr Bhatia, but I think I should bring your attention to something. As you can see, there are more experienced people than Mr Veer, so why...,"

"Oh really?" Mr Bhatia cut in mid-sentence, he continued "If there are, can you suggest any particular name, Mr Verma?

Mr Bhatia was dumbstruck for a while, he has never seen Mr Bhatia so aggressive, He was gentle and kind to everyone.

"I... I... I mean, we can use voting to get the opinion of everyone, who are present here. Because they can't refute you on your face, so, maybe it'll be easy for them to write their point of view on paper," Mr Verma was so anxious that he stammered and can't even tell what he was trying to say, properly.

"So, you are trying to say that nobody is happy with my decision?" Mr Bhatia grimaced at the thought.

" No, no Mr Bhatia I didn't mean that," he said anxiously. He doesn't want to come into Mr Bhatia's bad books.

" If nobody has any kind of disagreement with me, then it's settled. We should move to the procedure now. It won't do any good to the company if we delay it," everyone nodded their head in agreement.

Mr Bhatia winked at Veer and Veer grinned. They have won the battle. After completing all the formalities in two hours, one by one everyone shook Veer's hand and congratulated him.

After a while, there were only two of them. Veer was beside Mr Bhatia, they were looking out of the window.

"Never make me regret it," Mr Bhatia said.

"I won't," Veer replied. He knew what Mr Bhatia wants from him.

"Very well," Mr Bhatia patted his shoulder and left without saying another word.

Veer stood alone in front of the wide window, from where he can see an old street. He went down memory lane, it wasn't a long time ago when he was roaming these streets and now he is standing in a building, becoming the CEO of a company.

Now is the time to find them and make them regret what they have done to him. He was pondering on all this when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Veer said.

A lean figure man with a pale face came in, it seems like he is afraid of Veer. "Sir, the team is waiting for you and also we are interviewing for the position of your secretary, would you like to come and see?" the employee asked Veer politely.

Veer pondered on the question for a moment, then replied, "It's okay, you can go on with the interview by yourself. I'll come in a bit to meet the team."

The employee bowed slightly and left the room. After a while, Veer was going to the restroom. The floor was wet because of the mopping, he slipped on it and knocked on a girl down, who was entering

the lady's restroom.

The girl was astonished for a while, it looked like Veer was pinning her down forcefully. Veer realised he should get up first. However, when he was trying to pull himself from the girl, his chain got stuck in her shirt's button. He forcefully tried to yank his chain out and as a result, her cleavage was visible now and a half-moon-shaped pendant came out too. Veer caught a glimpse of the pendant so, he tried to look closely, however, the girl thought he was staring at her cleavage, she slapped him on the face, " You... you... you pervert," She was so flustered, that she wasn't able to say another word.

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